Colloquium music packet
  • jczarn
    Posts: 65
    Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but it looks like the Colloquium music packets just came online!
  • Fantastic!

    If anyone's interested, I'm collecting recordings of the music for the choir (Wilko's polyphonic) and schola (women's advanced) that I'll be singing in, in order to familiarize myself with it before we all get together and start making music. I'd be happy to share what I've found if anyone's curious.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,937
    Post away!
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be academic not acerbic.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,223
    The motet for the Offertory of Saturday's OF Votive Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Josquin Ave Maria ... Virgo Serena. Here is an MP3 recording by Zephyrus, conducted by Paul M. Walker (now an Adjunct Professor of organ in the M.S.M. program at Notre Dame), an early music specialist, organist, counter-tenor, harpsichordist, author of the award winning book Theories of Fugue from the Age of Josquin to the Age of Bach.

    This is taken from the last recording - Flemish Masters - that I made with Zephyrus before moving from Virginia to Wisconsin. I believe that my own edition of this motet (which is the one being used at Colloquium) is identical (in terms of musica ficta) with those used in this recording. The recording has been compressed at 48kbps, so it is nowhere near as good as the original recording.
    Josquin-Ave Maria a 4 (Zephyrus).mp3
  • I've found a lot of the music on Spotify, which is a really easy way to call up recordings and hear them. The Vierne Mass will be a real experience...I get chills up the spine after less than a measure of the Kyrie. Wish I could be there!

    Called up the first organ work in the packet (the prelude to the first Mass), and particularly enjoyed hearing our own parish organist, David Schrader, play it in his recording on Cedille Records. He's phenomenal. And the William Ferris Chorale from Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish here in Chicago has their Vierne recording on Spotify as well (along with Giancarlo Menotti conducting them in a Mass of his own).

    Superb Vierne Kyrie liturgically sung at Notre-Dame de Paris with Cardinal 23.
  • Thank you, gentlemen! CHGiffen, do you mind if I ask what part of WI you reside in? I'm living in the Fox Valley area.

    Like Scott, I've found a lot of the chant and polyphonic on Spotify, which is a handy bit of free music listening software (it's completely free and legal-- the music is given to the program by the musicians and revenue is generated by ads). I've made my playlists publicly available there, and you can search for them-- all of the relevant playlist titles include the phrase "CMAA Colloquium 2012."

    I believe that the new English mass setting that Wilko's polyphonic choir is doing on Tuesday is Chris Mueller's 2011 Missa pro editione tertia, which you can listen to here on the composer's website. I have mp3 of these if anyone would like me to e-mail them.

    All but three of the chants that will be sung by the advanced women's schola are available on Spotify, and I've compiled them into a playlist. The remaining three (Tu es petrus, Omnes gentes, and Sicut in holocausto) are available on YouTube from previous colloquia.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,223
    As pointed out elsewhere, recordings of the polyphonic works that will be sung at the Colloquium have graciously been made available through Matthew Curtis's Choral Tracks site. These recordings are available for balanced voices (as in a performance) and, for each part, in part enhanced, part on left, and part muted, as an aid to learning ones part.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,223
    epatriciam: I live in Hudson, WI - western most part of the state, just across the St. Croix river from the Twin Cities, MN. I used to live in Milwaukee years and years ago, and I got jmy undergraduate degree from UW-Madison before heading east to graduagte school.