St. Davis of Wales Catholic Church, Richmond California Multilingual Mass, 6:30 PM
Attende Domine (alternate en. & es. verses) Lectura Responsorial Psalm Miserere mei Deus, quoniam peccavi. (even vv es., odd en.) Epistle Laus tibi & verses en. & es. Evangelio Let us change our rainment (solo, from Plainchant Gradual) Morales: Inter vestibulum Emendemus (solo) Off. Exaltabo te (solo) Sanctus XI Agnus XI Qui meditabitur ADORO TE (G. Manley Hopkins "Godhead here in hiding" alternating with "Ante ti me prostro") (remaining verses from Attende Dom.)
A nearly full church, and our first year without any organ. I'm quite proud of the choir, who because of the early hour had 25' to prepare everything!
Gregorian propers: IN:Misereris omnium GR:Miserere Mei TRACT:Domine non secundum Antiphons for the imposition of ashes: Immutemur habitu Juxta vestibulum
OF: Exaltabo te Domine Mass 17 MA:Mortem tuum Pater Noster CO:Qui meditabitur
The organ will remain silent until Laetare. Our second year to do it...and it can be done.
Saint Barnabas Church Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter Omaha, Nebraska
Ash Wednesday 6 March 2019
Sung Mass Saint Barnabas Academy Singers Ordinary: Missa ferialis (Spanish, 16th-century) Proper: English Gradual (Palmer) Motet: Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake (Farrant) Hymns: Forty days and forty nights (Heinlein) The fast as taught by holy lore (Spires/Erhalt uns, Herr)
High Mass Gallery Choir & Ritual Choir Ordinary: Missa Brevis No. 2 (Advent/Lent) (Willan) Proper: Plainchant Gradual (Palmer/Burgess) Motet: Lord for thy tender mercy’s sake (Farrant) Hymns: Forty days and forty nights (Heinlein) The fast as taught by holy lore (Spires/Erhalt uns, Herr)
St. Mary, Pine Bluff, Wis. 6:30 PM Solemn High Mass
organ silent throughout
Processional: Exaudi nos, Domine (Gregorian) Imposition of Ashes: Immutemur habitu, Iuxta vestibulum, Emendemus in melius (Gregorian) Mass Proper: Gregorian Ordinary: Kyrie XVI, Sanctus XVIII, Agnus XVIII Motet at Offertory: Exaltabo te, Domine (Croce) Motets at Communion: Qui meditabitur (Isaac); Domine fac mecum (di Lasso) Marian Antiphon: Ave Regina caelorum, simple tone Recessional: Parce Domine, 2vv.
St. Sebastian Akron, 5PM EF Pretty barebones program, but it was well executed (for us, anyway). Procession and imposition music: Gregorian Mass 18 Proper: Gregorian. Psalm-toned Gradual verse and Tract, verses to Communion antiphon. Offertory motet: Parce Domine (Traditional Roman Hymnal 1st ed, No. 35) Recessional: 40 Days and 40 Nights (Heinlein/Aus der Tiefe)
Entrance: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days (St. Flavian) Psalm: Something utterly wretched from the WLP missalette Offertory: Silence Sanctus: Mass XVIII Memorial Acclamation and Amen: ICEL Chant Mass Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII Communion: Attende Domine Recessional: The Glory of These Forty Days (Erhalt Uns Herr)
Organ used in accordance with GIRM. For those who object, come after me, Bro. LOL
I'm almost ashamed after reading some of these exquisite lineups...
St. Mary's, Tampa (OF)
Entrance: "This Is the Time of Fulfillment" (Chepponis) incorporating antiphon from RM Psalm 51: Gelineau Imposition of Ashes: "Merciful God" (Alonso) + "Parce Domine" w/ Ps. 51 as needed Offertory: "Again We Keep This Solemn Fast" (Erhalt Uns Herr) Sanctus: RM chant Mysterium Fidei: RM chant - "Save us, Savior..." Amen: Danish Agnus Dei: XVIII Communion: Weber proper, "Psalm 130: With the Lord There Is Mercy" (Joncas) + "Attende Domine" Recessional: "O Sun of Justice" (Jesu Dulcis Memoria)
No prelude, postlude, or other solo organ/instrumental; organ used to accompany hymns and Psalms.
Outdoor Penitential Procession: Litany of the Saints Blessing and Imposition of Ashes: Gregorian chant propers Mass XVII Offertory: Stabat Mater (Kodaly) Communion: O Esca Viatorum (Isaac) Recessional: O Kind Creator
Saint Benedict Catholic Church, Richmond VA Mass at 1:30pm with choir and cantors from Saint Benedict Catholic School (K–8) Mass at 7:00pm with parish choir from parish
[No organ preludes during Lent; the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is prayed prior to weekend Masses in its place.] [The organ is only used to support the singing. Responses, Psalmody, Ordinary without accompaniment as much as possible/prudent. Hymns accompanied with lighter accompaniment (no reeds, upperwork, etc,) during the season.] [Worship program used in conjunction with Worship, Third Edition hymnal.]
Entrance Hymn: Our Father, We Have Wandered (PASSION CHORALE) Entrance Antiphon from Simple English Propers, chanted by the choir Mass parts and dialogues chanted between priest and people as per RM Responsorial Psalm from CCWatershed/Noel Chabanel Psalms Acclamation before the Gospel from CCWatershed in honor of Father Simon LeMoyne During the Imposition of the Ashes: 1. Lenten Seasonal Psalm 91: Be with Me, Lord, CCWatershed/Noel Chabanel 2a. Children (1:30:pm): At the Cross, Her Station Keeping (STABAT MATER) 2b. Schola (7:00pm): Stabat Mater, Tartini 3. Lenten Seasonal Psalm 130: With the Lord there is Mercy, CCWatershed/Noel Chabanel 4. Hear Us, Almighty Lord/Attende Domine (ATTENDE DOMINE) [Refrain sung in Latin; verses in English.] 5. Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days (ST. FLAVIAN) Universal Prayer petitions chanted by the Deacon. Cantor intones the invocation. Assembly sings the response (Appendix to the Roman Missal, pg. 1442, option C.) Offertory Antiphon from Simple English Propers, chanted by the choir. The verses are not sung. Following the Offertory Antiphon during Lent, the Offertory proceeds in silence. The priest and assembly recite the dialogues during the Preparation of the Gifts. Preface Dialogue chanted from RM Sanctus from Mass XVII Mysterium Fidei: Salvator Mundi, salva nos... Chanted Doxology Chanted Pater Noster (Latin;) Embolism in English. Agnus Dei from Mass XVII Music during the Communion: 1. Communion Antiphon from Simple English Propers, chanted by the choir. 2. Lenten Seasonal Communion Antiphon from Simple English Propers (see GIRM #48, 2,) chanted with its psalm by the cantor and choir in alternation with the assembly. 3. Choir (7:00pm): O Lamb of God, Richard Shephard (SJMP) 4. Have Mercy, Lord, on Us (SOUTHWELL) 5. O Sun of Justice (JESU DULCIS MEMORIA) Dismissal chanted by the Deacon; assembly responding Seasonal Marian Antiphon: Ave Regina Caelorum [No organ postludes during Lent; ministers depart in silence.]
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