Gregorio Web App with GUI - "Illuminare Score Editor"
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    It worked for me. Puzzling that it didn't work for Vilyanor.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    I exported to PDF and tried again in chrome, copying and pasting exactly what Chonak posted, but to no avail. Are you guys working on PC's? I'm on a Mac, but it that seems a very strange Mac-centric problem.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Can you please:
    1. Copy and paste the ENTIRE, EXACT input you are running.
    2. Attach the actual output you are getting back.
    Thanked by 1Vilyanor
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    (My GABC Te Deum was here before. It's an eyesore when scrolling down the page, so I took it down.)
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    It looks as if you didn't enclose ae' in <sp>...</sp>, viz.


    so that you should have typed


    in the word quaesumus.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    Gah. I copied out the wrong one. One moment.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    It seems to remove my " < s p > " and just make it show ae' when I post. How do you do the little highlighted things?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    Oh! You can enclose things in < c o d e > ... < / c o d e > (without the spaces) to get exactly what you typed (in yellow).
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    As far as I can tell, my earlier comment should have been altered to the code, showing my precise input.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    The apostophe in your input data is a right-slanted apostrophe, the kind used in word processors. Instead you need to use a data-processing apostophe, which is vertical.

    If you edit your Gregorio input file in a plain-text editor such as Notepad (on PCs) or TextEdit (on Macs), then you should get the correct apostrophe. Word processors like to do automatic substitutions, replacing the vertical apostrophe typed on your keyboard with either a left- or right-inclined apostrophe. This is a Bad Thing for data files.

    [PS: This is my 5,000th comment on the forum.]
    Thanked by 1Vilyanor
  • Thanks to Adam, we can now easily point the readings for our OF Missa Cantata. It is a huge time-saver.
  • ^^ It would be *hugely* awesome if we were to start a wiki or something where you could upload pointed sung readings …
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Not a wiki. A git repo.
    And we have a github account, that isn't getting much use.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    Brilliant, Chonak, thank you. Also, brilliant beard, and congrats on your 5000th post!

    Felipe and Adam, is that not something along the lines of what Gregobase is for, or are they just for official chants included in the Solesmes repertoire?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Gregobase seems to be just for official chants from official books - transcriptions.
  • There's no plan for limiting Gregobase in any way... as long as it's public domain...

    I could add a "Readings" category if anyone is interested in adding any...
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Let's centralize things and put it there if people are interested.
  • CGM
    Posts: 708
    Wondering if anyone can help with this: I'm running the Illuminare website Gregorio editor, and I keep getting this error when I try to export to PDF:

    {"error":"error: unrecognized character: \"(\""}

    As far as I can tell, I have no backslashes in the gabc code, so I'm not sure what's going wrong. Reax?
  • The unrecognized character is not the backslash, it's the left parenthesis in (c.(bxdab)
    Thanked by 1CGM
  • CGM
    Posts: 708
    That was fast. And you have an eagle's eye. Thank you!
  • CGM
    Posts: 708
    Here's another question:

    [answered my own question]
  • It's because gregorio expects a space after the last neume of a word (i.e. before the barline).

    By the way, there's no need for all these parentheses. Here would be my suggestion:
    (c4)FE(c)lí(cd/bxcb)cem(c.) di(d)em(c) na(cf)tá(ffe)lem(df) ti(f)bi:(e.) (,)
    Fe(c)lí(cd/bxcab)cem(cd) di(f)em(f_e) na(de)tá(f)lem(fg) ti(g)bi:(f.) (;)
    Fe(c)lí(cdfede)cem(d_c_) di(de)em(fh) na(j)tá(j.)lem,(h.) ca(gf)rus(ixfi./hg) Io(fgf)án(e.)nes:(d.) (,)
    Fe(def)lí(gh)cem(ixi.h) di(gf)em(ixi.h) na(ixghi)tá(ih)lem(hg/f.) ti(fgg)bi.(fgg./de/fedc./bxdab c.,d.efwghggf..) (::)

    And if you don't like the ligatures, you could play with the spacing characters:
    Thanked by 1CGM
  • CGM
    Posts: 708
    Olivier - Thanks again! Your version does look better. Glad to know you can stuff so much stuff between the parentheses. I'll practice some more and presumably be back with more questions. Best wishes, and Merry Christmas!
  • Hello,

    Is this still the proper thread for reporting bugs in the online Gregorio web app?

    (… which is WONDERFUL, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!)

    I’ve noticed that the accented ae ligature character (ǽ) doesn’t render correctly in the PHP-rendered output, even though the JS handles it fine. Using rather than the literal UTF-8 character doesn’t make any difference.

