name: Ave Regína caelórum;
user-notes: ;
commentary: ;
annotation: vi;
centering-scheme: latin;
%spacing: vichi;
%font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
%width: 4.5;
%height: 11;
(c4) A[Hail](f)ve(e) Re[Queen](d)gí(c)na(d) cae[of heaven](f)ló(g)rum,(f) (;) A[Hail](h)ve(j) Dó[Lady](ixi)mi(g)na(h) An[of the angels.](g)ge(f)ló(h)rum:(g) (;) Sal[Hail](f)ve(e) ra[root,](d)dix,(c) sal[hail](d)ve(f) por[gate](g)ta,(f) (;) Ex[from whom](h) qua(g//////////////) mun[unto the world](ixi/////)do(h/////////////////////////) lux[a Light](g//////////////) est[is](d) or[arisen.](g)ta:(f) (:) Gau[Rejoice](f)de(g) Vir[Vir-](h)go[gin](h) glo[glorious,](g)ri(h)ó(ixi)sa,(h) (;) Su[over](j)per(ixi) om[all](h)nes(g) spe[fairest.](f)ci(d)ó(g)sa:(f) (:) Va[Fare thee well,](ixi)le,(h//////////////) O(g) val[most](ixi)de(h) de[beauti-](g)có(f!gwh)ra,[ful,](h) (;) Et[and](j) pro[for](ixi) no[us](ixi!jk)bis(h.) Christ[to Christ](h)um(g) ex[pray.](f)ó(gg)ra.(f) (::)
initial-style: 1;
"initial-style The style of the initial letter. 0 means no initial letter, 1 a normal one, and 2 a large one, on two lines. Note that if you want to use the initial on two lines, you have to specify at least the two first line breaks."
name: Test score;
%spacing: vichi;
%font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
%width: 3;
%height: 3;
(c4) This(h) is(h) test(h)
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