Midwest Theological Forum: Handbook of Prayers
  • I have a book of prayers from The Midwest Theological Forum that I love. The content is in both English and Latin, and the title is “The Handbook of Prayers” (http://www.theologicalforum.org/Mobile/Browsing.aspx?BrowseBy=Category&CategoryId=104). They publish a Spanish-Latin version (http://www.theologicalforum.org/Mobile/Browsing.aspx?BrowseBy=Category&CategoryId=103). Both books have the Order of the Mass, basic Catholic Prayers, eom elements of the Liturgy of the Hours, a Guide for Confession, and other prayers and devotions.

    I’ve been looking for a Spanish-English version to no avail. I do not think they publish one.

    Thus, I’ve been looking for something comparable but have only found prayer books with new-agey crap translations. The MTF prayer books are solid and have great material. Do you have any suggestions for where I could look?

    Help, as always, is appreciated.


    Jake Tawney
    Delaware, Ohio
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    Unfortunately, I can't help you with finding a Spanish-English version, but I definitely do affirm the value of "The Handbook of Prayers." When I was in elementary school, my older brother (a seminarian at the time) gave me his old copy, and for many years I used it for Mass (it was Latin Novus Ordo that we usually went to), confession, and many other prayers. Thanks for the reminder! Now I want to go dig out that copy, if I still have it.
  • I am fairly convinced that there is no Spanish-English version. What I am interested in is whether there is a comparable resource that comes in Spanish-English.
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    Would this do it?
  • The format looks good. The problem is that it seems to have the old defunct English translation of the Roman Missal. I would ideally like something that has the new translation with it. Still looking ...

    Thanks for the help. Hopefully we will be able to locate something useful.
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    jtawney, the book you like is printed by MTF, which is run by a priest of Opus Dei, Fr. Socias. You might check some of the Spanish-language printing houses associated with Opus Dei...I think there's one in Manila (Sinag-Tala) and perhaps others, too.