For you composers out there, the Newman Club at my university would like to commission a set of weekday responsorial Psalms for our Liturgies of the Word this year. The dates requested are as follows. I don't have time to adapt these myself, so I'd like to offer the opportunity for quality cantor-assembly-organ settings of these texts. If interested, contact me at moconnor09 AT and we can talk fees and such.
9/9 – St Peter Claver 9/23 – St Pio of Pietrelcina 10/7 – Our Lady of the Rosary 10/21 – OT 29 11/4 – St Charles Borromeo 11/18 – Dedication of Basilicas of SS Peter and Paul in Rome (St Rose Philippine Duchesne) -------------- Spring 2012 1/20 – SS Fabian and Sebastian (Day 7 of Novena for the Unborn) 2/3 – Ss Blase and Ansgar 2/22 – Ash Wed at 3:00pm 3/16 – LENT 3 3/30 – LENT 5 4/13 – Friday of Easter Octave (Day 7 of Divine Mercy Novena)
Hi and thanks everyone! I'm overwhelmed with the response. Please email me directly if you want to participate. Also let me know if you need to be able to set a minimum number for it to be worth your while. Please include a requested fee-per-psalm amount. I won't necessarily take the lowest bidder, but I do want to see who we can actually afford. It seems that everyone who is interested certainly can have a go at one of the dates at a minimum. Thanks again.
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