Best practices for implementing the new missal translation?
  • As I speak in various dioceses around the country, I have been floating some ideas for implementing the new missal translation and have picked up a few ideas from the priests, deacons, and lay liturgical leaders in my audiences. Here are mine, with a bit of an explanation of what I mean.

    I am sharing because I want to see what you have heard and read. Please?


    “roll out the new texts in the least unsettling way”

    sing the plainsong greetings, dialogues, and prayers—they signal that we are doing something different
    use the collects and EPs at pastoral meetings, taking some time to talk about them
    use the second penitential act or the third penitential act (saving the Confiteor until Lent)
    when permitted, avoid using the Gloria until it can be sung
    sing/say the Apostles’ Creed, then the Nicene Creed (but not TOO much later, or we’ll “lose” the Nicene Creed, let’s say Trinity Sunday)
    when permitted, use the Reconciliation and Children’s EP’s
    when permitted, use the VNO EP’s

    “beginning now . . . ”

    consider teaching the Latin Gloria XV, thus segueing to the new plainsong setting in the missal (and use organum and handbells)
    explain and use the silences at Mass (GIRM 45, 54, 77, and 89)
    implement the “gospel communion” by choosing antiphons/songs that quote the gospel or the other readings
  • I forgot to add another motive for asking the foregoing: I am about to go out on the road for three months to give more of these presentations and I want to improve them. I have also been asked to write about this.

  • With all due respect, why would you use the Children's EPs? These have not been translated and there are rumblings that they may be deleted altogether (which is not a bad thing at all).

    Now, what I would do to prepare folks for the revised translation is to phase out "Christ has died" and get them used to hearing the one acclamation that seems to have survived mostly intact "When we eat this bread..."

    As for the Creed, the Nicene is still the default with the Apostles Creed used for certain occasions (at least that is my understanding).
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Ask the average Canadian Catholic to recite the Nicene Creed and they'll either look at you with a confused look or scramble to find their national hymnal and read it out of the front sleeve.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    I believe The Children's EP's were never officially approved by Rome, were only intended as experimental texts, and truly should be avoided at Mass. It's all very precarious... here is the dope on the EP situation since VII.


    That is probably true for US Catholics, however, less so...but the Nicene Creed IS the Creed of the liturgy (of the Roman Catholic Church) nonetheless.


    Are you a member of the RC Church, or Episcopal or another denomination? I was never clear on that point. (I think your request for a Magnificat in a version not utilized by Catholics for the LOH is what threw me...)
  • Francis, I am a cradle RC, baptized 12 days after I was born in 1947; I've received six of the seven sacraments. Catholic schooled from 1st grade through graduate school. Taken the oath of fidelity, made the profession of faith, teach theology with a canonical mission at our archdiocesan seminary, served on the archdiocesan theological commission, serve on the archdiocesan liturgical commission, a benedictine oblate. I think that makes me RC enough . . .

    The Children EP's were ad experimentum from 1975 to 1980 and were approved unconditionally in 1980; they are in the Missale Romanum 2002.

    The Apostles Creed may be used in place of the Nicene Creed:
    19. Loco symboli nicæno-constantinopolitani, præsertim tempore Quadragesimæ et tempore paschali, adhiberi potest symbolum baptismale Ecclesiæ Romanæ sic dictum Apostolorum.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    Thanks for clarification. I think I had asked at another point and perhaps never got an answer but you probably didn't see it. Please forgive my ignorance on the matter. I think the matter on the Magnificat threw me because you were hoping to get a musical setting on an unapproved translation for the LOH. It was on a different thread on this forum somewhere.

    BTW... where is number 19 taken from?
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876
    Also, this is important to celebrating liturgies utilizing the EP for children.

    The times it was used in our parish this year, very few children were present. So it was somewhat an abuse of the rubrics. Not only that, but the words to the consecration were altered during the prayer, which likely made the Mass illicit or invalid.

    We (a number of parishoner's concerned about the practice) were told the words of consecration were different in the EP for children. Just not so.

    As you might suspect, "experimenting and being creative" with the liturgical rites often give rise to suspicion.
  • However, Dr. Ford, with all due respect, these EPs for Masses with Children were not included in the revised translation. LIke Francis, I have experienced incidents where very few children were present and the EP for Masses with Children was still used. Worse yet, there have been cases when this particular EP has been used in Masses where there are no children. This is "creativity" at its worst.
  • This is "creativity" at its worst.

    No offense, but you haven't seen very many Masses, have you.
  • The new text of the Gloria can be sung immediately on Christmas 2011.... sung on just one pitch. Refer to Theodore Marier's solution at #7 in Hymns Psalms and Spiritual Canticles. The Gloria is sung entirely on the note, G, as the organ supports and, at times, fights against the singing through an intriguing progression of chords. Varying the organ registration can make this one note Gloria very dramatic.

