Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
While we are adding people we can add our friend and colleague that sang with us for many years, sadly this is the first year we have not organised an anniversary Requiem Mass,
Catherine Ennis, †24/12/2020 who has died from cancer aged 65, was organist and director of music at St Lawrence Jewry in the City of London for the past 35 years; she was not only a rare woman in a male dominated-profession, but was also a Catholic working in the Anglican tradition.
Holger Peter Sandhofe, unknown, 2004 or 2005 Robert W. Krick, January 11, 1998 Rick Foegler, January 24, 2017 Daniel Andrew Bradley, Sr., February 4, 2017 Fr Ralph March, O Cist, February 6, 2016 James Healey Willan, CC, Mus. Doc., FRCO, February 16, 1968 Richard T. Proulx, February 18, 2010 Richard Hillert, February 18, 2010 Theodore Marier, KCSG, February 24, 2001 Gail Walton, February 24, 2010 Fr. Lawrence Heiman, C.PP.S., February 26, 2012 Nicholas Gale, March 10, 2015 Victor Louis Repetto, March 14, 2014 Paul Salamunovich, April 3, 2014 Msgr. Martin Hellriegel, April 10, 1981 Carroll T. Andrews, April 14, 2014 Msgr. Richard Schuler, April 20, 2007 Gerald T. Conroy, April 22, 1964 Msgr. Edgar "Allen" Arbour, April 29 2017 Sr. Thomas More (Mary Berry), May 1, 2008 William Ferris, May 16, 2000 Don Barrett, May 17, 2012 Dr. Robert J. Schaffer, May 20, 2014 Meri Dell Ridge, June 5, 2017 Fr Urban Schnaus, OSB, June 6, 2003 Fr. Columba Kelly, O.S.B., June 9, 2018 H.O. Hinton, ~ June 14, 2014 D. James Morre, June 16, 2016 Dr. Lucy E. Carroll, June 19, 2015 Prof. Dr. Richard Merrittstein-Timmins, June 19, 2018 Calvert Shenk, July 9, 2005 Marie Kleiman, July 23, 2018 Thomas M. Kuras, July 26, 1997 Bill Wilson, August 6, 2015 Kenneth P. Blue, September 9, 2014 Roger Wagner, KCSG, September 17, 1992 Stephen Reen, September 24, 2018 Charles Culbreth, September 27, 2018 Martin G. Dumler, M.Mus., October 19, 1958 Felix Goebel-Komala, November 3, 2016 Dr. Helmut Roehrig, November 6, 2017 Domenico Cardinal Bartolucci, November 11, 2013 Lois Agnes Kane, November 21, 2006 Fr. William Faber, November 26, 1863 Harold R. Conti, December 14, 2003 Rev. Joseph Roff, 1910-1993 Sister Theophane Hytrek, 1915-1992 Rev. Lucien Deiss, 1921-2007 Omer Westendorf, 1916-1997 Illiam Ferris, 1937-2000
This is especially sad, Rachael was a member of an Ordinariate parish, and was a member of the choir. During the Triduum, she was part of the 4 part choir with her husband as Bass. She celebrated her last Easter Sunday singing the Mass with her husband. Rachael suddenly died the next day, aged 28 leaving 3 young children. Our Parish priest and members of our serving team are heading out to the countryside to assist at her Burial Mass this week. We also had a Sung Requiem for her on Saturday.
I have a copy of his "Little book for organ" which consists of short, easy pieces in all the modes, and is intended as much for students of composition as for organ.
As we're remembering the departed this November, bumping this list of deceased church musicians. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Pray for John (Jack) Minor Conner - organist, choir director, recitalist active most recently in the NY, NJ area.
Bachelor of Music from Catholic University of America Master of Music from University of Southern California Spoleto Festival, Charleston, SC Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, DC Princeton, NJ etc.
In researching various hymns, I have come across a number of composers. Many of these composers have more than one hymn associated to their name, I just listed the hymns I have spent in researching. I'm sure some of them have already been listed.
