Triduum Music Lists
  • cholman
    Posts: 7
    Share your Triduum music lists. I'll start:

    St. Gertrude (Dominican Order), Cincinnati

    Mass VIII
    Prelude: Lamento, Jehan Alain
    Introit: Nos autem gloriari, Dominican Chant
    Offertory: Ubi caritas, Duruflé
    Communion: Hoc corpus, Dominican Chant
    Motet: A Child’s Prayer, James MacMillan
    Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament: Pange lingua, Gregorian Chant

    Passion according to John, Dominican Chant

    Veneration of the Cross:
    Miserere mei, Gregorio Allegri
    Salvator mundi, Herbert Howells
    O salutaris hostia, Ēriks Ešenvalds
    Media vita, Kerensa Briggs
    God So Loved the World, John Stainer

    Communion: O cruor sanguine, Hildegard von Bingen, versicles Psalm 22
    Motet: The Eyes of All, Jean Berger

    Mass VIII
    Offertory: Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem, Stanford
    Communion: Pascha nostrum, Dominican Chant
    Motet: Ave verum, Colin Mawby
    Recession: Jesus Christ is Risen Today

    Leaflets to all three will be uploaded on Monday to
  • Just wanted to comment to say I'm pleased to see the Esenvalds O Salutaris Hostia programmed. I was just telling a friend that it's one of the most beautiful pieces of sung music I know and I wish more choirs would program it. Kudos to your singers!
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    Tenebrae (Anticipated on Wednesday evening)
    All sung in full from the Festa Majora, 1925 / Liber Usualis 1945.

    Mass of Maundy Thursday,
    All Chant sung from the Gradual Romanum 1924
    INT.: Nos Autem, Issac
    KYRIE: Byrd 3 part Mass
    GLORIA: Byrd 3 part Mass
    GRAD.: Christus factus est, Anerio
    CREDO: Byrd 3 part Mass
    OFF.: Dextera Domine, Palestrina
    SAN.: Byrd 3 part Mass
    BEN.: Byrd 3 part Mass
    AGN.: Byrd 3 part Mass
    COM: Dominus Jesus, Chant
    COM. motet: Ave Verum, Byrd 4v.
    Pange Lingua gloriosi, Mis. atrib. Palestrina

    Followed by Vespers

    Solemn Liturgy 11.30 am
    All as in the G.R. 1924
    Sung Passion, Victoria setting
    Popule Meus, Chant
    Crux Fidelis, Chant verses with polyphonic Crux fideli / Dulce lignum refrain
    Vexilla Regis, Chant
    Com: Stabat Mater (Aichinger)
    Com. motet, O caput Cruentatum (Hassler setting/ are. Bach)
    Followed by Vespers sung Recto Tono

    Tenebrae (Anticipated on Friday evening)
    All sung in full from the Festa Majora, 1925 / Liber Usualis 1945

    All Chant from the Graduale Romanum (1924) / Fest Majora (1923/25)
    12 prophecies 1st, 7th, and 12th sung to special tones, all other to prophecy tone.
    TRACT: Cantemus Domino (Chant)
    TRACT: Vinea facta (Chant)
    TRACT: Attende caelum (Chant) (female cantors)
    TRACT: Sicut cervus / Sitivit (Palestina setting)
    Litany of the Saints (Chant)
    KYRIE : I ad lib
    GLORIA: Byrd 4 part Mass
    ALL: (Chant)
    TRACT: Laudate (Chant)
    OFF: Christus Resurgens (Chant)
    SAN: Byrd 4 part Mass
    BEN: Byrd 4 part Mass
    COM: Hymn Jesu Rex admirabilis / Jesu decus angelicum (Dominican melody)
    COM: O Salutaris Hostia, De la Rue
    VESPERS: (Chant)
    Marian Anthem: Regina Caeli (Witt)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I will not be using “We remember” by Haugen during Holy Week. I’ll post my real choices later.
    Thanked by 1ghmus7
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Very intriguing! Same-old same-old at St David of Wales, Richmond Calif.

