On the lighter side
  • I don’t think I will ever hear that fugue again in the same way
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I had a teacher who told me words to the little fugue in g minor - my green socks have holes in the toes. I think of that every time I hear that fugue.
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,924
    I was in a studio class where we had a timid/quiet/retiring female colleague. Our professor was trying to get her to play with more intensity/energy and he tried to pin her on a strong emotion based on some thought. What was something that upset her, for instance? She whispered something to him, and then he told her to play the St. Anne fugue. When she got 2/3 of the way in and a counter melody comes in, in an effort to get her to really dig in, he starts boisterously singing "You rot-ten pig! O O O O You rot-ten pig!" We were all chuckling, as it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what she was supposed to be mad about. She did play with more verve, though. We all got a good laugh out of it (my colleague included) but now I cannot hear the St. Anne without thinking about that day.
  • Pyrophone. New instrument I never knew existed!

    That was fun!
    Thanked by 1Liam
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    There was a woman who went to her priest and asked "Father, my dog just died, can we have a Mass for my dog?"
    "Madame, you should know, we only have masses for people, not dogs"
    "But Father, I was going to give $25,000.00 to the church!
    "Well Madame, you didn't tell me your dog was Catholic!
  • . . . could probably cook eggs on this!

    I'll take mine with a coffee sonata, if you please.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • (True story)
    As an undergraduate I was invited to some recitals at the Conservatory which shared a campus. I had heard of various kinds of duets, but one particularly odd one (which I couldn't attend, in the end) was for "piano and prepared soprano", if I recall correctly. One of you Conservatory types can explain what "prepared" means in this case.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,135
    I am not a Conservatory type, but my running assumption would be she would be served with mignonette sauce.
  • Felicia
    Posts: 120
    A former pastor, who is now a bishop of another diocese, once told me of a wedding of which he was the celebrant. The couple had hired a local nightclub singer as the soloist. She came wearing an evening gown with a lot of glitter and bling, lots of makeup, big earrings, etc. When she sang "I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have called you, and you are mine" (by M. Joncas), she did so in nightclub manner, making eye contact with people in the congregation.

    Father (now Bishop) didn't say this, but I can't help but imagining that she sang it with a low-pitched, breathy, sultry voice.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Felicia,

    If I understand you correctly, this nightclub singer sang the song as it's intended to be sung.

  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    This is a true story.

    A very good friend of mine who was a priest told me this one.

    He had a newly married couple come to him one day as they were struggling with scruples. They proceeded to ask Father if it was OK to have sex before going to communion (scruples of the newly married we suppose). Without missing a beat Father told them, “Sure. Just don’t block the center aisle”
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,924

    As an aside, I understand it is customary to abstain before receiving (if even only the night before) in orthodox faiths. I believe this was primarily for married priests, but I believe the practice was adopted more broadly.
    Thanked by 2CharlesW francis
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,135
    back in the day, there were confessors in the Roman church whose guideline for marital continence was 3 days before AND 3 days after (Wednesday evening must have been fun times for the rare people who aspired to frequent communion).
  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    so where do we read about this ascetic practice? where is it documented? would be interesting to know!
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551
    Liam, Wednesday evening is fun indeed! It’s choir rehearsal night.
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,135
    Over the years, I've come across this in a variety of resources, but I don't maintain a reference library of them, let alone all in electronically accessible format.... That said, a quick Google search can provide things like this:

    https://isidore.co/misc/Physics papers and books/Zotero/storage/23YPBYRL/Slyke - 2016 - Abstinence from Conjugal Relations Before Receptio.pdf
    Thanked by 2francis a_f_hawkins
  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    tnx Liam... and now back to lightness?
  • A bishop was traveling via commercial airline and found himself with a talkative seat mate who started up a very adversarial conversation.
    It went on for the whole flight. When they deplaned, the man turned to the weary bishop and asked for his blessing.
    The bishop thought and then gave him the blessing for incense.
    Thanked by 2Liam CHGiffen
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,135
    "tnx Liam... and now back to lightness?"

    Maybe there's a cultural reason rooted in the mists of the distant past why Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day*:


    * Mama Martignetti to her new daughter-in-law: "Now, a word of advice: You make spaghetti on Wednesdays, it's an easy meal, so you have more time to please your husband after dinner; your children will be sleepier earlier. This is how we do things." Of course, for the longest time, Monday would have seen the simplest meals of the week because it was the major laundry day of the week and food was Sunday leftovers (if any), but no sane person would expect someone who spent the day doing laundry to be up for much of anything after so doing.
  • I remember a professor in college (a course on Witchcraft Through the Ages) claiming that Catholics were expected to abstain from the marital act on Feast Days.
  • MarkS
    Posts: 282
    "piano and prepared soprano", if I recall correctly