Anthony Werner (O Salutaris) Arthur de Meulemeester (St. Gerard) Augustus E. Tozer (Draw Nigh, Draw Nigh Emmanuel)
Bro. Bonitus (Dear Guardian of Mary)
Carl Bloom (Prayer for a Soldier) Ch. Gounod (What a Sea of Tears and Sorrows) Charles A. Donelson (Sweetest Mother) Clinton D. Lowden (No Room for the King)
Fr. D. G. Corner, O.S.B. (Who is She Ascends so High) E. M. Bray (Mary How Sweetly Falls that Word) Fr. Alfred Young (Lead Us Great Teacher Paul) Fr. Francis Stanfield (Sweet Sacrament Divine) Fr. Jacques Brydaine (Jesus My God Behold at Length) Fr. James B. Curry (Good Night, Sweet Jesus) Fr. John Selner (Like the Dawning) Fr. Louis Lambillotte, S.J. (Ave Maris Stella) Fr. Theodore A. Metcalf (O Sacred Heart! O Love Divine!) Fr. William Maher, S.J. (To Jesus Heart All Burning)
Frank N. Birtchnell (O Take Me To Thy Sacred Heart) Franz Joseph Haydn (Only Thee My Jesus) Frederick Whitefield (I Need Thee Gracious Jesus)
G.B. Pergolesi (God of Mercy and Compassion) George F. Root (Like a Strong and Raging Fire)
H. Whitehead (Hail Holy Joseph Hail) Heinrich Proch (Peace Be Still Our God Is Dwelling) Henri Freidrich Hemy (Hail Queen of Heaven the Ocean Star) Howard E. Smith (Christmas Bells Ring On)
J. M. Loretz (Let a Pious Prayer Be Said) J. Williams (O Sacred Heart, What Shall I Render Thee) Jacob H. Schloeder (The Divine Praises) James G. Clark (He Is Looking Through the Lattice) John B. Blockley (Sacred Heart! In Accents Burning) John Francis Wade (Adeste Fideles) John Richardson (By the Blood That Flowed From Thee) Jonathan Spilman (O Purest of Creatures) Joseph Miel (Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All)
Lester Price (Christmas Bells) Lorenzo Dobici (Soul of My Savior) Louis and Wm. Berge (Blest Guardian Angel) Ludwig Imgrund (Hide Thou Me, a local musician in Cleveland, Ohio) Luigi Cherubini (Veni Jesu Amor Mi)
Margaret Zender Beaulieu (The Christ Child) Mary E. Walsh (Bring Flowers of the Rarest) Melchior Ludwig Herold (Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above)
Nicola A. Montani (O Dearest Love Divine)
R. R. Terry (What a Sea of Tears and Sorrows) R. Remondi (O Sacrum Convivium) R.F.M. Akerman (Little White Guest) Rev. F. Robinson (The Sun Is Shining Brightly)
Samuel Webb (Behold, Behold He Cometh) Sir John Stainer (Jesus, Gentlest Savior) Sr. Mary Cherubim (Hosanna To The Son of David) Sr. Mary Alexis Donnelly (Jesus Keep Me Close To Thee) Sr. Mary Antonio Gallagher (Dear Heart of My Saviour) Sr. Mary Paul Warde (Our Lady of Mercy)
Theodore Dubois (Adoramus te Christe) Thoro Harris (Tidings of His Birth)
Victor Hammerel (Sweet Heart of Jesus, My God, My Friend) Vincent F. Novello (Who Is She Ascends So High)
Bumping this list of deceased church musicians, we have plenty of November left to pray for them. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Updated list (as of March 10, 2025), moved from earlier page (with dates added, for most liturgical/sacred musicians who passed away after 1900; those without dates are listed in the next post):
JANUARY William Peter Mahrt, January 1, 2025 Fr. Michael Haller, January 4, 1915 Fr. Elmer Pfeil, January 7, 1976 Robert W. Krick, January 11, 1998 Sr. Mary Teresine (Edith Laura) Fonder, S.N.J.M., January 16, 1988 Fr. Valentine Young, OFM, January 17, 2020 Roberto Remondi, January 22, 1928 Rick Foegler, January 24, 2017 Hubert Gruender, January 25, 1940 Virginia Schubert, January 26, 2025 Francis Poulenc, January 30, 1963