    Spy Wednesday 7:30
    Lassus 3 Lamentations 4vv, with Responsories by [admirer of] Palestrina

    Holy Thursday 7:00 multilingual Mass
    Un quarto para mi/Prepare a room for me DIADEMATA
    Kyrie & Gloria from Schubert Deutsche Messe
    Mandatum antiphons in alternating languages
    Off: Ubi caritas (Oremos cantando)
    Sanctus & Agnus XVIII
    Comm: Hoc corpus (American Gradual)
    Weave a song/Canta lengua (Tantum Ergo/Genitori in in Latin)

    Good Friday 13:00
    Resp: Father into your hands (Parish Book of Psalms)
    Grad: Christ became obedient (American Gradual)
    Passion according to John Victoria
    Off: O Sacred Head
    Reproaches Victoria (probably followed by) Crux fidelis

    Vigil of Easter
    (tba- sight reading quartet; probably including some of these)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • St. Vincent de Paul, Elkhart, IN (NO)

    HOLY THURSDAY - bilingual
    S&S introit, Spanish verses
    Kyrie XVI
    Gloria from Mass of the Transfiguration (Gouin) - ORGAN OFF
    Spanish psalm, Meinrad VIII
    Latona Gospel Acclamation
    Mandatum: Latona
    Ubi caritas (Ola Gjeilo)
    Missa Jubilate Deo, Pater noster
    Royce Nickel communion chant, bilingual verses
    Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
    Pange lingua chant

    GOOD FRIDAY - English
    Fr Weber psalm
    Latona Gospel Acclamation
    Passion according to GIA, with Victoria choruses
    Adoramus te (attr Palestrina)
    Stabat mater (Garau)
    Christus factus est (Anerio)
    O Sacred Head Surrounded
    S&S communion

    EASTER VIGIL - bilingual
    Spanish psalms to Meinrad VIII. English psalms, S&S
    ORGAN BACK ON - Gloria from Mass of the Transfiguration (Gouin)
    Easter Alleluia (Waddell)
    Litany - Latin
    ICEL water blessing
    Festival Alleluia after baptisms (30... thanks be to God!)
    Veni creator Spiritus for confirmations
    Sprinkling Rite - Misa popular
    Lalemont offertory
    O Sons and Daughters (Cherubini, arr. Proulx)
    Missa Jubilate Deo, Pater noster
    S&S communion (triple Alleluia, mode VI)
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Toccata on Jubilate Deo (Burkhardt)

    EASTER SUNDAY - English
    Prelude: I Know that My Redeemer Liveth (Handel, organ and tpt)
    Trumpet Tune on LYRA DAVIDICA (Lasky)
    S&S introit
    Kyrie VIII
    Holy Name of Jesus Gloria (Duncan IV)
    Proulx psalm (Worship IV)
    Sequence: chant with quasi-organum (yours truly)
    Festival Alleluia
    Nestor Sprinkling Song
    Lalemont offertory
    anthems: Easter Anthem (Inwood), Surrexit Christus (Pergolesi)
    A Community Mass
    S&S communion
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Prelude in Classic Style (Gordon Young, organ and tpt)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen ghmus7
  • emac3183
    Posts: 64
    All Propers from the Source and Summit Missal.
    Really hoping that I can get the choir prepared for singing a cappella Gloria to Gloria. That hasn't happened here yet.

    Holy Thursday 7pm
    Entrance Hymn: Lift High the Cross
    Introit Chant: “We should glory in the Cross”
    Gloria: ICEL Mass
    Psalm Chant “Our Blessing Cup”
    Gospel Acc Source and Summit
    Washing of the Feet: The Wisdom of God by Heath Morber
    Chant: “The Lord Jesus”
    Offertory Ubi Caritas by Ola Gjeilo
    Sanctus Missa Primitiva (Latin)
    Memorial Acclamation Missa Primitiva (Latin)
    Agnus Dei Missa Primitiva (Latin)
    Communion Chant “This is the Body”
    Hymn: Godhead Here in Hiding
    Following Communion: Ave Verum Corpus by Elgar
    Recessional Hymn: Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory/Tantum Ergo
    Adoration: Tantum Ergo by De Severac
    Stripping of the Altar Psalm 22

    Good Friday 7pm
    Solemn Intercessions Sung
    Psalm Father, into your hands
    Gospel Acc Source and Summit
    Showing of the Cross Behold the wood of the Cross (Priest, all respond)
    Adoration of the Cross Popule Meus (Victoria)/Reproaches (Paul Ford)
    At the cross her station keeping if needed (very unlikely)
    Communion Chant "My God, my God"
    O Sacred Head, Surrounded
    Following Communion Adoramus Te, Christe by Dubois
    O Bone Jesu by Ingegneri (if needed)

