Spanish Mandatum
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    I'm gearing up for our first bilingual Holy Thursday, and still at a loss for Ubi caritas; Pange lingua will be, v uno…four/quatro, then Tantum ergo... in Latin. Here's one of my first efforts at the mandatum antiphons, all suggestions welcome:

    user-notes:3rd foot-washing antiphon, Holy Thursday;
    commentary: Domine, tu mihi lavas;
    annotation: IV;
    centering-scheme: latin;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    Se(h)ñor,(hvgfe) pre(hi)ten(jvi)des(hvg) tú(hih) la(fve)var(f)me(e) los(d) pies?(d.) (:) Je(e)sús(f) le(ed) res(efe)pon(d.)dió:(d.) (;)
    Si(d) no(f) te(h) la(hji)vo(hvg) los(hih) pies,(f.) (,) no(f) ten(e)drás(f) na(evd)da(e) que(e) ver(f) con(e)mi(d.)go.(d.) (::)
    ℣ Fu(d)e(f) Je(h)sús(h) ha(h)cia(h) Sí(h)mon(i) Pe(i)dro,(h.) (:) y(f) és(h)te(i) le(g) di(h)jo:(f.) (::) ℟ Señor...() (::)
    ℣ Lo(d) que(f) yo es(h)toy(h) ha(h)cien(h)do,(h.) tú(h) no(h) lo en(h)tien(i)des(g) a(g)ho(h)ra;(f.) (:) lo en(h)ten(h)derás(i) más(g) tar(h)de.(f.) (::) ℟ Señor... (::)

    Revised :
    user-notes:2nd foot-washing antiphon, Holy Thursday;
    commentary: Domine, tu mihi lavas;
    annotation: IV;
    centering-scheme: latin;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    Se(h)ñor,(hvGFE) pre(hi)ten(ji)des(hg) tú(hih) la(fe)var(f)me(e) los(d) pies?(d.) (:) Je(e)sús(f) le(ed) res(efe)pon(d)dió:(d.) (;)
    Si(d) no(f) te(h) la(hji)vo(hg) los(hih) pies,(f.) (,) no(f) ten(e)drás(f) na(ed)da(e) que(e) ver(f) con(e)mi(d.)go.(d.) (::)
    ℣ Fue(d) Je(f)sús(h) ha(h)cia(h) Sí(h)mon(i) Pe(i)dro,(h.) (:) y(h) és(i)te(g) le(g) di(h)jo:(f.) (::) Señor...() (::)
    ℣ Lo(d) que(f) yo es(h)toy(h) ha(h)cien(h)do,(h.) tú(h) no(h) lo en(h)tien(h)des(h) a(h)ho(i)ra;(h.) (:) lo en(h)ten(h)derás(i) más(g) tar(h)de.(f.) (::) Señor... (::)
    Domine tu mihi lavas.pdf
  • A couple of quick remarks:

    - The punctum mora on the syllable -pon- of respondió is awkward and should be removed.

    - Fue is one indivisible syllable.

    - Y éste le dijo should be Do Re Si Si Do La due to the stress of éste.

    - You've accidentally used a termination formula for no lo entiendes ahora.
    Thanked by 1Richard Mix
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    Thanks! Entenderás: 3 or 4 syllables?

    user-notes:2nd foot-washing antiphon, Holy Thursday;
    commentary: Domine, tu mihi lavas;
    annotation: IV;
    centering-scheme: latin;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    Se(h)ñor,(hvGFE) pre(hi)ten(ji)des(hg) tú(hih) la(fe)var(f)me(e) los(d) pies?(d.) (:) Je(e)sús(f) le(ed) res(efe)pon(d)dió:(d.) (;)
    Si(d) no(f) te(h) la(hji)vo(hg) los(hih) pies,(f.) (,) no(f) ten(e)drás(f) na(ed)da(e) que(e) ver(f) con(e)mi(d.)go.(d.) (::)
    ℣ Fue(d) Je(f)sús(h) ha(h)cia(h) Sí(h)mon(i) Pe(i)dro,(h.) (:) y(h) és(i)te(g) le(g) di(h)jo:(f.) (::) Señor...() (::)
    ℣ Lo(d) que(f) yo es(h)toy(h) ha(h)cien(h)do,(h.) tú(h) no(h) lo en(h)tien(h)des(h) a(h)ho(i)ra;(h.) (:) lo en(h)ten(h)derás(i) más(g) tar(h)de.(f.) (::) Señor... (::)
    Domine, tu mihi lavas.pdf
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • Four syllables.

    Also, I believe the correct psalm tone for this is the solemn version, which in this case is distinguished by raising the note before the accented syllable of the mediant from Do to Re. You have done this for the first verse (siMON PEdro), but not the second (the "a" of "ahora" should be raised).
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    Here's a[n updated] draft of Postquam surrexit. I considered adding "Esto fue" so there are two versions of the last phrase:

    user-notes: 1st foot-washing antiphon, Holy Thursday;
    commentary: Postquam surrexit;
    annotation: iv;
    centering-scheme: english;
    %fontsize: 12;
    %spacing: vichi;
    %font: OFLSortsMillGoudy;
    %width: 4.5;
    %height: 11;
    El(e) Se(d)ñor(eg) se(gh) le(h)van(gh)tó(h) (,) de(ghiwj jIHi) la(h) me(gh)sa,(h.) (;) e(h)chó(gh) a(jk)gua(jkj) en(j) un(j) re(jkj)ci(ig)pien(h)te(g.) (;) y(g) se(h) pu(j)so a(j) la(jkj)var(j) los(j) pies(j.i) de(h) sus(g) di(g)scí(hj)pu(i)los:(h.) (:) Es(hghwi iHG)to(ef) fue(ded.) (,) pa(d)ra(d) dar(c)les(f) e(gf)jem(e.)plo.(e.) (::)
    pa(hghwi iHGhg ef)ra(ded) dar(c)les(f) e(gf)jem(e.)plo.(e.) (::)
    ℣ El(hg) Se(gh)ñor(h) es(h) gran(h)de y(h) di(h)gno(hg) de a(gi)la(i)ban(hi)za,(h) (:)
    en(hg) la(gh) Ciu(h)dad(h) de(gf) nue(gh)stro(g) Dios.(e.) (::)
    Postquam surrexit.pdf
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    A current draft:
    Mandato 1,3,4.pdf
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    No new antiphons for this year, but I think I have improved couple of things since slept on, and added the verse for Si ego Dom.
    Mandamento 2018.pdf