    Assuming this was actually for soprano and 'prepared piano'.
  • true story
    Two seminarians in their soutanes were out walking in Rome when they were approached by a couple of American ladies. "Oh Fathers," they cried, "give us your blessing please!" and they immediately knelt on the pavement.
    The two looked at each other, made the sign of the Cross over them, saying, "Nemo dat quod non habet", and smiled at the ladies' thanks.
  • No, Mark. Sadly, it wasn't.
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • MarkS
    Posts: 282

    That's a piece I would like to hear!
  • If I can find a time machine, and regress 35 years, I'll get you the name of the recital candidate and the piece performed.
  • OK, you could say it’s music related

    Neighborhoods around me have an online forum- this post appeared today:

    “Can’t believe someone broke into my garage and stole the limbo stick.
    Seriously, how low can you go.”
  • I am just blitzed from making up lists and schedules...... Just took a last look at the order of events for the choir, for the Christmas Day Mass, and a good thing I did

    "Angela We Have Heard on High" ?!
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,168
    So, you made a list and checked it twice?
  • One of you Conservatory types can explain what "prepared" means in this case.

    Chris, are you suggesting that most sopranos are not prepared?
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    Screen Shot 2022-12-10 at 6.35.57 PM.png
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  • Jeffrey,

    I'm not suggesting such a thing, although I knew a tenor who could sing every aria known to man but couldn't sing simple four-part hymnody.

  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    I knew a tenor who could sing every aria known to man but couldn't sing simple four-part hymnody.
    has a case of melodycholy... Mozart also suffered with that malady.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    more fun
    926 x 1334 - 173K
  • francis
    Posts: 10,879

    prepared organ

    Thanked by 1sdtalley3
  • someone who does facebook sent me this

    it's music related. seriously.
    from facebook.jpg
    960 x 780 - 123K
  • 'Twas a Sunday morning at the Sunday Meet'n House deep in the back woods.
    The sermon this day was all about sin.
    'There is too much sin going on here' screeched the reverend - 'too much gossip, adultery, jealousy, and thievery - and cussin. Those responsible must change their ways, for when the Lord comes there will be weeping, whaling, and gnashing of teeth over their punishments.'

    The service was over and a wrinkled old woman (I guess it could just as well be a wrinkled old man) hobbled up to the reverend and asked him with nervous trepidation, 'but reverend, what if ye ain't got no teeth'? And the reverend smoothly replied that 'teeth will be provided'.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,879
    the 'whaling' part is more interesting, actually...
    Thanked by 2tandrews CharlesW
  • The whaling will be mostly done by the Japanese?
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    And I am sure it will be Right Whales, of course.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • (Sing to "My Favorite Things":)

    Chocolate truffles and shakes made of shamrocks,
    Seasonal coffees sold only at Starbucks,
    Steak on a Wednesday and snacks that content:
    These are the foods that we give up for Lent;

    Snarky exchanges on Facebook and Twitter,
    Emails to colleagues that came out too bitter,
    Gossip and slander and calling to vent:
    This is the language we look at in Lent;

    Judging, begrudging, and acting like Gollum---
    Sins only sicken, whatever you call 'em;
    Time for the annual call to repent:
    This is the life that we lay down in Lent:

    Rend your hearts, and
    Not your garments,
    So the prophet said---
    So get to confession,
    Be shriven of sin,
    Before your own heaaaaaaart
    Is dead!

    Almsgiving, fasting, and praying for others,
    Thanking our fathers, obeying our mothers,
    Kindness to voters of opposite bent,
    This is the life that we take on in Lent;

    Walking in nature and reading Augustine,
    Silent reflection and civil discussion,
    Helping a neighbor who can't pay the rent:
    This is the life that God gives us in Lent;

    Caring for prisoners, widows, and orphans,
    Workouts at daybreak to boost the endorphins,
    Bearing with ev'rything Heaven has sent,
    This is the cross that we take up in Lent;

    Forty days our
    Savior fasted,
    Facing Satan's sway;
    The angels are with us,
    Let's start down the road
    To glorious Eeeeeeeeeeaaa-
    -Ster Daaaayyyyyyy!
  • Today our organist played The Bagpiper’s Carol
    - the first few notes are the same as “He Shall Feed His Flock”, from Handel’s “Messiah”

    When I got home I tried to bring thst up on Spotify but had a very difficult time if it

    My phone kept changing my spelling to “He Shall Feed His Glock”.
    Thanked by 2ServiamScores Carol
  • Felicia
    Posts: 120
    Thanks, Anna! That's hilarious!

    On the Lenten theme, a saint (Josemaria Escriva?) advises: Choose a form of penance that won't be a penance for others.

    Which I take to mean I shouldn't give up my morning coffee. :-)
  • Felicia- lol-

    And wasn’t it St Thomas Aquinas who wrote (my paraphrase) that in some cases, a woman’s wearing of makeup could be an act of charity