Music thread: Holy Thursday
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Since the other days get their threads, here's one for Thursday.

    Not sure what we're doing yet.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    "At That First Eucharist" entrance, trumpet fanfares (my own) before the ICEL Gloria, "Panis Angelicus" by Franck," Latin chant Sanctus and Agnes Dei, "Jesus Took the Cup" by Hopson, "Attende Domine" and "Pange Lingua..."
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Mass VIII (de Angelis)

    Introit: God forbid that I should glory - Willan
    Tract: From the rising of the sun - Psalm-tone V
    Offertory: Ubi caritas
    Communion: This is my body - SEP
    Ach moj Jezu
    Godhead here in hiding
    Dona nobis pacem
    Procession: Baddzze pozdrowiona
    Tantum Ergo (Pange lingua mode III)
    Stripping of altar: Ludu, moj ludu
    Thanked by 1Ralph Bednarz
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Nos autem, Christians Let Us Love One Another, Mode VIII Gloria, Fr. Keyes' Psalm, Mandatum novum, Ubi Caritas, Missal chants, SAB Communio that I wrote, Mozart Ave Verum, Pange Lingua.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California
    Order of Music-March 28, 2013
    Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper

    Introit Antiphon: “Let our glory be in the cross” Simple English Propers/Bartlett
    Entrance: LIFT HIGHT THE CROSS (Crucifer)

    Opening Rites: Kyrie XVI/Gloria (Mass of St. Therese of Liseaux/Royce Nickel)

    Responsorial: OUR BLESSING CUP (Hurd)

    Gospel Accl.: Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Culbreth)

    Mandatum: THE WISDOM OF GOD (Heath Morber) with verses
    “The Lord Jesus, when he had eaten…” Simple Choral Gradual/Rice

    Offertory: UBI CARITAS Joseph Gentry Stephens

    Eucharistic Accl.: Holy/We proclaim Your death (Nickel)-Amen(Haugen)/Agnus Dei (Nickel)

    Communion Procession:“This is my body…” Choral Communio (R.Rice “Hoc corpus…”)
    THIS IS MY BODY (Culbreth)

    Communion Anthem: COME TO THE UPPER ROOM (Canticle of the Cross-Martin)

    Transfer of Holy Eucharist: page 57#25/26- PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI plainsong
    PANGE LINGUA- Ricky Manalo-
  • Introit : Let Us Glory" Simple English propers
    Psalm by Fr. Coluba Kelly
    Mandatum " Ubi Caritas"
    Offertory: At That first Eucharist, and "Nos autem"
    Communon " Godhead here in Hiding", "Christus factus Est"
    Procession: Sing my Tongue follwed by " 'Tis Midnight and on Olive's Brow" Bradbury

  • St. Mary of the Assumption, Pine Bluff, Wis.

    Introit: Let our glory be in the cross (SEP)
    Kyrie: XVI
    Gloria: Simplex (Proulx)
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup (Esguerra)
    Gospel Acclamation: "Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ", mode II (Esguerra)
    Mandatum: Domine tu mihi lavas pedes (Nunes García); A new commandment (W. Mundy)
    Offertory: Ubi caritas (Stephens); The Lord's right hand (SEP)*
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Mystery of Faith: "Save us…" (Missal)
    Lord's Prayer: English (US Missal)
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: This is my body (SEP); Hoc corpus (Robledo)**
    Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament: Pange lingua (plainsong, mode III)
    Stripping of the Altar: Psalm 22 (TTB harmonization of Mundelein tone I F)

    * Proper Offertory for Holy Thursday (EF).
    ** Felicitously, the Robledo and the SEP chant share the same mode with the original Gregorian setting.

