Divine Mercy Chaplet in modern notation
  • mrako_
    Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I've been asked by some people in my parish if I could find some more traditional setting of sung Divine Mercy Chaplet. I've found sheet music for a setting that I really like on this forum, but it is written in neumes. I would love if we could learn to read neumes, but currently this is not an option. Does anyone have this setting written in modern notation? I would be eternally grateful! Thanks in advance.

    PDF of Divine Mercy Chaplet sung in Gregorian chant
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    I thought it might be a fun project to convert this, so here it is. I kept the line-by-line musical contents exact, so you can compare the neums to modern notation and see how they correspond.

    I tried to be very precise with the transcription, but if anyone sees any errata, please let me know and I'll make corrections as needed.

    PDF of Divine Mercy Chaplet in Gregorian chant with Modern notation
    Thanked by 2mrako_ CHGiffen
  • mrako_
    Posts: 2
    Wow! Thank you very much!
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    I'm curious — what book did this originally come out of?
  • igneusigneus
    Posts: 400
    More like what book had @aldrich this composition of his included in.
    Thanked by 1CGM
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    Hmm — judging from those posts, it looks like Aldrich put together the book himself. I wonder what the previous 86 pages contained, and whether anything follows the Chaplet (indicated as Appendix IV).