Please, oh please somebody tell me that somewhere in the world one can actually put one's hands on a copy of the text of Musicam sacram in the original Latin?
I know that Jeffrey Tucker asked in passing once if anyone knew where to find it, and now I'm begging anyone who knows where to find it to please let me know via this forum.
I thank you, and I'll even see if you can be granted some kind of indulgence, under the usual conditions, of course.
I believe I recall an email dialogue with Paul Ford (maybe he’s reading?) wherein he indicated that he has a book wherein the original Latin of MS is published.
Yes, I own all three volumes of the Enchiridion Documentorum Instaurationis Liturgicae, collected and edited by Father Reiner Kaczynski.
This afternoon I scanned Musicam Sacram and here it is as two PDF files. One has the bibliographical information and the abbreviations, the other has the document. I tried sending them as a single file but our site limits us to documents of 1000 kb.
Blessings to all for a holy Holy Week.
Remember: The devil works overtime during this week to try to exacerbate frictions, misunderstandings, and the like.
Musicam Sacram optimized front matter.pdf
Musicam Sacram optimized again.pdf
Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
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