  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA Missa in coena Domini (OF) Parish Schola & Spanish Coro
    Introit: "Nos autem" ... Graduale
    Kyrie & Gloria Mass VIII
    Psalm 115/116 Tone 3g ... Setting by Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, CPPS
    Gradual "Christus factus est" ... Graduale
    Antiphons "Ad Lotionem Pedum" Mandatum novum; Dominus Jesus ... Graduale
    Offertory: "Ubi caritas" ... Durufle followed by hymn "Ubi caritas" ... Graduale
    Processione Ss. Oleorum: "O Redemptor" chant, followed by setting attr. to Palestrina
    Sanctus & Agnus Dei Mass VIII
    Communio "Hoc Corpus" w/ Psalm 22/23 ... Graduale (R.Rice)
    Coro: "Palabras de Amor" ... Gerardo Castro, (C) 2009 (Director of Coro)
    Motet: "In monte Oliveti" ... Giovanni Croce
    Ad Translationem Sanctissimi Sacramenti: Pange Lingua ... Graduale
  • Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper
    Choral Prelude: Nos Autem Gloriari - Palestrina
    Hymn: Lift High the Cross - Crucifer
    Gloria: A Community Mass - Proulx
    Mandatum: Ubi Caritas - Mealor
    O Lord, Support Us - Dunn
    In Monte Oliveti - Bruckner
    Offertory: This is the Hour of Banquet and of Song - Nestor
    Communion: Ave Verum - Byrd
    Procession: Pange Lingua - Mode III
    Meditation: Abide with Me - Eventide
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
    Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church, San Antonio, TX
    7 o'clock in the evening

    Ordinary: Mass in A Minor-Casciolini
    Motets: Ubi Caritas-Durufle
    Tantum Ergo-Bruckner
  • At Thy First Eucharist
    Ubi Caritas for feet washing
    Missa Simplex Mass including Gloria
    ICEL Agnus Dei
    Adoro Te Devote
    What Wondrous Love
    Pangua Lingua
    Tantum Ergo
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    St. John's Catholic Chapel-Champaign, IL

    Tietze Introit-OLD 100TH
    Missa Jubilate Deo
    ICEL Gloria
    Wisdom of God-Morber
    Ubi chant and Durufle
    Hoc Corpus chant-English adapt.
    Ave Verum-Byrd
    Pange chant
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    St. Hugo of the Hills
    Bloomfield Hills, MI

    Lift High the Cross-CRUCIFER
    Introit: We Should Glory in the Cross-By Flowing Waters
    Gloria: Jubilation Mass-Chepponis
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup-Dean
    Gospel Acclamation: Plainsong New
    Washing of the Feet:
    Faith, Hope, and Love-Sittard
    Beloved, Let Us Love-Bonar/Gibbons
    Ubi Caritas-Berthier
    Prep. of Gifts: Ubi Caritas-Durufle, Plainsong
    Corpus Christi Mass-Proulx
    Communio: Hoc corpus-Bartlett
    Hymn: God with Hidden Majesty-ADORE TE DEVOTE
    Ave Verum Corpus-Mozart
    Pange Lingua: Plainsong and Bruckner
    Stay with Me: Berthier
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    Our Lady of Mount Carmel
    Wyandotte, MI

    Entrance: Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)
    Kyrie: (Missa Jubilate Deo)
    Gloria: Mass VIII
    Psalm: Our blessing cup - Alstott
    Gospel Acclamation: Praise to you . . . - Alstott (with verse chanted to psalm tone)
    Washing of Feet: "A new commandment I give you . . . " (By Flowing Waters)
    Ubi Caritas: Latin hymn, chanted by men's schola
    Sanctus, Amen, Agnus Dei - Missa Jubilate Deo; Mysterium Fidei - Missa De Angelis
    Communion hymns: At That First Eucharist; Humbly We Adore Thee; Mój Mistrzu (as a meditation)
    Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament: Hail Our Savior's Glorious Body/Pange Lingua (Gregorian melody)
    At the Altar of Repose: Tantum Ergo (Gregorian melody)
    After the Reposition and incensing: Pobłogosław Nas o Panie
    At the Stripping of the Altar: Ogrodzie Oliwny

    Some of these elements are in place due to the weight of tradition, especially the singing of the Polish hymns at the end. It is my hope to move away from the use of the Alstott melodies and replace them with better ones.

    We observe the tradition of silencing the organ and bells at the conclusion of the Gloria and they are not used again until the appropriate time at the Vigil.