    Easter Vigil 8:30pm
    Introit Lumen Christi/Deo Gratias
    Exultet Roman Missal
    Alleluia Threefold Alleluia (Priest/all repeat x3, then cantors do as normal)
    Gloria Missa de Angelis
    Litany of the Saints: ICEL Chant
    Procession from font: ICEL Chant “I Saw Water Flowing”
    Sprinkling: Vidi Aquam
    Offertory Chant: “The right hand of the Lord”
    Motet: Cantate Domino by Pitoni
    Sanctus Missa de Angelis
    Memorial Acclamation Missa de Angelis
    Agnus Dei Missa de Angelis
    Communion Chant: “Christ, Our Passover”
    Hymn: At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing LLANFAIR
    Hymn: The Strife is O’er
    Following Communion Sicut Cervus by G.P. Palestrina
    Recessional Hymn Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Postlude Toccata on Lasst Uns Erfreuen (All Creatures of our God), Charles Callahan

    Easter Sunday 8am
    Entrance Hymn Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Introit Chant: “The Lord is truly risen”
    Gloria Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Psalm: This is the day the Lord has made
    Sequence Christians, to the Paschal Victim
    Alleluia Gregorian VI
    Sprinkling Vidi Aquam (small group?)
    Offertory Chant: “The Earth trembled”
    The Strife is O’er
    Sanctus Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Memorial Acclamation Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Agnus Dei Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Communion Chant: “Christ, Our Passover”
    At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing LLANFAIR
    Ye Sons and Daughters
    Recessional Hymn Be Joyful, Mary
    Postlude Victimae Paschali Laudes by Heinrich Bach

    Easter Sunday 10am
    Entrance Hymn Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Introit Chant: “The Lord is truly risen"
    Gloria Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Psalm This is the day the Lord has made
    Sequence Christians, to the Paschal Victim
    Alleluia Gregorian VI
    Sprinkling Vidi Aquam
    Offertory Chant: “The Earth trembled”
    Terra Tremuit by Phillip G. Kreckel (This one has been easy and fun to put together!)
    Sanctus Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Memorial Acclamation Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Agnus Dei Mass of in Honor of St. Thomas More
    Communion Christ, Our Passover Chant (choir)
    Hymn At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing LLANFAIR
    Ye Sons and Daughters
    Following Communion Sicut Cervus by G.P. Palestrina
    Recessional Hymn Be Joyful, Mary
    Postlude Victimae Paschali Laudes by Heinrich Bach
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen tomjaw ghmus7
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    Thursday adult choir
    Lift High the cross
    Kyrie: Missa l’Hora Passa - Viadana
    Gloria: Mass of St Francis - Buchholz
    Gradual Chants : Source and Summit
    Mandatum: Latona
    Missa Primitiva - Latin
    Adoremus te Christe - DuBois
    Jesu Rex admirabilis - Palestrina
    Godhead here in hiding
    Sing my tongue the glorious battle

    Friday childrens choir
    Gradual chants: source and summit
    Veneration: Reproaches - Source and summit
    Faithful cross - Roman Missal
    Communion: Source and Summit chant
    What wondrous love is this
    Jesus, remember me
    Stabat Mater (if necessary)

    Psalmody: Source and Summit
    Sicut Cervus
    Gloria: Mass of St John Henry Newman - MacMillan
    Offertory: Dexter’s Domini - Gregorian
    Regina caeli - Aichinger
    Mass parts: Mass of St Francis - Buchholz
    Communion: Christ our Passover - Richard Shephard
    Ye sons and daughters - Walford Davies
    Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

    Sunday 1. childrens choir; 2. adult choir and brass; 3. handbells;
    Mass of St Francis - Buchholz
    Source and Summit psalmody
    Alleluia (brass): mass of the transfiguration - Norman Gouin
    Kids choir mass: Te Deum - Michael Bedford
    Adult choir mass: This Joyful Eastertide - Sarah MacDonald
    Handbells: Kingsfold Te Deum, Christ the Lors is Risen Today
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,135
    Links to programs for the liturgies of the Triduum and Easter Sunday at the Cathedral of The Holy Cross, Boston:
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    The Triduum has begun

    Maundy Thursday
    Tenebrae (Anticipated on Wednesday evening) 7.45pm GMT
    All sung in full from the Festa Majora, 1925 / Liber Usualis 1945.
    We had one set of cantors, 4 men and five boys in choir singing the Lamentations, Lessons, Antiphons, Responsories and Psalms. This took just under 2½ hours this evening. Congregation was around 50 people.