    The new memorial acclamations can be sung NOW at communion...perhaps as an antiphon to the communion proper or appropriate psalm.
  • BTW... where is number 19 taken from?
    The Ordo Missaeof the Missale Romanum.

    I think the matter on the Magnificat threw me because you were hoping to get a musical setting on an unapproved translation for the LOH.
    What is this matter in reference to? I have no recollection. I'm annoyed at what appears to be an assumption that I would do something illicit.

    Mark is quite right: Using the Children's EPs at Masses where children are not in the majority is hardly " 'creativity' at its worst."

    Playing fast and loose with the words of institution, however, is illicit at the very least and may be invalidating.

    Just because the Children's EPs "were not included in the revised translation" does not mean that they are going to be dropped. They are in the Latin Missal, for goodness' sake!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876

    I may be completely wrong, but I was supposing that your seminary used the NRSV for the LOH. My apologies in advance if I have misjudged your situation. I was under the impression that the LOH for a seminary has strict guidelines to which translations may be utilized. But I may be jumping to conclusions. My apologies if that is the case.

    * Paul F. Ford
    * CommentTimeDec 30th 2009

    The solemn tones are in my 1914 edition (and, yes, the 1st and 2nd class distinctions hold for the EF only). I'd love to see the Magnificat available in both the simple and in the solemn tones. I need them in the NRSV translation.

    I found the Benedictus set:

    tone I solemn, lauds for Holy Thursday
    tone II, lauds for the dead
    tone VIII solemn, lauds for Christmas and Easter


  • francis
    Posts: 10,876

    This was my understanding of LOH for clergy.

    The copyright for the English-language translation of the Liturgy of the Hours themselves is held by ICEL, the infamous International Committee on English in the Liturgy. The readings and New Testament Canticles are from the New American Bible, whose copyright is owned by the US bishops’ conference.
  • Actually, Mark is not necessarily correct. It is rather silly for adults to respond to infantile acclamations that really have no place in the Eucharistic Prayer. To even suggest using the Children's EP during the transition really makes no sense since the translations for these were not included in the revised Roman Missal.

    Now, have seen some very abusive practices imbedded within the liturgy. I have seen one celebrant make up his own Collect as he went along and have the faithful recite it with him. I have also seen another make up his own renewal of Baptismal promises and have the faithful recite them with him.
  • My seminary uses only approved translations for reciting the LOH. I was seeking the simple and solemn toned canticles for use at Mass at communion, when Mass is combined with the LOH; in such situations any imprimatured translation can be sung.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876

    My misunderstanding and apology once again.
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Paul, I think your approach is well-conceived. A few thoughts:

    1. The suggestion to "avoid using the Gloria" seems contradictory to your laudable advice to have congregations immediately learn the Latin "Gloria XV." Perhaps better advice would be "Avoid speaking the Gloria in English until it can be sung. Until such time, sing it in Latin, preferably Gloria XV."

    2. I don't have any hang-ups about Rec., Children's, and VNO EP's, but I think that from a purely practical standpoint, priests should limit themselves to EP-I and EP-II, since those are the EP's most commonly used for Sunday and weekday Eucharist. I would recommend that they get these two prayers to the point that they are virtually memorized before delving into other options.

    3. Regarding the singing of dialogues, presidential prayers, etc., let me say, "Amen, brother." This will serve the liturgy in many fruitful ways.

    4. Might I suggest that this is an ideal opportunity for parishes to reflect on finally abandoning settings of the Mass Ordinary that are not exactly faithful to the official texts. (e.g., I still giggle every time I hear a church full of people sing "Jesus, slam of God.") It may also be a good opportunity to abandon the practice of singing "refrain-style" settings of the Gloria -- just because we *can* (and that point has been debated elsewhere on this forum) doesn't mean we *should*.

    5. Regarding Joseph Michael's suggestion above, I think this is a great idea. I've been meaning to pair psalm verses with the Memorial Acclamation I wrote this past summer, and JM's suggestion finally gave me the impetus to sit down and sketch it out. See the attachment.
    Olbash Mem Acc - Comm Setting.pdf

    Your Communion setting is very nice. We are going to sing it , tonight, at choir practice. Thanks for sharing it.

    I've been toying with the same text using the melody of the first verse of the Pentecost sequence.
  • Olbash:

    We sang your acclamation tonight at choir practice. The choir LOVED it. Beautiful work.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,876

    It does look inviting! It is amazing how many excellent compositions that are shared on this forum. Kudos!
  • @olbash: really lovely.