Antiphonale Romanum II
  • I received my copy of the Antiphonale Romanum II (Vesperale) a few weeks ago. My wife and I are interested in forming a schola cantorum in New York City to sing Sunday Vespers in the Ordinary Form on a more-or-less regular basis. We would seek a venue in Brooklyn or Manhattan that would be willing to support this. The advantages of using the OF to begin with are several: shorter cursus of psalmody, the possibility of using the vernacular for parts of the office (capitulum, preces, etc.), and the synchronization with the OF calendar. In general, many parishes might find this less threatening than what might be perceived as a traditionalist infiltration. Furthermore, sung Vespers would not absolutely require the leadership of an ordained cleric, which would give the group some flexibility. Of course the ideal would be to work up to solemn vespers with the participation of the whole community, but we are willing to start small!

    A question arises, then, as to the production of the libelli for the faithful who may assist: assuming that Solesmes would not object to our reprinting hymns and some responses of the ordinary (e.g. Deus in adjutorium), what about the sticky issue of copyright when it comes to translations of the Latin? My inclination is to stick to ecclesiastically approved versions, but those approved for liturgical use are all under copyright protection, including the ICEL texts, Grail Psalter (GIA-controlled), and NAB (USCCB-controlled). Would we be required to seek permission on a week-to-week basis for all these texts? Frankly, it seems more trouble than it's worth. The alternative would be to go with something like the Book of Divine Worship (Anglican Use) for the psalter and RSV or Douay-Rheims for the scripture readings. This doesn't solve the problem of antiphons, canticles, and orations. Furthermore, many of the antiphons in the Antiphonale do not match up with the texts in Liturgia Horarum, so presumably new translations would be required.

    Any suggestions as to how to solve these potential problems, as well as ideas for implementing such a scheme would be most welcome.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205

    I have been doing exactly what you outline during this Lenten season using the Antiphonale Romanum II for the Deus in adiutorium, hymn, antiphons, Magnificat, and Benedicamus Domino. I reproduced the music using MSWord and the Meinrad chant fonts and found translations online (or translated with help of other schola members). For the psalms, NT canticle, intercessions and final prayer, I used the approved translation from the Liturgy of the Hours. I point the psalms with a matching modal tone from Fr. Samuel Weber's English psalm tones.

    We had an initial 2-hr rehearsal the week before the first vespers. Now, we meet at 3:15 to practice the new antiphons and sing II Vespers at 4 pm. Here are recordings from yesterday: Part 1, ">Part 2. You'll notice we also expose the Blessed Sacrament and end with Benediction.

    The men's schola is of varying experience and talent, and it has been shaky at times. But overall the process and prayer has proven very rewarding!

    As to the copyright questions, I am ignorant. Because we are not distributing or selling the booklets, nor photocopying anything, I haven't taken the time to checking out the bogglingly confusing details of getting permission from multiple sources. If you or anyone else finds answers to these questions, feel free to pass them on to me!
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517

    Might I suggest that Vespers in the EF is not as restrictive as you say. My choir has sung it for thirty-five years in Latin, to be sure, but with some of the provisions you mention.

    Concerning the psalmody, the cursus in the OF is shorter for any individual day, but over the month requires the mastery of more psalms; we considered going over to the OF, but thought that three "psalms" made for a rather short office; one person said "Why drive ten minutes each way for a twenty-minute office?"

    Concerning the vernacular, I know of no restriction to singing the office in English according to the EF. The regulation of the office is not nearly so explicit as for the Mass; for those without a canonical obligation to the office, any form is acceptable.

    We follow the OF calendar in general, but with a bit of mixture, since most of the days correspond; thus, we observe Epiphany on the Sunday, but for the three Sundays before Lent we follow the old rite. The solutions to this problem are quite simple.

    Since we have stayed with the Latin, there have been no questions of copyright.

    I am extremely heartened to hear of new Vespers being sung in quite a few places. It is also healthy that both forms of the office be practiced, experienced, and reflected upon.

    You will see some of my reservations about the new Antiphonale Romanum in the forthcoming issue of Sacred Music; still, it is very much worth the effort to make it work for Vespers. I hope you will keep us informed on your progress.
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 469
    Pedro, can you drop me an e-mail (my e-mail is in my profile). I'd like to hook you up with some other folks working on the same thing here in NYC so that y'all don't duplicate efforts. Not that you have to work together, but even if you don't want to, you probably don't want to end up doing the same thing in churches 2 blocks apart. :)
  • AlVotta
    Posts: 41
    Vespers being a little too short, you could add offices: Office of the Readings + Vespers, or maybe Hora Nona + Vespers, or even all three.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > Vespers being a little too short, you could add offices

    Or, perhaps more easily, Compline. You could use van Roode's booklet for the OF: (scroll down to the end of the page).
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205
    Here in MN, singing everything with Benediction and the Marian Antiphon it takes us about 40 minutes.
  • Pedro,
    I know that, if you do not want to recopy the music of the Antiphonale Romanum, you can ask Solesmes to sell you the images of the gregorian music that you find in the Antiphonale. You can buy a digital copy of the images you need, and then you can pay a small fee for reproduction, according to the number of persons (more or less) that uses the images.
    I encourage you very much in your project.
    Fr. Pierre
  • Dan F.
    I have looked at the file you posted. Well done and interesting. I know that in Italy someone is thinking of a bilingual edition of the Antiphonale Romanum II.
    The antiphons will be literally translated, while the palms are going to be both in latin and in Italian, so that faithful can sing the psalmody in latin or in italian.
    But the experiment have been done already and there are more and more people coming to sung vespers.
    Fr. Pierre
  • Thank you all for your helpful and encouraging responses. Perhaps someone knows why, in the ordinary of the office in AR-II, only the ferial tones are given for the reading, Paternoster and collect. Also, can the traditional settings of Benedicamus Domino be used with the lay conclusion of the office, or are they only meant to replace the deacon's "Ite in pace?"
  • Pedro,
    in the AR II, what has been used for the Preces, Pater, Oratio and Blessind, is the so called "roman mode" (recitation on C).
    In St. Peter's Basilica, the "Benedicamus Domino" is sung by a group of cantors. They are not priests or deacons.
  • I know that, if you do not want to recopy the music of the Antiphonale Romanum, you can ask Solesmes to sell you the images of the gregorian music that you find in the Antiphonale. You can buy a digital copy of the images you need, and then you can pay a small fee for reproduction, according to the number of persons (more or less) that uses the images.

    Dear Fr. Pierre,

    Could you possibly provide the best contact information for the attaining these graphics files?

    Best regards,
    Adam Bartlett
  • Adam,

    I know the new Antiphonale *Monasticum* is available on CD-ROM or, for small files, via e-mail. , under ''L'antiphonaire en édition informatique''

    Basically, it says: A digital edition of the gregorian office is now available in digital format. It is consequently possible to order Office liturgical chant pieces from the volume I and II of the new Antiphonale monasticum. They are delivered on CD-ROM, in image format. Small files can be sent via e-mail.

    Antiphons and brief responsories from volume III will be available ... in 2008.

    Religious congregations, universities and cultural institutions can get the permission to copy chants for a low fee, as long as it is for a non-profit purpose (study, rehearsal, choir book).

    Information, fees and orders: Dom Patrick Hala,
    Thanked by 1Bri