    Hope you all have a Holy Triduum
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • St. Aelred Catholic Church
    Bishop, Georgia
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Maundy Thursday, 6:00pm
    Ordinary: Byrd Kyrie for three, Scottish Chant Gloria, Merbecke Sanctus/Agnus
    Prelude: Pange Lingua, Dupre
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Gradual: St. Peter Gradual
    Tract: St. Peter Gradual
    Mandatum: Various of the appropriate antiphons, Palmer and Burgess
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Offertory Motet: Why Fum'th in Fight, Tallis
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Communion Other: Panis Angelicus, Lambillotte, Adoro Te, chant
    Procession to Altar of Repose: Pange Lingua, mode III
    Stripping of Altar: Psalm 22, chanted

    Good Friday, 12:00 Noon (we keep this one pretty basic musically)
    Gradual: St. Peter Gradual
    Tract: St. Peter Gradual
    Sung Passion (chant, no polyphonic turba)
    Hymn after Sermon:O Sacred Head, Hymnal 1940
    Sung Solemn Intercessions
    Veneration of the Cross:
    - Crucem Tuam, Anglican Use Gradual
    - The Reproaches, Anglican Use Gradual
    Communion: Psalm 22, chanted

    Holy Saturday Morning Liturgy, 10:00am (this is an Ordinariate thing, I'm told)
    -All as found in the Anglican Use Gradual

    Easter Vigil, 9:00pm
    Ordinary: Missa Maria Magdalena, Willan (Gloria preceded by a nice plein jeux)
    Sung lections
    Chants after the readings all psalm-toned (I know, I know...)
    Solemn threefold Alleluia with psalm-toned psalm 118
    Litany of Saints, English
    Vidi Aquam, Anglican Use Gradual
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Offertory Hymn: At the Lamb's High Feast, Hymnal 1940
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Communion Other:
    - The Strife Is O'er, Hymnal 1940
    - Regina Caeli, Aichinger
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today, Hymnal 1940
    Postlude: Offertoire sur les grands jeux pour la fête de Pâques Dandrieu (first and final movements)

    Easter Sunday, 10:00am
    Ordinary: Missa Maria Magdalena, Willan
    Prelude: Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today, Willan
    Processional: Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today, Hymnal 1940
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Gradual: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Alleluia: St. Peter Gradual
    Sequence: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual (versets on theme to accompany gospel procession)
    Renewal of Baptismal Vows w/ English Vidi Aquam (Credo omitted)
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Offertory Hymn: At the Lamb's High Feast, Hymnal 1940
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Communion Other:
    -Regina Caeli, Aichinger
    - one of Frescobaldi's elevation toccatas
    - improv on proper if time remains
    Recessional: The Strife Is O'er, Hymnal 1940
    Postlude: Präludium 'Festivo', Rinck

    A nice pipe smoke, a thick pour of speyside scotch, and a good heavy lunch with friends and family to follow. Deo Gratias.

    Edit: something went wrong with the italics but I'm too lazy to fix it.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    All Souls, Sanford, FL

    Holy Thursday Misa in Coena Domini (bilingual)

    Prelude: Ubi caritas et amor (Gerald Near)
    Entrance: Lift High the Cross
    Kyrie & Gloria: VIII
    Responsorial Psalm: Psalm for Holy Thursday: Our Blessing-Cup (Proulx)
    Gospel Acclamation: Alabanza a ti, O Cristo… (Responde y Aclama)
    Mandatum: Mandatum (Latona)
    Offertory: Ubi caritas (Hurd – verses in Spanish) + Where True Charity and Love Dwell (Saunders)
    Sanctus & Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: This Body Will Be Given for You/Este es mi Cuerpo (Reza) + Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
    Transfer of the Holy Eucharist: Pange lingua gloriosi

    Good Friday (3:00 English liturgy)

    Responsorial Psalm: from Respond & Acclaim
    Gospel Acclamation: from Responde y Aclama (English version)
    Adoration of the Holy Cross: Crucem tuam (Taizé) + Popule meus (Victoria/chant, ed. Thatcher)
    Communion: Were You There

    Easter Vigil (bilingual)

