1962 Rubricians: Epiphany Mass with commemoration of Nuptial Mass
  • Is one allowed to celebrate the Mass of the Epiphany with a commemoration of the Nuptial Mass? At the time, from Advent till the end of the octave of Epiphany was closed to marriages, though the ordinary could grant a dispensation per c. 1108 (1917 code).

    What would be the case now? Would a dispensation from the bishop be necessary?
  • I've just learned that the octave of the Epiphany was suppressed in the 1962 rite, so would that mean that the closed season that Fortescue is referring to in:


    would have ended by Epiphany?
  • I would think the closed season would include Epiphany, although I'm not certain of that...
  • According to: https://forum.musicasacra.com/forum/discussion/42/music-of-ef-nuptial-masses/p1

    1. The Nuptial Mass is not permitted on the following days: Feasts of the first or second class; on Sundays or holydays of obligation; within the octaves of the Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost, Corpus Christi; on Ash Wednesday; during Holy Week; on the vigils of Christmas, Epiphany or Pentecost; nor on All Soul's Day.

    2. The Mass is said without Gloria or Creed. [NOTE: This appears to differ from what the 1962 Missal says:

    "Si solemnis benedictio nuptiarum, intra Missam, facienda sit die dominico vel die I classis, dicitur Missa de Officio occurrente, cum commemoratione sequentis Missae pro sponsis, sub unica conclusione, etiam diebus in quibus commemoratio Missae votivae impeditae prohibetur; et in ea datur benedictio nuptialis more solito. Si autem solemnis benedictio nuptiarum, intra Missam, facienda sit aliis diebus, dicitur sequens Missa votiva pro sponsis."

    3. If marriage takes place on any of the above Feasts, the Mass of the day is read; the Collect, Secret Prayers and Postcommunion of this Nuptial Mass being added to the Collect, Secret Prayer, and Postcommunion respectively of the Mass of the day; and the prayers for the bridegroom and bride after the Pater Noster, and before the blessing, are inserted also.

    In addition, c. 1108 states:

    Can 1108 §1. Matrimonium quolibet anni tempore contrahi potest.
    §2. Sollemnis tantum nuptiarum benedictio vetatur a prima dominica Adventus usque ad diem Nativitatis Domini inclusive, et a feria IV Cinerum usque ad dominicam Paschatis inclusive.
    §3. Ordinarii tamen locorum possunt, salvis legibus liturgicis, etiam praedictis temporibus eam permittere ex iusta causa, monitis sponsis ut a nimia pompa abstineant.

    It doesn't even include Epiphany in the closed time. It says it goes from the first Sunday of Advent to Christmas, inclusive.

    I'm kind of confused. The Fortescue article (saying that the closed season is from First Sunday of Advent to the end of the Octave of the Epiphany) is from 1911. The Code of Canon Law in force in 1962 was the 1917 code...so maybe I should just ignore what Fortescue says?

    Thanks for your help!
  • Yes, the Catholic Encyclopedia article from 1911 agrees with Fortescue... but can 1108 is clearly less restrictive, and would have been in force in 1962.

    I have a 1962 Fortescue and a Matters Liturgical at home - let me check later tonight.
  • Thank you very much for being willing to do that Incardination. I also found at http://divinumofficium.com/www/horas/Help/Rubrics/Missal1960 rubrics.html#6:

    XI - The Votive Mass For Bride and Bridegroom and the Mass of Thanksgiving on the 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary

    378. The votive Mass For Bride and Bridegroom, or at least its collect in the Mass of the day which impedes it, is permitted whenever a wedding is celebrated, whether outside of the closed time or even in the closed time, if the local ordinary for a good reason has permitted the solemn nuptial blessing.

    379. Besides the days on which votive Masses of the 2nd class are prohibited, the Mass For Bride and Bridegroom is prohibited also on Sundays and whenever, according to no. 381c, the nuptial blessing cannot be given.

    380. Whenever the Mass For Bride and Bridegroom, but not the nuptial blessing, is prohibited, the Mass of the office of the day is said, and to its collect is added under a single conclusion the collect of the impeded votive Mass, even on those days on which, according to no. 343c, a commemoration of an impeded votive Mass of the 2nd class is prohibited; and the nuptial blessing is given in the usual way in the Mass of the day.
    But when both the Mass For the Bride and Bridegroom and the nuptial blessing are prohibited, the Mass together with the blessing may be transferred to a timely unimpeded day, after the marriage has been celebrated.