    The men's schola is working hard to prepare more chants as time goes on, but this time around I didn't have time to teach them the Communion Proper from the Gregorian Missal. To their credit, they are singing pretty much everything that is chant-based (be it in English or Latin), and tomorrow they will once again sing the Improperia in its entirety during the adoration of the Holy Cross.
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Cathedral of St. Paul, Birmingham AL

    PRELUDE: Le banquet céleste (Messiaen)
    ENTRANCE: Lift high the cross (CRUCIFER)
    Nos autem gloriari; cf. Gal 6:14; Ps 66
    KYRIE: Mass à 4 (Byrd)
    RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Ps 116: Our blessing-cup (Calvert)
    GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Missa Simplex (Proulx) Jn 13:1-15
    I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you.
    DURING THE MANDATUM: Mandatum (CMAA English chant)
    Where charity and love prevail (CHRISTIAN LOVE)
    OFFERTORY ANTIPHON: Ubi Caritas (Duruflé)
    MASS: Mass XVIII (w/ICEL Mem Acc, simple amen)
    “This is the Body…” Hoc corpus; 1 Cor 11:24-25 (*NB: with cantor/choir verses)
    COMMUNION: At that First Eucharist (UNDE ET MEMORES)
    POSTCOMMUNION: Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
    PROCESSION TO THE ALTAR OF REPOSE: Pange lingua gloriosa (Mode IV)
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Somewhere in the eastern midwest or western east coast ...

    Prelude: Nos Autem, Chant + Palestrina
    Introit: Chris Tietze, "Then Let Us Glory in the Cross"
    Kyrie: Byrd Mass for 4 voices
    Gloria: ICEL
    Psalm 116: Jeff Quick
    Gospel Acc.: Fautch, WLP
    Foot Washing: Where Charity and Love Prevail
    Preparation: Ubi Caritas, chant/choral by Joseph Gentry Stephens
    Mass Ordinary: Sanctus XVIII, ICEL Mystery of Faith and Amen
    Agnus Dei: Byrd, Mass for 4 voices

    Communion: Proper from the Graduale + By Flowing Waters "I will take the cup of salvation."

    Motet: Ave Verum Corpus, Byrd
    Pange Lingua chant
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,203
    Wow, it is fascinating to see the Durufle setting in so many places. Proof of the beauty and durability of that setting.
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    One of the many churches in Ontario:

    ENTRANCE: Lift high the cross (CRUCIFER)
    ENTRANCE ANTIPHON Gregorian: Nos autem gloriari
    ALL ORDINARY: Mass XIIII and ICEL Mystery of Faith and Amen
    PSALM: Ostrowski
    ALLELUIA: tune from Attende Domine
    WASHING: I give you a New Commandment: chant
    OFFERTORY: Ubi Caritas (Duruflé)
    COMMUNION: SEP chant and Gift of Finest Wheat
    PROCESSION TO THE ALTAR OF REPOSE: Pange lingua gloriosa (plainsong)
  • Spriggo
    Posts: 122
    Entrance: Lift High the Cross
    Gloria: Gloria Simplex
    Psalm: Guimont
    Gospel Acc: Haas
    Foot Washing: So You Must Do
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (chant)
    Ordinary: ICEL Chants
    Communion: SEP Antiphon/No Greater Love
    Procession: Pange Lingua (chant)

  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    Notre Dame du Taur, Toulouse, France

    Introit: Nos autem
    Processional hymn: La sagesse a dressé une table (Gouzes)
    Kyriale VIII
    Psalm: In French
    Acclamation: Trisagion (Gouzes)
    Washing: Mandatum novum + Ps. 118
    Maneant in vobis
    Offertory: Ubi caritas
    Our Father: Rimsky-Korsakov
    Communion: Hoc corpus
    Post-communion: La nuit qu'il fut livré (Ancient Breton melody)
    Procession: Pange lingua
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    St. David of Wales, Richmond CA

    At That First Eucharist (UNDE ET MEMORES)
    Procession of Oils (Sciavone)
    Kyrie & Gloria from Deutsche Messe (Schubert)
    Resp. Ps. & Accl. Guillemont -The Epistle was read (beautifully) in Spanish, a first for this congregation.
    Antiphons for the Washing of Feet (Ford's American Gradual) - 3 times through. These are new this year, but already well seasoned!
    Off. Ubi caritas
    Sanctus & Agnus Orbis factor
    comm. This is my body (Hoc corpus)(Ford); Draw near and take
    Pange lingua -The procession went widershins around the outside of the church in the dark, but still no one fell in the gutter and choir carried on with flashlights.
  • Jen
    Posts: 28
    St. Adalbert's Berea, OH