    Lucernarium: chant in Latin
    Exsultet: chant in English
    Responsorial Psalm 1 (104): Proulx
    Responsorial Psalm 2 (16): Responde y Aclama
    Responsorial Psalm 3 (Ex. 15): Respond & Acclaim
    Responsorial Psalm 4 (Is. 12): Responde y Aclama
    Gloria: A New Mass for Congregations (arr. Biery)
    Paschal Alleluia/Psalm: VIII + Respond & Acclaim
    Litany of the Saints: invocations alternating English & Spanish, responses in Latin
    Vidi Aquam: I Saw Water (Latona)
    Confirmations: Veni Sancte Spiritus (Taizé)
    Offertory: In the Father’s Glory (Latona)
    Sanctus/Mysterium/Amen: Mass of Redemption (Janco)
    Agnus Dei: Aragües
    Communion: Our Paschal Sacrifice/El Cordero Pascual (Reza/Rubalcava) + O Sacred Feast (Willan)
    Recessional: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
    Postlude: Toccata in Seven (Rutter)

    Easter Sunday (10:00 English principal Mass)

    Prelude: brass quintet + Christ lag in Todesbanden (Bach)
    Entrance: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (arr. Lovelace)
    Kyrie: Mass of the Resurrection (DeBruyn)
    Gloria: A New Mass for Congregations (arr. Biery)
    Responsorial Psalm: Let Us Rejoice (Haugen)
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes (chant)
    Alleluia: Festival Alleluia (Chepponis)
    Vidi Aquam: I Saw Water (Latona)
    Offertory: In the Father’s Glory (Latona)
    Sanctus/Mysterium/Amen: Mass of Redemption (Janco)
    Agnus Dei: Holy Cross Mass
    Communion: At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing + O Sacred Feast (Willan)
    Recessional: Jesus Is Risen, Let Us Sing (arr. from Rutter’s All Creatures of Our God and King)
    Postlude: brass quintet
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    How did your Veneration of the Cross work out time-wise? Ours took 40 minutes.
    We sang all of Reproaches I, all of Faithful Cross, the whole Stabat Mater, and What Wondrous love is this.
  • We sang Crucem Tuam and Reproaches I and II, and we finished right as veneration was finishing up.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    I noticed with shock that ours was done around the second Hagio o Theos! There were no servers, so we used almost all of the reproaches during the tidying up.
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    We sang all the Ego te's omitted the Crucem Tuam and sung the whole Pange lingua with polyphonic refrain.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,416
    We stopped halfway through the second Reproaches. Maybe next year when our situation will be more conducive we will sing it all.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • m_r_taylor
    Posts: 330
    Easter Sunday

    Opening Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Introit: Kelly
    Sprinkling Rite: I saw water (VII hymnal arrangement)
    Gloria: Mass VIII
    Psalm: own composition
    Sequence: Christians, to the Paschal Victim (1880 Antiphoner and Grail translation)
    Alleluia: Mode 6 Alleluia (onefold, same as in the Anglican Use Gradual)
    Alleluia verse: Englished adaptation of the Pascha Nostrum verse
    Offertory chant: SEP
    Offertory hymn: At the Lamb's High Feast.
    Sanctus / Agnus Dei. Mass XVIII
    Communion chant: Pascha Nostrum
    Communion motet: Christ Our Passover - Everett Titcomb.
    Postcommunion: Regina Caeli / O Heaven's High Queen (traditional simple tune, my own harmonies in both Latin and in English)
    Adoration: O Salutaris (this Mass ends with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament).

    Thanked by 3CHGiffen tomjaw ghmus7
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
    Old St Mary / The Cincinnati Oratory

    Full Propers
    Kyrie, Missa Brevis, Buxtehude
    Gloria, Mass VIII
    Sanctus / Agnus Dei, Mass IV
    Prelude: Chaconne in F minor, Pachelbel
    Hymn: Lift high the Cross
    Offertory: Domine, tu lavas, Nunes Garcia
    Communion: Ubi caritas, Duruflé
    Tristis est anima mea, Lassus
    Ave verum, Byrd
    Procession: Pange lingua, Gregorian Chant
    Tantum ergo, Benedict Preece

    Tracts, Viadana
    Passion according to John, Turba parts by Victoria
    Improperia, Victoria
    Crux fidelis
    Vexilla Regis, Bruckner