    Any ideas?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Got a GABC sample?
  • Sure.

    user-notes: ;
    commentary: ;
    annotation: ;
    initial-style: 0;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    (c4) ǽ(f)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    A couple of years ago I set up
    on request from a user setting Czech or Slovak texts, to handle more of the Unicode character set, and it's able to display the ae' character. On the other hand, the version of Gregorio there has a problem lining up notes with vowels correctly, so it's not perfect. Also, the old version of the script still has the goofy arithmetic problem I used to have in place as an anti-robots measure.

    Of course over at Illuminare, Ben Bloomfield may see this and provide a solution on that site.
  • It seems that a few of the fonts work with the ǽ character: at least Garamond Premier Pro, Georgia, and Crimson, so maybe you could just use one of those fonts? I don't really have time to look further into this right now.
  • VilyanorVilyanor
    Posts: 388
    I think the problem is that the Sorts Mill Goudy font–and maybe others–don't contain an accented ash "ǽ" character. In word and other places, the processor can make do and place an accent over the character, but Illuminare doesn't have this capability. Likewise with bold characters. Sorts Mills Goudy doesn't have a bold set of characters, so it doesn't show up in Illuminare, though Word can make it bold by modifying the characters.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • Are there any plans to make this a downloadable app? It would be most helpful for me to be able to do this sort of type-setting when I do not have an internet connection available.
    Thanked by 1Priestboi
  • In order to do the typesetting offline, you would have to install Gregorio locally. It doesn't seem to me to be within the scope of my original project, though. Maybe someone who works on Gregorio could do something with this.
  • I have found that I can use portions of the Chrome app version offline. In the transcription tool I can write the code, see the notes displayed, and even hear the tones for the notes offline. The psalm tone, readings, and proper tools also seem to work offline, to the extent that you can see, edit and hear the notes. Exporting to a pdf only works when online.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • How hard would it be to have it offer SVG download? EPS doesn’t import very well into LibreOffice… doesn’t have SVG, either. :( I end up converting to PNG before pasting into LibreOffice, which is kind of cumbersome.

    It’s still awesome to have this app, though!! :) :)
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    I too have found the Chrome app to work offline, also if you keep the page open in Safari the tools continue to work.
    Exporting only works online, although screen grabs will work.
  • Hmmm, SVG export? I had thought about that before, and it shouldn't be terribly difficult, given that it's using an inline SVG to display the chant right now, but I think it would still be far from trivial, and I just don't have enough time right now.
  • I know that the Illuminare Score editor allows one to insert "\grecross" in the GABC code which then produces a maltese cross in the PDF output.

    Would it be possible for "\redlines" to work or is that a whole 'nother bucket of fish?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Try it.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    My older and less fancy Gregorio web site at
    does have an option to enable red staff lines.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I try it and get a long error message which includes the following
    Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `gretempcolor'.\n\nSee the xcolor package documentation for explanation.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    Post your gabc file, please.
  • Oh no! Where is the site gone? I am getting a "site not configured" error!
  • I saw this bumped thread, and decided to try out the Reading Tool. I knew about the psalm tone tool, but didn't realize the reading tones had been added.

    I wanted to generate a reading for vespers (OF). I pasted my text, selected Epistle tone, checked the English box and it worked fine.

    Then I thought I'd try the "Lesson" tone, which required deselecting the English box. It didn't work.

    Two questions:
    Is the "lesson tone" the tone used for vespers in the EF?

    Does it really only work with Latin text?
  • If you uncheck the English checkbox, it will syllabify the text as though it is Latin, so if you still have English text in the box, it will not work.

    The tones in the list when English is checked come from the ICEL here and the Latin tones come from the Liber Usualis.

    For vespers in the EF, the tone labeled "Chapter" is used.
    Perhaps I could allow the use of the tones from the Liber Usualis with English texts.
    Thanked by 2Earl_Grey CHGiffen
  • Thanks for the clarification. When then is the "Lesson" tone normally used? And does anyone know if there are specific guidelines for chanting the short readings in OF vespers? Using the ICEL tones designated for Mass readings works; I just wondered if there was any other practice.

    This is really a great tool. Thank you for all your time and effort!
  • The short reading in EF Vespers is the Chapter, so that tone applies.

    Incidentally, all should note that the OF Missal in Latin includes tones which differ from both the Liber and from the 2010 English Missal. In particular, there is a “solemn” tone for the Old Testament and Acts that correlates to what the English edition calls the “solemn” Gospel tone (but which the Latin just labels as tone C). It seems an odd omission given all of the hubbub about translation that led up to the 2010.
    Thanked by 2Earl_Grey CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,824
    I wonder if there's a way to add a page number to an uncropped pdf, other than importing it into Pages?
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    @Richard Mix Could you not add a text box with the page no., I know Apple Preview allows you to over write a pdf and save it. I use this feature to mark pupils work that has been sent electronically.
    Thanked by 1Richard Mix
  • I've just discovered Illuminare and have enjoyed playing with it... However, I can't get the play score function to work. I'm using chrome on a mac. Any suggestions?