Looking for Advent Chant Recordings
  • After a fruitless search, I was hoping that perhaps anyone can suggest some good recordings of Advent chants? I found these two albums, and the listings are what I'm looking for -- 4 weeks of Introits at least, Creator alme siderum, etc. The first cd has a nice selection, but in previewing I found the sound nice, but not really Solesmes interpretation? I’m no expert, but there were too many artificial pauses to suit me.

    The second one only shows a listing of 3 weeks of Advent, but a really nice selection, but I couldn’t find a preview anywhere.

    GREGORIAN CHANTS (Advent) (CantArte Regensburg, Velten)

    GREGORIAN CHANTS : The Lord Is Near - Chants of Advent (Der Herr Ist Nahe)
    Schola of the Benedictine Abbey, Gerleve
    Musical Direction : P. Gottfried Meier OSB

    I’m not up-to-date in the technological world, so I have no .mp3 player. I am hoping just for a cd. I’m always on the lookout for cds that can be played in the background, to familiarize my family with the chant, but I want it well-done. And I really wish there were more recordings of just Advent chant and hymns, and just Lent chant and hymns.

    Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks so much!
  • Chant Gregorien et Polyphonie a l’Abbaye du Bec-Hellouin, Abbey of Bec-Hellouin, CD, EMI Stereo CDC 7497612 PM 518

    The first Sunday of Advent complete, Vespers of Advent, the Alma Redemptoris Mater, and selections from the Dedication of a Church, Holy Thursday, Easter, and Pentecost. Double monastic choir of monks and nuns! Stunning!

    Gregorian Chant for the Church Year: Advent / Veni Domine, Schola of the Hofburgkapelle of Vienna, directed by Fr. Hubert Dopf, S.J., CD, Philips, CD 446 087-2

    All four Advent Sunday Masses complete, plus three of the O Antiphons, and the invitatory Regem venturum Dominum, and hymn Conditor alme siderum Former Vienna Choirboys, now men.

    Dominus Veniet: Liturgie de L'Advent, Choeur des Moniales Benedictines de l'Abbaye Notre Dame d'Argentan, Direction: Denise Lebon, Schola St. Gregoire Le Mans, 1998 Ateliers du Fresne, (p) 300 004 2

    All four Advent Sunday Masses complete, plus the response Aspicies / nuns
  • Excellent! Thank you, Paul. Do you have any suggestions as to where I can obtain these? Online sources? ETA: in America?
  • I shop at Amazon.com (US, Canada, UK, Germany, and France) and at http://www.arkivmusic.com/

    If I can't find them in these places, I go to the publishers' websites.

    Perhaps others on this forum have vendor recommendations?
  • Perhaps ChantCD.com would be of help? https://www.chantcd.com/index.php
  • I shop at Amazon and ArkivMusic, also, although I do struggle with the search engine on Arkiv. I was able to find all but the last one on Amazon.com. I prefer to stick to American postage charges, which are already high. If anyone does find a US retailer, would you mind passing it along, please? I love having nuns recordings as a contrast.

    Why is it that many cds only have the 3 Sundays of Advent, not the 4th Sunday? Another cd I have is Meinrad Abbeys Advent and Christmas. http://www.abbeypress.com/gs/gregorian-chant-for-advent-and-christmas-compact-disc-3.shtml That's an example of just the 3 Sundays, instead of 4.

    I forgot about chantcd.com, but they don't have anything dedicated to Advent.

    On a separate note, I see a new cd "Gregorian Chant for Kids, Vol. 1" on chantcd. As a homeschooling mother, I am always hopeful to find good sources to teach children chant, but this one isn't it.
  • You can't go wrong with the Gloria Dei Cantores if you have a mixed choir. Paraclete Press I know they have the chants of Advent. Can't remember the title, but go to Paraclete Press site.

  • Should have added to above that Gloria Dei Cantores has several CDs out of Gregorian Chant for the various seasons of the church year. I like them b/c they are a mature mixed voice choir with wonderful balance, clear diction . They do not sound like a typical English Choir of men and boys/girls, or even a choir like the Cambridge Singers. An American sound, like the average church choir here, only much much much better! LOL There is also a series of Anglican Chant psalms under the auspices of lately deceased Dr. Mary Berry. I always have them in my car to listen to as I'm going to church. Keeps my blood pressure down driving on the road with so many idiots who can't use ther turn signals to change lanes, and insist on driving 40 in a 60 MPH zone in the left hand lane.

  • Paul F. Lord wrote:
    Gregorian Chant for the Church Year: Advent / Veni Domine, Schola of the Hofburgkapelle of Vienna, directed by Fr. Hubert Dopf, S.J., CD, Philips, CD 446 087-2
    All four Advent Sunday Masses complete, plus three of the O Antiphons, and the invitatory Regem venturum Dominum, and hymn Conditor alme siderum Former Vienna Choirboys, now men.

    I just received this cd today, and it's fabulous! Thank you so much for the recommendation.
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    I've had the Bec Hellouin recording for years and still enjoy it and the Gloria Dei recordings because they are a mix of men and women's voices.

    Gosh, donnaswan, I didn't know that you drove to church via I-95 in northeast Florida:)
  • My husband gave me the Gloria Dei Advent recording "The Coming of Christ". It is beautiful. I prefer chant sung in the Catholic context, more as praying than performance. Are Gloria Dei's version from the Catholic tradition, Anglican, or what? There's some kind of connection http://www.churchofthetransfiguration.org/home.html">Church of the Transfiguration that is a church for an ecumenical community. It is all confusing.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,240
    Gloriae Dei Cantores is part of a lay community living on Cape Cod called the "Community of Jesus". It was started by Episcopalian lay women in the charismatic movement, and has attracted some followers from other denominations. It is more or less an independent organization operating outside the structure or supervision of the Episcopal Church or any denomination.

    It has been the subject of controversy, partly over issues of authority and influence in the community, and partly over practical matters, such as the building of their ambitious church.

    If you want to read more about the group, I've linked a Wikipedia article above, and you can also do a Google search on "Community of Jesus" and find more information.
  • MJ
    I am a 5th generation native Floridian on my mama's side. She married a man from Joisey, who bought her her first pair of shoes. All my Fl relatives left years ago, driven out by those awful Northerners! HAHAHA! Most of them retreated to NC

  • As far as being in the Catholic Tradition or Anglican, I don't quite understand how you could differentiate from their recordings. I have heard this choir several times in real life, and met and talked with them. They are a very dedicated group of people, who may give performances when they are on tour, but it is always prayerfully done. They don't do the Gregorian chants as a performance,though. Tours are usually a mixed bag of things. Last time I heard them it was everything from the Bach Lobet den Herren double chorus to Anglican Psalm settings. Another time it was the music of Joseph Rheinberger. I believe they lead a rather contemplative life in the Community. Certainly more Anglican than Roman though. Their director is a woman who is a really fine conductor. Reminds me of Elaine Brown of sainted memory.
  • not Lobet. singet