    Sicut ovis, Jerusalem surge, Viadana
    Plange, Eram quasi agnus, plainsong
    Astiterunt, Aestimatus sum, O vos omnes, Recessit pastor, Victoria
    Sepulto Domino, Handl
    Christus factus est, Benedict Preece (world premiere)
    Miserere, Allegri

    with 9-piece orchestra

    Sicut / Sitivit, Palestrina
    Missa brevis, K 259, Mozart
    Offertory, Larghetto on ‘DUKE STREET’, Callahan (violin and organ)
    Laudate Dominum from K 440, Mozart
    Salve festa dies, plainsong
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Bach, Alla breve, BWV 589

    Thanked by 3tomjaw ghmus7 CHGiffen
  • Holy Family Catholic Church, St. Louis Park, Minnesota (outside of Minneapolis)
    N.O. Parish
    Holy Thursday
    PROCESSIONAL: The Heav'nly Word Proceeding Forth (sung to Jesu Dulcis Memoria)
    MASS ORDINARY: Missa de Angelis
    RESP. PSALM: Sam Schmitt from CCW
    GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Praise and Honor set to the 'Orbis Factor' Kyrie tune
    1. Ubi Caritas - Durufle
    2. Postquam Surrexit Dominus - Mode IV
    3. Dominus Jesus - Mode II
    OFFERTORY: Dextera Domini - Palestrina
    In Monte Oliveti - Giovanni Martini
    COMMUNION: Gregorian Chant Proper
    Bone Pastor - Thomas Tallis
    Ave Verum Corpus - Franz Liszt
    Hear My Prayer, O Lord - Henry Purcell
    Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (Sweet Sacrament)

    Good Friday
    RESP. PSALM: Sam Schmitt
    GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Praise and Honor set to the 'Orbis Factor' Kyrie tune (choral verse I composed)
    1.Crucem Tuam - Gregorian Chant
    2. Popule Meus/Improperium - Victoria
    3. Crux Fidelis - Gregorian Chant
    4. O Jesu Christe - Jacquet de Mantua
    5. God So Loved the World - John Stainer
    6. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Lowell Mason
    7. Vexilla Regis - Gregorian Chant
    HYMN DURING THE COLLECTION (per Father's request)
    O Sacred Head Surrounded
    1.Miserere Mei, Deus - Allegri
    2. Ah, Holy Jesus
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    Easter Sunday (at the usual place)

    Processional Salve Festa Dies
    Vidi Aquam
    INT. Resurrexi (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    KYR. Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    GLO. Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    GRD. Haec dies (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    ALL. Pascha (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    SEQ. Victimae (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    CRD. Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    OFF. Terra (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    OFF motet. O filli et filliae (Tisserand 1494 setting for the refrain)
    SAN. Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    BEN. Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    AGN. Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    COM. Pascha nostrum (Graduale Romanum 1924)
    COM. motet. Dic sepulchri (Office hymn)
    COM. motet. Hic est Dies (Ambrosian hymn)
    Domine salvum fac John Francis Wade setting
    Reginia Caeli, Witt

    Vespers and Compline will be sung later by several members of our choir at my house after an Easter feast (our Church is too far away to go back to sing), but we will be back at Church to sing Mass tomorrow!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    High points

    Palm Sunday (full choir - 30)
    Hosanna chant
    Newly composed Psalm
    O Savior of the World: Goss
    Communio chant

    Thursday (Full Choir)
    O Most Merciful: Bach (Oxford Easy Anthems)
    Mandatum chnats from Gregorian Missal
    Ubi Caritas
    Communio chant
    Adoro te Devote

    Friday (full choir)
    Exerpt (English adaption) O My God; Stabat Mater: Pergolesi
    Lord, by thy Tender Mercy: Farrant
    O My People: Christopher Walker
    Crux Fidelis (complete)
    Glory be to Jesus: Hamilton

    All psamody
    Long form Exultet
    Usual chants, Litany of Saints (cantor and Schola Cantorum)

    Easter I
    Easter preludes from the Orgelbuchlein
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today - new arrangement with brass.
    Latin Sequence
    Motet- With a Voice of Singing: Shaw with Brass.
    Regina Caeli
    Prelude and Fugue in C: Bach

    2:00 Latin Novus Ordo
    Orbis Factor
    Alleluia from Gregorian Missel
    O Fili...
    Prelude and Fugue in C: Bach

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • DL
    Posts: 81
    Edited highlights of various choral bits and bobs this year:

    Palm Sunday: Hosanna Filio/Pueri by Schubert; Malcolm, Ingrediente; Mass XVII; propers.