    Entrance: Nos Autem
    Gloria: Bruce E. Ford's English version of Gloria VIII
    Psalm: Alstott
    Accl: plainchant
    Antiphons for Washing of Feet: Simple Choral Gradual (Rice) + Love One Another (OCP)
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas - Chant & Duruflé
    Sanctus & Agnus: Jubilate Deo
    Communion: O Sacrum Convivium (Kevin Allen)
    Procession: Pange Lingua

  • South Central PA

    Entrance: We Should Glory in the Cross--Psallite Collection
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: St. Ralph Sherwin Mass (four parts as demonstated on CCW website)
    Psalm: Alstott (older version...not the one currently in OCP missalette)
    Acclamation: Ostrowski
    Antiphon for Washing of the Feet: A New Commandment--Psallite Collection
    Offertory: Where Charity and Love Prevail
    Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Jubilate Deo
    Communion Antiphon: Motyka
    Hymn after Communion: Mount of Olives (translation of Slovenian hymn)
    Procession: Pange Lingua

    This is a parish that resulted from the merger of five nationality parishes in the rust belt of Pennsylvania. Most choir members have little to no musical training and many cannot read music; however, they are used to the "natural/organic" harmonies created in Slavic/Central European church music. The change from "modern English hymns" (with complex rhythms and keyboard arrangements) to antiphons/chants bolstered their confidence and greatly enhanced last evening's liturgy. Thank you for the inspiration!
  • jhoffman
    Posts: 29
    St. Austin, Austin Texas

    Choral Prelude: (In Our Lady's Chapel) Lord, to your feast we come, Alexei Fyodorovich Lvov
    Procession to the Sanctuary: Lord Jesus, You Are Here, Proulx
    Kyrie: XVI with Viadana
    Gloria, Mass of Resurrection+
    Psalm: Guimont
    Gospel Acclamation: Gardner
    Foot Washing: Jesus took a towel (women's chorus)
    Offetory: Ubi caritas, Durufle
    Sanctus: XVIII
    Acclamation: Roman Missal
    Amen: Simple
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion Antiphon: Hoc corpus, Mode VIII
    Hymn: At that first Eucharist, UNDE ET MEMORES+
    Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament: Pange Lingua, Manalo
    At the altar of Repose: Stay with us, Lord Jesus, Egil Hovland

    + Organ accompaniment
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    South London

    INT.: Nos Autem
    Kyriale Mass IX
    GRAD.: Christus factus est
    Credo: I
    OFF.: Dextera Domine
    Off. hymn: Ubi caritas
    COMM: Dominus Jesus
    Comm. motet: Ave Verum Byrd 4v.
    Pange Lingua gloriosi
    Thanked by 1gsharpe34
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    tomjaw - I am surprised that you have listed a Credo, because it's not sung on Holy Thursday
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    It is in the EF, though, no?
  • quilisma
    Posts: 136
    Yes and no, Salieri.
    If you're following the '62 missal then: Credo hodie non dicitur
    If you're following an earlier version (probably prior to '55) then Yes, it is said.
  • AndrewK
    Posts: 41
    St. Peter's Catholic Church, Lindsay, TX

    Entrance: Nos Autem (SEP)
    Kyrie: Mass of St. Peter - Healey Willan
    Gloria: St. Ralph Sherwin - Ostrowski
    Psalm: Chabanel
    Mandatum: Weber and Bartlett settings
    Offertory: Weber Proper
    Motet: Jesu Rex Admirabilis - Palestrina
    Sanctus & Agnus: A Community Mass - Proulx
    Mem Accm: Roman Missal
    Communion: Hoc corpus (SEP)
    Hymn: O Bread of Heaven - St. Catherine
    Ave Verum Corpus - Mode VI
    Procession: Pange Lingua
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    We, like a great many other places, follow the pre-1955...
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Off the top of my head:

    GR introit and verse
    lift High the Cross
    Guimomt psalm

    Mandatum Novum in Latin, then a close English adaptation

    Ubi caritas, chant then gjeilo

    Mass of the resurrection

    Later noster, quia tuum

    Andrew M's communion antiphon for the day
    Pange lingual and tantum ergo, traditional melody
  • Are these all SSPV chapels? CMRI?
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    St. Thomas Aquinas, Palo Alto
    Wednesday evening (at St. Ann Chapel): Tenebrae of Holy Thursday
    EF Matins, first nocturne, and lauds in chant
    Victoria, Three Lamentations and Benedictus

