Hi everyone! I've been asked by some people in my parish if I could find some more traditional setting of sung Divine Mercy Chaplet. I've found sheet music for a setting that I really like on this forum, but it is written in neumes. I would love if we could learn to read neumes, but currently this is not an option. Does anyone have this setting written in modern notation? I would be eternally grateful! Thanks in advance.
I thought it might be a fun project to convert this, so here it is. I kept the line-by-line musical contents exact, so you can compare the neums to modern notation and see how they correspond.
I tried to be very precise with the transcription, but if anyone sees any errata, please let me know and I'll make corrections as needed.
Hmm — judging from those posts, it looks like Aldrich put together the book himself. I wonder what the previous 86 pages contained, and whether anything follows the Chaplet (indicated as Appendix IV).
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