FEBRUARY Daniel Andrew Bradley, Sr., February 4, 2017 Fr Ralph March, O Cist, February 6, 2016 Eric Thiman, February 13, 1975 James Healey Willan, CC, Mus. Doc., FRCO, February 16, 1968 Richard T. Proulx, February 18, 2010 Richard Hillert, February 18, 2010 Fr. Robert A. Skeris, February 18, 2025 Edward Elgar, February 23, 1934 Herbert Howells, February 23, 1983 Theodore Marier, KCSG, February 24, 2001 Gail Walton, February 24, 2010 Fr. Lawrence Heiman, C.PP.S., February 26, 2012 C. Alexander Peloquin, February 27, 1997 Bruce E. Ford, February 28, 2025
MARCH John Kriebel, March 6, 2025 Nicholas Gale, March 10, 2015 Charles-Marie Widor, March 12, 1937 Victor Louis Repetto, March 14, 2014 Chanoine Nicolas-Mammès Couturier, March 24, 1911
APRIL Paul Salamunovich, April 3, 2014 Madame Marilyn Mason, April 4, 2019 Rachael Ward, April 5, 2021 Igor Stravinsky, April 6, 1971 Msgr. Martin Hellriegel, April 10, 1981 J. Vincent Higginson (aka Cyr de Brant), April 11, 1994 Carroll T. Andrews, April 14, 2014 Sir Richard R. Terry, April 18, 1938 August Huybrechts, April 19, 2020 Msgr. Richard Schuler, April 20, 2007 Gerald T. Conroy, April 22, 1964 Olivier Messaien, April 27, 1992 Msgr. Edgar "Allen" Arbour, April 29 2017
MAY Sr. Thomas More (Mary Berry), May 1, 2008 Jean Langlais, May 8, 1991 William Ferris, May 16, 2000 Don Barrett, May 17, 2012 Gregory Paul Latz, May 17, 2019 John (Jack) Minor Conner, May 19, 2022 Dr. Robert J. Schaffer, May 20, 2014 Holger Peter Sandhofe, May 24, 2005 Gustav Holst, May 25, 1934 John Singenberger, May 29, 1924
JUNE Louis Vierne, June 2, 1937 Fr. Jonathan Robinson, June 3, 2020 Meri Dell Ridge, June 5, 2017 Fr Urban Schnaus, OSB, June 6, 2003 Fr. Columba Kelly, O.S.B., June 9, 2018 Théodore Dubois, June 11, 1924 Huland "H.O." Hinton, June 13, 2014 D. James Morre, June 16, 2016 Charles Edwin Wyeth, June 18, 2020 Dr. Lucy E. Carroll, June 19, 2015 Prof. Dr. Richard Merrittstein-Timmins, June 19, 2018 Jehan Alain, June 20, 1940 Robert F Stich, June 24, 2003
JULY Oreste Ravanello, July 2, 1938 Ciro Grassi, July 2, 1952 Calvert Shenk, July 9, 2005 Rev. Joseph Roff, July 10, 1993 Camil van Hulse, July 16, 1988 Msgr Arthur Bastress, July 16, 2020 Muriel Hickey, July 19, 2019 Marie Kleiman, July 23, 2018 Thomas M. Kuras, July 26, 1997
AUGUST Fr. Carlo Rossini, August 6, 1975 Bill Wilson, August 6, 2015 Noel Goemanne, August 7, 2014 Sr. M Theophane Hytrek, OSF, August 13, 1992 Peter Piel, August 21, 1904 Ralph Vaughan Williams, August 26, 1958 Laszlo Dobszay, August 26, 2011
SEPTEMBER Kenneth P. Blue, September 9, 2014 Henry McDowell Jr., September 11, 2017 Roger Wagner, KCSG, September 17, 1992 Leo C. Nestor, September 22, 2019 Canon Henri Carol, September 23, 1984 Stephen Reen, September 24, 2018 Ryan Dingess, September 25, 2020 Charles Culbreth, September 27, 2018 Melchiorre Mauro-Cottone, September 29, 1938
OCTOBER Hermann Schroeder, October 7, 1984 Rev. Lucien Deiss, October 9, 2007 Martin G. Dumler, M.Mus., October 19, 1958 Omer Westendorf, October 22, 1997
NOVEMBER Felix Goebel-Komala, November 3, 2016 Dr. Helmut Roehrig, November 6, 2017 Domenico Cardinal Bartolucci, November 11, 2013 Rebecca McLoughlin, November 18, 2019 Lois Agnes Kane, November 21, 2006 Pietro Alessandro Yon, November 22, 1943 Sir Stephen Cleobury, November 22 2019 Bp. Robert Morlino, November 24, 2018 Denis Smith, November 24, 2016 Colin Mawby, November 24, 2019 Fr. William Faber, November 26, 1863
DECEMBER Benjamin Britten, December 4, 1976 Harold R. Conti, December 14, 2003 Junior Foggiatto, December 15, 2020 Camille Saint Saens, December 16, 1921 Joseph Ahrens, December 21, 1997 Catherine Ennis, December 24, 2020 Everett Titcomb, December 31, 1968
... continuing the above post/list, now split because of length...