    381. With regard to the Mass For the Bride and Bridegroom and the nuptial blessing, these points shall also be observed:
    a) The nuptial blessing is inseparable from the Mass. Hence, it cannot be given outside of the Mass, unless by apostolic indult; in which case it is to be imparted according to the formula which is found in the Roman ritual, tit. 8, ch. 3;
    b) The nuptial blessing within the Mass must be given by the priest who is celebrating the Mass, even if another priest has presided over the marriage;
    c) The nuptial blessing is omitted if the spouses are not present; and it is omitted if both of them or one of them has already received the blessing. Wherever the custom prevails, however, of imparting the blessing if only the man has received it, that custom may be retained;
    d) On the commemoration of All the Faithful Departed and during the sacred triduum, the votive Mass and its commemoration in the Mass of the day and the nuptial blessing within the Mass are all prohibited.

    Canon 1108 taken in conjunction with 378, 379, and most importantly 380 seems to imply, the nuptial blessing can be given on the Feast of the Epiphany, because it is not in the closed time, and the Nuptial Mass commemorated.
  • From the 12th revised edition, 1962 of The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described (Fortescue):

    "[The Nuptial Mass] is a votive Mass of the second class and so forbidden on ... "

    "... any Sunday or feast of the first class, Ash Wednesday, the eve of Christmas or Pentecost, during Holy Week and the octaves of Easter and Pentecost, and on 2 November. It may also be excluded on certain days if only one Mass is celebrated in the church in question."

    Epiphany is a first class feast. The closest days allowable would seem to be Friday, January 5th or Monday, January 8th.
  • Thank you very much for responding. Yes, you're right Incardination that the Nuptial Mass is forbidden on feasts of the First Class, but the nuptial blessing (which is distinct from the Nuptial Mass) is only forbidden during the closed seasons of Advent and Lent.

    We received word back from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter that the Nuptial Blessing can be given on the Feast of the Epiphany.

    380. Whenever the Mass For Bride and Bridegroom, but not the nuptial blessing, is prohibited, the Mass of the office of the day is said, and to its collect is added under a single conclusion the collect of the impeded votive Mass, even on those days on which, according to no. 343c, a commemoration of an impeded votive Mass of the 2nd class is prohibited; and the nuptial blessing is given in the usual way in the Mass of the day.
    But when both the Mass For the Bride and Bridegroom and the nuptial blessing are prohibited, the Mass together with the blessing may be transferred to a timely unimpeded day, after the marriage has been celebrated.

    Now the question is, do we only include the collect of the Nuptial Mass? Or are the secret and postcommunion prayers included as well?

    We've asked him this question as well. I will respond when I've received an answer so that others in the same situation can figure it out.

    Tags: first class feasts, weddings, wedding mass, nuptial mass, missa pro sponsis, holy matrimony, 1962, rubrics, propers, commemoration, closed time, closed season, rituale romanum, extraordinary form, latin, EF
  • Yes, so sorry - I noticed your original question was not about celebrating the nuptial Mass itself, but then forgot when I was looking it up later than night. Sigh... onset of old age!

    Yes, thanks for posting the update!
  • I never received personal word back from the FSSP, but we will have the Nuptial Blessing after the Our Father in the Epiphany Mass. I don't think that the collect will be commemorated, even though I'm fairly certain it should be (unless no commemorations can be made during the celebration of a solemnity).
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,766
    (unless no commemorations can be made during the celebration of a solemnity)
    I think using the 62 rubrics, no commemorations are allowed.
  • stulte
    Posts: 355
    This conversation makes me wonder since my grandparents were married on January 6th.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,766

    When choosing a date for the Nuptial Mass, I made sure we chose a date when we would be able to have the Nuptial Mass Propers.

    If you choose to get married on a Feast, you will (may) not be able to have the Nuptial Mass Propers, and instead the Nuptial Mass will usually be commemorated... You should always be able to have the Blessing, unless it is during those times the Church does not allow it, Good Friday etc.

    The priest should know the Calendar and Rubrics... If not the local Ordo should tell you what you need.
  • Thank you tomjaw.

    stulte, the rubrics would have allowed your parents to be married on January 6th. They just wouldn't have been able to have a Nuptial Mass that day.
  • In our Institute apostolate, nearly every Mass has a second Collect and Post-Communion (that I can hear) because it is a special prayer for His Holiness, the reigning pontiff. This seems to be unimpeded by any First Class status of a feast.