Commission of Weekday Psalms
  • Greetings,

    For you composers out there, the Newman Club at my university would like to commission a set of weekday responsorial Psalms for our Liturgies of the Word this year. The dates requested are as follows. I don't have time to adapt these myself, so I'd like to offer the opportunity for quality cantor-assembly-organ settings of these texts. If interested, contact me at moconnor09 AT and we can talk fees and such.

    9/9 – St Peter Claver
    9/23 – St Pio of Pietrelcina
    10/7 – Our Lady of the Rosary
    10/21 – OT 29
    11/4 – St Charles Borromeo
    11/18 – Dedication of Basilicas of SS Peter and Paul in Rome (St Rose Philippine Duchesne)
    Spring 2012
    1/20 – SS Fabian and Sebastian (Day 7 of Novena for the Unborn)
    2/3 – Ss Blase and Ansgar
    2/22 – Ash Wed at 3:00pm
    3/16 – LENT 3
    3/30 – LENT 5
    4/13 – Friday of Easter Octave (Day 7 of Divine Mercy Novena)
  • No one interested? Real cash money here...
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,466
    I'm interested!
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    Im would depend on the timeline though.
  • I'm also interested, and the email has been sent.
  • Hi and thanks everyone! I'm overwhelmed with the response. Please email me directly if you want to participate. Also let me know if you need to be able to set a minimum number for it to be worth your while. Please include a requested fee-per-psalm amount. I won't necessarily take the lowest bidder, but I do want to see who we can actually afford. It seems that everyone who is interested certainly can have a go at one of the dates at a minimum. Thanks again.