Other liturgical/sacred musicians, without dates of passing, mostly of historical interest (before the 20th century), updated January 4, 2025:
ABC R.F.M. Akerman; Jacob Arcadelt; Fr. Gregorio Allegri; Johann Sebastian Bach; Margaret Zender Beaulieu; Louis and Wm. Berge; Gilles Binchois; Frank N. Birtchnell; John B. Blockley; Carl Bloom; Bro. Bonitus; Peter von Brachel; E. M. Bray; Dr. J. Lewis Browne; Anton Bruckner; Fr. Jacques Brydaine; William Byrd; Antonio de Cabezon; Claudio Casciolini; Marc-Antoine Charpentier; Fr. Auguste Cherion; Sr. Mary Cherubim; Luigi Cherubini; James G. Clark; Bartolomeo Cordans; Fr. D. G. Corner; Francois Couperin; Fr. Giovanni Croce; Fr. James B. Curry;
DEFG Sr. Regina Dolores Devanney, S.S.J.; Lorenzo Dobici; Charles A. Donelson; Sr. Mary Alexis Donnelly; William Dressler; Guillaume Dufay; Maurice Durufle; Juan Esquivel; Caspar Ett; Sr. M. Florentine P.H.J.C; César Franck; Melchior Franck; Johann Adam Feinsberg (AKA Jean-Adam Guilain); Max Fichtner; Girolamo Frescobaldi; Giovanni Gabrieli; Sr. Mary Antonio Gallagher; Orlando Gibbons; Charles Gounod; Nicolas de Grigny; Francisco Guerrero; Guido of Arezzo;
HIJKL Theodore La Hache; Victor Hammerel; Fr. Jacob Handl; Thoro Harris; Hans Leo Hassler; Franz Joseph Haydn; Henri Freidrich Hemy; Melchior Ludwig Herold; Ludwig Imgrund; Jaquet de Mantua; Josquin des Prez; Juan de Arratia; Johann Kaspar Kerll; Sr. Marie Kirby, O.S.F.; Bernhard Kothe; M. Labat; Fr. Louis Lambilotte; Orlando di Lassus; Fr. Leonin; J. M. Loretz; Antonio Lotti; Clinton D. Lowden;
MNOPQ Guillaume de Machaut; Fr. William Maher; Fr. Giovanni Battista Martini; Joseph Miel; Claudio Merulo; Fr. Theodore A. Metcalf; Arthur de Meulemeester; Claudio Monteverdi; Nicola Montani; Cristobal Morales; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Vincent F. Novello; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; Robert Parsons; Giovanni Battista Pergolesi; Perotin; Fr. Peter Philips; Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni; Lester Price; Heinrich Proch; Henry Purcell; Mary, Queen of Scots;
RST James A. Reilly; Josef Gabriel Rheinberger; John Richardson; Rev. F. Robinson; George F. Root; Francesco Roselli; Albert H. RoSewig; Antonio Salieri; Jacob H. Schloeder; Wilhem Schultes (Schulthes); Heinrich Schütz; Johannes Schweitzer; Fr. John Selner; Howard E. Smith; Jonathan Spilman; Mother J. Sweetman, R.S.C.J.; Johann Stadlmayr; Sir John Stainer; Fr. Francis Stanfield; Thomas Tallis; Giuseppe Tartini; Delfino Thermignon; Jean Titelouze; Thomas Tomkins; Augustus E. Tozer;
UVWXYZ Fr. Lodovico Viadana; Fr. Tomas Luis da Victoria; John Francis Wade; Mary E. Walsh; Sr. Mary Paul Warde; Samuel Webbe Sr.; Samuel Webbe Jr.; Thomas Weelkes; Anthony Werner; Heinrich Werner; Frederick Whitefield; H. Whitehead; Fr. Ignatius Wilkens; J. Williams; Fr. Alfred Young; Jan Dismas Zelenka;
Sister Mary Teresine (Edith Laura) Fonder, S.N.J.M. She was a notable musician in the Pacific Northwest, especially among the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Sister Teresine was the founder of sacred music at Marylhurst College (sadly, now closed) where she spent 34 years there as a teacher, organist and composer. Her organ compositions are still being played, although out of print. Most of them are quite accessible. In 1976, she was selected as one of the Notable Americans of the Bicentennial Era by the American Biographical Institute. She is the composer of an English Magnificat, written for three-part women's chorus, listed in the Library of Congress. The Magnificat was performed at many concerts and especially on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and I heard it many times (with organ reduction). Born March 23, 1897. Died in Portland, Oregon, January 16, 1988, at the age of ninety.
Canon Henri Carol (18 January 1910 – 23 September 1984) was a French organist, improviser, chef de chœur, composer, and organ teacher. Worthy compositions of only a medium difficulty, which means, I could play them!,_Henri
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