Responsorial Psalms in Latin?
  • acadia
    Posts: 28

    I have had a request come in for the Responsorial Psalms of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil in the new style (congregational refrain, cantored psalm verses, refrain, verses, etc.) BUT in Latin. I have been unable to find a source. Any ideas? Thanks so much.
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 276
    They looking at the Graduale Simplex. There are responsorial psalms there in Latin.
    Thanked by 1acadia
  • acadia
    Posts: 28
    That's a great suggestion, thank you. I'm looking through it now, and some match up quite nicely with the new lectionary, but others are a miss. There may be some that are elsewhere in the Simplex - I'll check for that, too.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,342
    If you have a few that you can't find, I'm sure one of us could write a simple, but serviceable, setting in relatively short order
    Thanked by 1acadia
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 276
    @acadia If you are in the U.S., our version of the GIRM allows you to substitute a psalm in the Graduale Simplex for the one assigned in the Lectionary. Look at para. 61.
    Thanked by 2acadia Paul F. Ford
  • I've got an older (1975?) daily missal that has gives the response for the Responsorial Psalm in Latin and English; no melody though. If that's of interest, I can scan the relevant pages for you when I get home from work this evening. :)
    Thanked by 1acadia
  • acadia
    Posts: 28
    @Chaswjd I'm in Canada, but our GIRM allows for this as well.
  • acadia
    Posts: 28
    @josephw Thank you, but I think we also need melody.
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,092
    Go to this page, select the first link for the Second Volume, then scroll to page 290, where the texts for the Sacrum Triduum Paschale begin. You'll find the Latin texts for the responsorial psalms that you are seeking on the pages that follow for each liturgy.

    You can chant the texts to psalm tones easily.
  • acadia
    Posts: 28
    @MarkB very good suggestion, thank you!
  • I did a year's worth of these about 20 years ago, a very eccentric project, or so I thought at the time. You might want to check the texts against current sources.
  • acadia
    Posts: 28
    Thank you @Richard R. this is helpful!
  • R. these are excellent!