New Translation Exsultet
  • Joel K.
    Posts: 5
    Hi, everybody. I've been on the forum often but only just signed up because I have a question I was wondering about. I've just been recruited to sing the Exsultet this year for Easter vigil at my parish, something I've never done before. I was wondering if it might be acceptable to sing the new ICEL Exsultet from the forthcoming translation; does anyone know if that would somehow be against the rules?

    Also, I really wish (if I do sing the new Exsultet) that I could have a square note copy rather than the round notes they used for the setting. Although I don't just want to come out and ask if anyone here could do that for me because I know it's a very big task to type out the whole Exsultet.

  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    somehow be against the rules?

    Use of the new translation becomes effective Advent-1
    (earliest use would be Vigil Mass offered on Sat eve Nov 26, 2011).

    Search for the purple heading "Conclusion" ...
  • Joel K.
    Posts: 5
    I apologize for how I may have come across; let me explain myself.

    After reading this past discussion on the Exsultet ( I saw that there was mention of using the St. Meinrad setting for the Exsultet, which apperently does not conform completely with the text in the missal. For example, the words about "fashioned from the work of bees" is added. Since no one seemed to raise an objection to that difference in text, I simply wondered if it would be so different to use the new translation of the Exsultet this year already.

    However, I don't want to presume anything or overstep any bounds, so if I shouldn't use it then I definitely won't.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,484
    You could try it in Latin. It's the new black.
  • Cantate
    Posts: 33
    Advent I is the agreed upon date by the USCCB. The local ordinary could choose to implement the translation anytime he wishes. If you really, really want to use the new translation, you can ask the ordinary...but I wouldn't hold your breath.
  • Joel K.
    Posts: 5
    Thanks, Cantate. I understood that; I just wanted to know what people thought. I'll just be going with the chant from the current missal (right now my Latin pronunciation still needs practice, and the English Exsultet will be challenging enough as it is). I believe it's already been posted in Gregorian notation anyways.
  • benedictgal
    Posts: 798
    Quite frankly, I would rather use the new translation as opposed to the one that we have been using for the past few years (it's a horrible OCP paraphrased complete with disjointed music and drum beats). Just the same, I really wish that we could use the official Exultet instead of the stuff that we get from OCP.
  • It does not seem right that the new translation is not permitted use until Advent. I could see insisting it be in place in advent, but not preventing its use.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    So in this case, we can not do 'brick-by brick'? All at once in Advent?
  • Well, if you think about it, save for the Credo, the next major translation shift lies in the Gloria.
    What's to prevent an occasional use of a revised text Glory to God as an "alius cantus aptus" post-Communion/dismissal?
    Just wundrin' bad?
  • Who would want to sing a Gloria after Mass?
  • Well, I really meant during the Communion portion, actually. Mia asked how it could be done....
  • In my parish, we're going to start using the parts of the new mass settings that use the current text (Kyrie, Alleluia, Amen, Lamb of God) so that the the rest won't be such a shock. I thing using the new Gloria text pre-Advent would be problematic since the text itself is restricted. We will, though, be using the Gloria and Holy music for prelude (organ only) to further reinforce the new melodies.
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Great idea, Marc. Thanks.
  • Since January until last Sunday, at the choir mass, we have sung the Gloria from the Christopher Walker "Belmont Mass". It is a functional, tasteful setting that at least gets the words--and just as important, the rhythm of the words--into the mind. This would not be the permanent Gloria that I would want to use, but it is appropriate. To my ears, the rest of the Belmont Mass is tedious. Also, we have been singing the new text to the "Holy" using the old Dom Gregory Murray "An English People's Mass" as well as the Mystery of faith acclamation, "When we eat this bread..." to chant. A few weeks ago, a visiting archbishop thought it was great that we were "trying" the new text.
  • pierdeux
    Posts: 1
    This is by no means an answer to the original poster, simply an example of the (organic and authentic) license that is taken in practice. Here's an Exsultet that was sung a number of times since 1997 in a Dominican Priory in England (hence the glorious Dominican tone). It is from a joint translation by one of the Dominican Fathers and yours truly that attempted to be both faithful to the Latin original and yet poetical in English. That version was used there for a few years, until, around 2001, it was dropped in favour of the Latin original...