    Thursday evening (at St. Thomas Aquinas)
    Gregorian chant propers
    Kyrie VIII, Sanctus and Agnus IX
    Gloria from Missa Caça by Morales
    Victoria, Vere languores
    Byrd, Ave verum
    Hymns Pange lingua and Verbum supernum for procession.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114

    Mine's a diocesan cathedral
  • Mount Calvary Church
    Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Solemn High Mass
    Organ: Pange lingua (P Bruna)
    Ordinary: Missa de Sancto Albano (Willan)
    Proper: Gregorian (Palmer and Burgess)
    Motet: Ubi caritas (Durufle)
    Motet: Tantum ergo (Durufle)
    Deck thyself, my soul (Schmucke dich)
    And now, O Father, mindful of the love (Unde et memores)
    Now, my tongue, the mystery telling (Pange lingua)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Anyone interested in a 4-part setting of the Introit for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (the same as Maundy Thursday), one which incorporates the melody Crucifer?

    The piece is not intended for congregational singing.
  • I'm always interested in whatcha got, Chris.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • ...Exaltation...
    My two oldest manuscripts are XIVth or early XVth century. The first is a manuscript of some office chants about the cross. (None of them, Chris, resemble Crucifer.) Only one of them, O Crux benedicta!, Ant. to Magnificat at first vespers of The Seven Dolours of the BVM, appears in LU.

    There are two other antiphons sharing the recto of this manuscript, Crucis vox hunc, and Crucis verbum proponitur (both for the Feast of the Most Holy Stigmata), which are not in LU. This manuscript has nicely and delicately illuminated initials and is, I'm relatively certain, no later than early XVth century. There are more chants on the verso.

    The second manuscript is in the same style and has several antiphons and chants that I cannot identify as to feast or function. They are Ut di(?) turbam magnam, an antiphon at Magnificat at vespers of (?), plus Et omnes angeli stabant, and Redemisti nos domine deo.

    Each manuscript is approximately 20 x 28 cm.

    Can anyone identify the chants that lack festal and functional filliation?
  • Jackson,

    I'm being obtuse, probably. You know the tune to which the text "Lift High the Cross" is sung? That melody I incorporated into the last section of the piece.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • I'm somewhat late to the party for this, and there is (somewhere in my files) an alternate ending for Maundy Thursday, but...

    Nos Autem Gloriari.pdf
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Another very fine anthem, Chris.
    I do, though, disagree, not with your music, but, here and there, with some of your syllabification.
    You might send this one, too, to our choirmaster at Walsingham.

    I've always wished that I could compose such niceties - but, alas, I am well advised to be thankful enough for those gifts with which I have been endowed.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    St David of Wales, Richmond Calif.
    7:00 Multilingual Mass

    At that first Eucharist (UNDE ET MEMORES)
    Reception of Holy Oils (Schiavone)
    Kyrie & Gloria VIII De angelis (something tells me the Kyrie should have been omitted)
    Resp Ps: Calicem salutaris (English & Spanish verses)
    Accl: Laus tibi Christe (Orbis factor tune)
    Mandatum antiphons:
    El Señor se laevante; Señor, pretende tú lavarme; Si yo, que soy el Maestro in alternation with:
    Lord, do you wash my feet; If I, your Lord and Teacher; After rising from the table &c (American Gradual)
    Off. Ubi Caritas (English & Spanish verses)
    Sanctus & Agnus XI
    This is my body (American Gradual) & Éste es mi cuerpo
    Pange lingua (alternating En & Sp, then La for Tantum ergo & Genitori)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I have located the alternative ending, but will need to transcribe it.

    In any event, since this thread popped up again, I'll set the record straight. I composed this piece as a birthday present for my wife some years ago.
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 296
    Holy Thursday: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
    April 14, 2022
    St. Paul Cathedral; Pittsburgh, PA

    Organ Prelude: Ubi Caritas (G. Near)
    Entrance Hymn: Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)
    Kyrie: Mass XVI, Mode III
    Gloria: Missa de Angelis (alternating between choir and congregation)
    Psalm: “Our blessing cup…” (R. Nickel)
    Gospel Acclamation: P. Latona
    Washing of Feet: Mandatum (P. Latona)
    Offertory: Where Charity and Love Prevail (CHRISTIAN LOVE)
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Mystery of Faith: “Save us…” (Roman Missal)
    Amen: A Community Mass (R. Proulx)
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion: Where Love and Charity Abide (L. Deiss)
    Anthem: A New Commandment (T. Tallis)
    Procession: Pange lingua
    Motet: We Adore You, O Christ (T. Dubois)

