REF: CAO2328
Modus: 8g(am)
Clavis: C4
Verba: Domine, clamavi ad te, exaudi me.
Versio: Herr, zu dir habe ich gerufen, erhöre mich.
Neumae: +4 / / - / / - / / nc / v E
Voces: c c j c a g j c ag a hc a
VocesMs: f f i f d c di f dc d ef d
Differentia: c c h c a g
Officium: Dom 1
Hora: V1
Locus: 1
Fons: Ps 140:1
Psalmus: 140:1-9
Manuscripta: A98/Z270v*
Spatia: 1
Annotationes: In Z a fifth lower
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This is so good it is making me angry.
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