    I know that the same English version was used around 2007 in a small parish in Oxfordshire, and may still be used there to this day.

    While I'm at it, here's a French translation which I just finished last week. (The official French translation too drops the reference to the bees!) It will be put to use at this year's Vigil in a parish in Montreal: in time, I may yet convince the powers that be of switching to the Latin version --- though not in the near future, sadly.

  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    Pierre, this is excellent. As the music director for a French National Church I would be very interested in any other French-language work you have done. There is a dearth of chant based works widely available in French.
  • As I began work as music director at a new parish on Ash Wednesday, I was very interested in whether or not I could begin implementing the use of the new chanted ordinaries during the months before Advent. (My logic was that the text of the ordinaries currently heard in parishes is, in many cases, far from the approved text and no one seems to mind). My pastor asked the bishop if we could do that and was told that we could not.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,240
    Well, at least you can go with the Kyrie and Agnus.
  • I approached an African priest with the same question, since his home diocese is using them over there....he laughed. And said no.

    Of course, there is no reason that you could not sing the new Sanctus during communion...and the Glory To God as a communion reflection on a day where it might be appropriate.

    If the church is singing....dreck...these chants woudl be a breath of fresh air and so different people would not question why they are being sung.

    And we organists should write some improvisations on these as well that people could be playing now....
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 470
    there is no reason that you could not sing the new Sanctus during communion...and the Glory To God as a communion reflection on a day where it might be appropriate.

    Liturgically, that would be very strange, which I think is a reason not to do it.
  • Tell that to the Pope's brother, who reintroduced Latin chant by singing the Agnus Dei at communion.

    It would be liturgically in appropriate for the congregation to sing it, I agree, but the choir holds a higher place and often sings music with texts from the liturgy of the day.
  • Hello everyone!

    I was wondering if anyone had seen/made a version of the new translation Exsultet notated with square notes?

  • I have a concern as well. Someone wants to use the OCP bilingual edition of the Exultet. I heard it and was not quite impressed. At some point, the Exultet alternates between English and Spanish. It is my understanding that we are not supposed to break up the prayers. The setting also features heavy doses of drums, tambourines, keyboards and guitars, as well as drums. It did not sound like anything remotely sacred. When I contacted Pedro Rubalcava, the composer, he seemed a little put-off by my questions.
  • Square-note Exultet (new translation):

    If you see any errors, please let me know and I'll correct.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592

    I have taken the liberty of posting here, so others can enjoy your fine work!
  • Can you advise. I am singing the exultet as a lay person so can't sing the lord be with you and with your spirit as this is reserved for a priest or Deacon the rest of the dialogue isn't but can it be left out and go straight into it is truly right ....? Reason being the congregation do not know the responses
  • The rubrics require the rest of the dialog. Find one or two singers who can learn it, and give them a good spot in the front pew.
  • Our deacon is very weak in his delivery of the Exultet and our priest has asked me to prep our strongest cantor. I just assumed he can do the entire thing, including the responses. If I am incorrect, sombody please correct me.
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    As indicated in the Missal, there are portions that are not sung if the singer is not at least a deacon
  • Thanks, jpal, for clearing that up for me. I guess I need to review my Missal!!!
    Thanked by 1jpal
  • Don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, but I am to sing this for the Vigil Mass this year, so I did a little cleaning up and removed the sections not appropriate for a lay person. I have sung it through, but if you should notice an error, please let me know!

    EXULTET-LAYPERSON-new translation-square notes
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Smaller format
    I like to print this one on the properties setting "Scale to fit letter" so that it is very large and easy to read.