Bea Psalter in «Communio» (2008) by Rice (ed.)?
  • Geremia
    Posts: 269
    Is the Bea Psalter used in Communio: Communion Antiphons with Psalms, edited by Richard Rice?
  • No, New Vulgate, which I think was an odd decision. Surely there are more EF Latin Masses than OF! Why not use the appropriate psalter for the traditional rite?
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,813
    We use this Many of our choir recite the Divine Office, so are used to the Vulgate, the neo-vulgate just sounds wrong.
    Thanked by 1Geremia
  • FSSPmusic
    Posts: 325
    Psalm 33 is always an option as well. I just completed all eight modes, fully notated. Nobody has proofread this, so let me know if you catch any errors. The link tomjaw posted in what I used as the basis. I will probably do the Magnificat verses next for feasts of Our Lady.
    Ps 33 in 8 Modes.pdf
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • The collection "Versus psalmorum et canticorum" is floating around here in a PDF version. It is specific to the vetus ordo of 1962, which the collection "Communio" is not. The particular parameters of that project as assigned to me made a choice of psalters necessary. Perhaps we might use the collections designed for our form of the Roman Rite, rather than gripe about the ones that don't suit our needs.
    Thanked by 2Elmar StimsonInRehab
  • Reading what I wrote above, I can see how it came across as a gripe. My experience with Versus psalmorum et canticorum is that many cantors struggle with that style of notation, whereas yours is much easier to read at sight, but many are reluctant to incorporate the new psalter into the old liturgy, with good reason I think. VP&C needs an update. My compliments on the beautiful work you do!
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,937
    When the Communio book was issued, TLMs were not very common, Summorum Pontificum had not been issued, and CMAA wanted to help choirs to sing the antiphons at Masses in the modern Roman rite. Since the modern liturgical books use the Nova Vulgata, it was only appropriate to do so in Communio. I imagine it even avoided a stumbling-block for some skittish pastors or musicians who didn't want to get complaints that they were mixing old- and new-rite material.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Please stay on the original topic of the thread.
  • Attached: the canticles, also not proofread, in the only modes most scholas will need for the feast day Communions
  • Do the TLM rubrics allow for the singing of the psalm in the communion distribution in the vernacular with the Latin antiphon?

    I remember having read that having sung the latin communion antiphon in the priest's communion and thus fulfilling the rubric of singing the proper of the time at high mass, it is then possible to sing any suitable song even in the vernacular during the communion of the faithful. Would it then be possible to use psalmody with Psalm 33 in the vernacular or the psalm of the antiphon itself in the vernacular?
  • Do the TLM rubrics allow for the singing of the psalm in the communion distribution in the vernacular with the Latin antiphon?
    No. Paragraph 14 of De musica sacra et sacra liturgia makes it quite clear that only Latin is to be used during High Mass unless there is "a centenary or immemorial custom" of "popular [i.e. congregational] vernacular hymns." Even if you have a local custom to justify vernacular hymn singing, cantors singing psalm verses cannot be considered "popular" singing.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw Lincoln_Hein
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,937
    Here are communion antiphons for the vetus ordo for Advent Sundays (and the Immaculate Conception) with Vulgate verses prepared according to the Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum, in case this might be useful:
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • FSSPmusic
    Posts: 325
    Psalm 33, Magnificat, and Nunc dimittis verse attached, with hyphenation and liquescents corrected. Unless you do something truly drastic with liquescents, these should be fully compatible with the Oct/Nov 2022 uploads as well as the versions in Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum.
    Communion Verses.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,539
    Thanks. I don’t understand why Ad Communionem doesn’t have fully-notated Ps. 33 among other things that need correcting and adjusting, but the compiler seems to have vanished.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    The book MatthewRoth mentioned, Ad Communionem, has fully-notated communion verses for all Sundays and holy days in the 1962 Missal. Unlike Versus Psalmorum et Canticorum, it includes the antiphons, as well as Psalm 33 fully notated in each of the 8 tones.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,539
    Well the treatment of ps 33 is weird. I messed this up badly for the 8th Sunday after Pentecost.

    I have a laundry list of things to fix (and could do so in LaTeX) if I could find the compiler.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
  • Someone should remake Ad Communionem, fix the errors, and make it so that the antiphon and psalms are all on facing pages. Make the book 7x9, make the verses slightly smaller, whatever you have to do, but get rid of page turns. I've been thinking about it for a year now, but it hasn't been a priority.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,539
    Avoiding page turns is a good one.

    There are genuine mistakes and also what I consider carelessness. If you copy 1962 Solesmes, copy its syllabification…
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • FSSPmusic
    Posts: 325
    If you copy 1962 Solesmes, copy its syllabification…
    Unfortunately there are extensive discrepancies if one copies and pastes from gregobase.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,539
    Sure but one should proofread. I don’t have much trouble. Jacques Perriere has done a lot of work fixing this.

    Ben Bloomfield’s tool needs fixing, however. And I have had to work by hand as I don’t have time slash I don’t know how much he cares, and even then, because of some really strange choices made by the maintainers of the Latin language hyphenation list for LaTeX usage, something like office psalms or orations and other extended body text needs attention. (There is no list or options which allow for pure preconciliar Solesmes despite the obvious need. And I don’t know enough to modify it in order to use such a list.)
    Thanked by 1tomjaw