    I was merely a congregant—not involved with music in any way. It was a beautiful Mass.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,925
    St. John the Evangelist, Goshen IN, 2022
    Bilingual Mass

    [no prelude]
    Entrance Hymn: Crux Fidelis / "Faithful Cross above all others" [Picardy] with the first verse of the original latin as verse 4.
    Entrance Antiphon: [during incensation] in worship aid; Simple English Proper (Bartlett)
    Kyrie & Gloria from Dalitz's Missa Tribus Vocibus
    Psalm: "Our blessing cup..." arr. J. Richardson
    Gospel Acc: J. Richardson
    Washing of Feet: Holy Thursday Foot Washing Antiphons (here is the first from this suite:
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas with verses in Spanish
    Sanctus: Missa XVIII (in Spanish)
    Mysterium Fidei: ICEL / Latin
    Agnus Dei: XVIII (Spanish)
    Communion Antiphon: Simple English/Bartlett
    Communion Motet: Hoc Est Corpus by J. Gauthier
    Additional communion music by hispanic choir
    Procession: Pange/Tantum
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    Ave verum a 3 - Anthony St. Pierre
    Meditazione sopra Ubi caritas - Carlotta Ferrari
    Entrance: Lift High the Cross
    Gloria: Mass of St. Francis - H. Buchholz
    Psalm: O'Donnell
    Gospel Acc: Alstott
    Feet Washing: Mandatum - Latona
    Offertory: Where true charity - Roman Missal
    Sanctus/Agnus: Missa XVIII
    Proper communion - Weber
    Hymn, Humbly I adore thee ADORO TE
    What wondrous love is this - SSA arr. Richard Rossi
    Procession: Sing my tongue PANGE LINGUA

    Choir did fantastically with all the a capella singing and the Mandatum, both of which stretched many members beyond prior comfort zones!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • St Vincent de Paul, Elkhart, IN
    Bilingual Mass

    Prelude: Ubi caritas et amor (Gerald Near)
    Organ fanfare on "Lift High the Cross" (Lani Smith)
    Introit: Source and Summit - antiphon in English, verses in Spanish
    Kyrie XVI, Greek
    Gloria VIII, Latin
    Psalm: Spanish, Meinrad mode 8
    Gospel Acclamation: Latona
    Mandatum: Latona
    Offertory: Ubi caritas plainchant with polyphony by Christoph Dalitz
    Sanctus XVIII
    Mysterium fidei
    Pater noster
    Agnus XVIII (all Latin)
    Communion (GS text): Royce Nickel. Bilingual verses to Meinrad mode 1
    Choral offering: Humbly I Adore Thee (Liam McDonough)
    Procession: Pange lingua, Latin
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Introit: Weber
    Kyrie XVI
    Gloria VIII
    Psalm: Sam Schmitt
    Gospel Verse: mode vii
    Mandatum: omitted
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas SATB refrain & chant verses in english
    Offertory: If Ye Love Me (Tallis)
    Sanctus: XVIII english
    Mysterium Fidei: ICEL
    Agnus: XVIII english
    Communion: Weber
    Communion: Verbum supernum prodiens (in english to HEREFORD)
    Communion: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (2 verses)
    Procession: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (picked up where we left off)
    Procession: Pange Lingua (chant)
    At the altar of repose: Tantum Ergo (ST. THOMAS)
    At the altar of repose: Ave Verum Corups (Byrd)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
    St Mary, Help of Christians
    Sleepy Eye, MN

    7pm MR2011

    Procession: Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist
    Introit: English text, Anglican chant, after R. Farrant
    Kyrie: ICEL, with polyphony by SMC
    Gloria: Mass of Wisdom
    Psalm / GA: Alstott
    (no Mandatum)
    Offertory: Where Charity and Love Prevail (vss 1-5 only)
    What Shall I Render to the Lord, J. Erickson
    Sanctus etc. Latin and ICEL Missal Chants
    Communio: English plainchant, arr SMC
    Communion: Panis Angelicus, LAMBILLOTTE
    Ave Verum, Mozart
    Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
    Procession: Pange Lingua
    Stripping of Altar: Stay Here and Keep Watch, Berthier
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen RedPop4