Eugene Lindusky
  • Dave
    Posts: 64
    Is anyone here familiar with the work of Eugene Lindusky? He wrote some short organ works, now in OCP's organ anthologies, that are quite nice. He also did some arrangements of hymn tunes.
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Yes, his chant-based organ works are very handy and quite accessible. He also did some very fine anthems and was a real pioneer in arranging lots of the great polyphony with English texts. There was a massive stack of them in the back of the oratory at St. Joseph's College in Indiana. He was one of the good guys, though I'm pretty sure he converted to the Episcopal Church. He died about three years ago.
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • Eugene was my half brother. He passed away over 3 years ago. He had over 300 hymns in print and was also a terrific wood craftsman, crafting an alter and pulpit in honor of my father in the Episcopal church in Corona Del Mar,CA near Newport Beach. He was a Catholic priest for 20 years, studied music in Rome and headed the Crozier seminary in Indiana. He married and became an Episcopal priest for another 20 years.
    He truly was one of the good guys and an extremely talented man.
  • His work for WLP with translating polyphonic classics into English in the mid-70's also was of significant merit and benefit for me personally.
  • I loved his Tricinia Sacra and the metrical psalms he and Bernard Mischke wrote.
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • G
    Posts: 1,399
    "lots of the great polyphony with English texts."
    Oh, yes, I have those.
    Wonderful stuff.

    "the metrical psalms he and Bernard Mischke wrote."

    Who publishes those?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • World Library, G.

    I love the Latin polyphony.
  • rsvk
    Posts: 2
    I believe Eugene grew up in St. Paul, Minnesota, about two miles east of where I did. I had him for music theory and choir at St Joseph's College, Rensselaer, IN. He was one of the finest teachers and choir directors I ever had. I love his setting of the Great O Antiphons and am trying to find the arrangement. Eugene had a great sense of humor. He'd end all theory examples with the melody "Shave and a Haircut", but not play the resolution. In choir a priest got up and asked about an unknown term Lindusky had used; he spent all afternoon trying to find it in the library. "What was the term?" "Molto schmaltzando."
  • I have one single copy of Mr. Lindusky's "The Great O Antiphons" and our choir has learned it well enough to sing every year for Gaudete Sunday. It's so powerful and we love it! The piece was published by the today's Missal Choral Series. I'd love to have more copies, and do a search every year during my Advent planning, but have never found it.
  • Do share if you can, SeaShel!
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    Some of Eugene Lindusky's works are still in copyright and some are available from WLP.
    A few years ago we had to get permission from his family before sharing some of his works on the forum. If you have a scanned score you'd like to share, please contact me first so that I can check with the family about whether they would grant permission, perhaps for a small payment.
  • This is so interesting... I've recently started a new job in the Northern Indiana territory and I had a choir member bring to me a facsimile of an old manuscript that was composed by Fr. Lindusky for our church. I've transcribed the piece into a modern score so we can resurrect it (after at least 40 years) but I wondered what to do about copyrights. This is the only reference I've found to him online so far and have no idea who to contact. (I also wouldn't mind checking with his estate to see if there is a more legible copy of the manuscript...)
    Thanked by 1cesarfranck
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    It might be helpful to contact World Library Publications in Chicago (and check their web site) to find out which of Lindusky's arrangements they publish.

    Can you tell if the work was commissioned for the parish? I wonder whether that would affect who owns the rights.
  • I believe that OCP is the agent for Lindusky's compositions.
  • Serviam: Since the piece was written for your parish, there's an implicit agreement to make copies for parish use. And since ASCAP/BMI don't pay for liturgical use, that's not really a problem either. Now, if you put on a concert, and it contains this piece (or other copyright music), you should turn the program in to whatever org represents him, and pay. (ASCAP is pretty easy and cheap; BMI, which I'm a member of, can be a bear).
  • rsvk
    Posts: 2
    I contacted WLP a year ago (2019) and was able to get a scan of 'The Great "O" Antiphons' from them, which I was able to use for our parish. Then I found I already had the piece in an old accompaniment book from Oregon Catholic Press. Ah well. We are using the song again tomorrow for the fourth Sunday in Advent.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • The copyrights to the music by Eugene Lindusky, with a few exceptions, are owned by the Crosier Fathers and Brothers. The exceptions are a few compositions still within the holdings of WLP (admin. GIA). The Crosier Fathers and Brothers are a publisher member of, so permission to reproduce Lindy's music for use in your parish can be obtained through that site. The Crosiers are working to make assembly downloads available through Onelicense.
    Thanked by 1Paul F. Ford
  • Recommended: various Lindusky organ works that were collected into the OCP Organ Anthology, two volumes. They’re mixed in with other composers and the Lindusky pieces were probably published as their own volumes at one time. OCP is awful with a lot of music and I hesitate to patronize them, but those two volumes are generally good, aside from some weird pieces by Robert Kreutz (surprisingly). Don’t bother with volume 3, I’ll leave it at that.
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • opus2080
    Posts: 15
    I use those two Organ Anthology books all the time! Whenever I don't have time to prepare prelude music I grab one of those.
  • Are these books still in print? Can anyone direct me to a copy?
  • ServiamScores
    Posts: 2,854
    as best I can tell, these were gobbled up by Wayne Leopold, and you have to request one-off reprints:

    I've sent an inquiry via their contact us button, and I'll report back.
    Thanked by 1trentonjconn