    Wednesday evening: Tenebrae, Latin.

    Thursday: propers; Mass VIII KG; Byrd 4 SBA; Duruflé Ubi caritas; Morales, Parce mihi; “Palestrina” Pange lingua.

    Friday: Victoria Passion (English), Improperia; Allegri, Miserere.
    Friday evening, Pergolesi, Stabat Mater.

    Saturday: Schubert in G, GSBA; Palestrina Sicut cervus; Viadana Exultate justi; Aichinger, Regina caeli, propers.

    Sunday: Schubert in G KGSBA; Victimae arr Revert; Britten, Jubilate Deo in C, propers.
    Sunday evening: EF, propers, Mass I; O filii; vespers and procession.

    Monday: propers, Mass I.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,796
    We came back to sing Easter Monday,

    Salve Festa Dies
    Propers sung in full to G.R. 1924
    Mass I
    Credo I
    Offertory motet, Chorus novae Jerusalem, Office Hymn
    Communion motet, Dic sepulchri (Office hymn)
    Solemn Marian anthem

    The next event is the choir Easter dinner on Thursday.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen MatthewRoth
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    Music List for the Paschal Triduum-St. Bernard Catholic Parish, Madison

    Holy Thursday:
    Prelude: Le Banquet Celeste -Messiaen
    Entrance Antiphon: Nos autem gloriari -Roman Gradual
    Hymn: Lift High the Cross -CRUCIFER
    Kyrie: Mass XVII
    Gloria: A Congregational Mass -Lee, arr. Sittard
    Psalm 116 -Sittard
    Gospel Acclamation: -ORBIS FACTOR
    Music for the Washing of Feet: -Sittard
    Preparation of the Gifts: Ubi Caritas -Biery
    Eucharistic Acclamations: -Roman Missal
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVII
    Communion Antiphon: Hoc Corpus -Roman Gradual
    Procession: Do This In Memory of Me -Sittard
    Motet: Ave Verum Corpus -Byrd
    Procession: Pange Lingua -Chant

    Good Friday:
    Psalm 31 -Sittard
    Verse before the Gospel: Christus Factus Est -Anerio
    Passion (chanted)
    Veneration of the Cross: Good Friday Reproaches -Victoria, arr. Thatcher
    O Sacred Head Surrounded -PASSION CHORALE
    Communion: Psalm 22 -Source and Summit
    Motet: God So Loved the World -Chilcott
    Hymn: Were You There? -Spiritual

    Easter Vigil: Choir and Instrumentalists
    Exsultet: -Roman Missal
    Psalmody: Nestor, Sittard, Source and Summit
    Gloria: A Mass for Congregations -Andrews, arr. Biery
    Alleluia Psalm: Chant
    Litany of Saints: Chant
    Sprinkling Rite: I Saw Water -Nestor
    Preparation of the Gifts: Regina Coeli -Aichinger
    Hymn: At the Lamb’s High Feast -SALZBURG
    Eucharistic Acclamations: A Community Mass -Proulx
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion Antiphon: Christ Our Passover -Source and Summit
    Procession: This Is the Feast -FESTIVAL CANTICLE
    Anthem: Now the Green Blade Riseth -Lindley
    Recessional Hymn: Sing with All the Saints in Glory -HYMN TO JOY
    Postlude: Hallelujah from Judas Maccabaeus -Handel

    Easter Sunday: Choir and Chamber Orchestra
    Entrance Antiphon: Resurrexi -Roman Gradual
    Hymn: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today -EASTER HYMN
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: Messe in C -Buhler
    Psalm 118 -Brubaker
    Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes -Chant
    Gospel Acclamation: Vulpius, arr. Sittard
    Sprinkling Rite: I Saw Water -Nestor
    Preparation of the Gifts: Terra tremuit -Guttler
    Eucharistic Acclamations: A Community Mass -Proulx
    Agnus Dei: Mass VIII
    Communion Antiphon: Christ Our Passover -Source and Summit
    Procession: This Is the Feast -FESTIVAL CANTICLE
    Anthem: Now the Green Blade Riseth -Lindley
    Marian Antiphon: Regina Coeli -Chant
    Recessional Hymn: Sing with All the Saints in Glory -HYMN TO JOY
    Postlude: Hallelujah from Messiah Handel
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen