Do you want anything in particular sung at your funeral Mass?
  • This was prompted from a recent post but I didn’t want to derail it. :-)

    I plan to tell my singers that should they want to sing something at my funeral - whenever it might be -
    I hope it would be
    the “Vere Languores” by de Victoria.

  • Victoria Requiem a6
    Croft Burial Sentences
    Wood Bow Down Thine Ear
  • In my wildest dreams, I'd want the Duruflé Requiem.
    I'd "settle" (if one can call it that) for something similar to Benedict XVI's funeral - Gregorian chant & Palestrina's Sicut cervus.
    If there's room to add a couple "favorite" hymns: O God beyond All Praising and/or Crown Him with Many Crowns
  • tandrews
    Posts: 177
    Abide With Me
  • I always say (with tongue half in cheek) that I want Spem at the offertory at my funeral.
    (The text is quite appropriate.)

    Otherwise, Croft's Burial Sentences at the procession,
    Palestrina's Sicut cervus at the offertory
    Tallis's Verily, verily at the communions.
    Lauda Anima for a recessional

    For opening voluntaries (for organ) Bach's great A-minor prelude
    followed by an English renaissance voluntary by Thomas Tomkins.

    For closing voluntary - Bach's Heut trumphiret from the Orgelbuchlein

    The propers and ordinary in plainchant as adapted into English by Canon Winfred Douglas.
  • redsox1
    Posts: 217
    Palestrina- Sicut Cervus
    Proulx- Jesu the Very Thought of Thee
    Powell- Anima Christi
    Gregorian propers
    I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
    Gelineau Psalm 23
    Missal chants
  • God of Mercy and Compassion.
  • John Henry Newman's text Lead Kindly Light set to the hymn tune Sandon. Jerusalem My Happy Home would be another good one.
  • I cannot state in strong enough terms how much I hope to have "I heard the voice of Jesus say" set to Tallis' Third Mode Melody, sung SATB a cappella.

    This is presuming, of course, that I cannot have a traditional requiem mass with full chanted propers.

    I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, Third Mode Melody - Full score.pdf
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,168
    I don't have a list to be sung at my funeral, but I do have a list of what not to sing -
    The top of that list is Amazing Grace. Every time I've ever heard it sung in a church there is at least one person who sings it in a loud nasally voice.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    Very few people will have effective control over what is sung at their funeral. Generally, it will be a weekday within a week to 10 days after death (unless there is to be a funeral with cremated remains), and there will only be a cantor and an instrumentalist of some sort, who might be one and the same person. Memorial masses, however, offer more practical possibilities.

    For my late father's funeral seven years ago, I did ask that the Tallis IHTVOJS be sung by the cantor to the THIRD MODE MELODY at Communion, and my request was granted (I supplied the music). THIRD MODE MELODY is much more plaintively apt for a funeral than the more sprightly KINGSFOLD. (My father had lived into his 90s, and our mother and his life's friends predeceased him, the huge church just contained a small family of mourners outnumbered by parish staff who use funeral Masses as their daily Mass. One thing I will say: traditional hymnody sounds a LOT better in that context than contemporary idiom songs that would sound pathetic for lack of numbers - and that is a practical ground on which musicians can offer guidance to mourners and clerical staff.)
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    Well, I won't be around to hear it, so . . .
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Low Mass, entirely spoken.
  • Solemn High Mass.
    I haven't really thought about motets or such for the requiem, because I'm only halfway through my 50s, and my dad died just short of his 93rd birthday and 6-months short of his 60th wedding anniversary. Mom is still going strong.
  • Chaswjd
    Posts: 276
    If I had unlimited resources, the dream would be to have the Tallis Scholars come and sing the Victoria Requiem a 6.

    On more limited resources:

    Introit: Puccini Requiem (someone would have to find a violist)

    Offertory: Salieri De Profundis

    The rest can be from the Graduale Simplex.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    It gives me great pause that this thread was posted yesterday since this very morning on Candlemass during the Holy Hour after Mass, I read this verse for the first time and said to myself, "this should be sung at my Requiem Mass". Then just now I saw this post.

    When, therefore, O sweetest Jesus,
    my weary and downcast eyes
    can no longer look up to Thee,
    be mindful of the loving gaze
    which I now turn on Thee,
    and have mercy on me.

    When my parched lips
    can no longer kiss Thy most sacred wounds,
    remember then those kisses which now I imprint on Thee,
    and have mercy on me.

    When my cold hands
    can no longer embrace Thy Cross,
    forget not the affection with which I embrace it now,
    and have mercy on me.

    And when, at length,
    my swollen and lifeless tongue
    can no longer speak,
    remember that I called upon Thee now.

    Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
    to Thee I commend my soul.

    GC Requiem Chant, using movements from a very simple Requiem that I composed for SATB. (hope to post a sample soon)
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Morales a 5 !
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    If I could find a musical version of "I spent it all and none of you are getting a dime" I would like that.
    Thanked by 2StimsonInRehab Carol
  • tandrews
    Posts: 177
    Can't believe no one has picked Be Not Afraid yet!

  • francis
    Posts: 10,882

    We were all being afraid somebody was going to say that
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997

    Can't believe no one has picked Be Not Afraid yet!

    That and Eagle's Wings, How Great Thou Art, and Amazing Grace were requested at nearly every funeral I played.
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • Funeral is going to be easy - Latin Requiem. My wake is a different story, as I’ve said before: snicker all you want, but I want to have Sir Arthur Sullivan’s “The Lost Chord”. I’d like it sung by Incardination, and played by NihilNominis.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    While they are not my preferred metier/idiom and would not "work" for all funerals (see my earlier comment for an example of a context where they would have sounded pitiful), Be Not Afraid and Eagle's Wings are significantly better than many other things people might insist on (which is more a comment on those other things). And Amazing Grace is arguably the definitive hymn of the English-speaking peoples* and is way better than those other things. How Great Thou Art makes me wary of hearing mighty vocal tremolos (more fierce than mere vibrato), but that's my personal taste association.

    * I will put a plug in for two perhaps counterintuitive options:

    1. The Magnificat in some direct or paraphrased form. It is, to my mind, the definitive and model canticle of the Christian disciple, and appropriate to sing upon the completion of such discipleship. (I am apparently not alone in speculating that it is what Our Lady sings in Heaven.)

    2. What is arguably the definitive anthem of Catholic English and German speaking peoples would make a wonderful closing hymn of praise at any Catholic funeral to thank God for the gift of life and redemption: Holy God We Praise Thy Name. [Just be conscious of the melodic version you use.]
  • If you really want to make me happy, sing the Dufay Requiem

    Failing that, any polyphonic Requiem of the Renaissance, well sung, will do. Ockeghem would be great, but is hard and doesn't always fit the modern text. Clemens non Papa is easy.Of course the chant Dies Irae, this being a TLM. Or mix and match. God of mercy and compassion for a prelude. Perhaps my Versa est in luctum at the Offertory. Surprise me with a communion motet (but make it a nice surprise). No organ, per Pius XII. Though if @Melofluent were to stop by and play a guitar solo, I don't think any of us would (or could!) stop him.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    I thought Melofluent would have to do that now from the Hereafter, as it were....
  • That's why I didn't think we could stop him. Perhaps he could bring a copy of the Dufay while he's coming. "Hey, Bill, you remember that Missa pro Defunctis you wrote?"
  • I want a Sung Requiem Mass with all the sung chant propers. I also want them to sing In Paradisum and that other Canticle that’s in the PBC in the requiem section for graveside music.
    Thanked by 1mmeladirectress
  • davido
    Posts: 974
    Any of you familiar with the repertoire of English hymns written on the themes of the requiem mass? Things like “Now the labourer’s toils are o’er” and “O lord to whom the spirits live” in the English Hymnal?
    They were written by men impressed with the Roman requiem mass. But now on a traditional Catholic musicians forum, people are advocating evangelical Protestant hymns whose theology of salvation would make Luther blush.

    But then, in the 50+ funerals I played last year, only twice was purgatory mentioned and the deceased not canonized on the spot.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    "Things like “Now the labourer’s toils are o’er” and “O lord to whom the spirits live” in the English Hymnal?"

    And ... then expect a motley congregation from divers parts to feel game enough to sight-sing them cold? I would venture that's expecting more than is typical for American Catholics, who are not Lutherans, Methodists or Episcopalians in that regard. Good luck with that.

    Chants are lovely, but they sound rather odd being sung by a single cantor, which I would safely venture is the typical resource available for most funeral Masses in the USA. (As I alluded earlier, memorial Masses - being plannable further in advance - have more practical potential for more resources if they can be cobbled together.)
  • Davido,

    CMAA's forum is hardly a
    a traditional Catholic musicians forum,

    so you must have meant some other group. Which other group?
  • Funeral is going to be easy - Latin Requiem. My wake is a different story, as I’ve said before: snicker all you want, but I want to have Sir Arthur Sullivan’s “The Lost Chord”. I’d like it sung by Incardination, and played by NihilNominis.

    It would be worth playing it just to see Incardination trying to keep a straight face through it...

    Requiem High Mass no frills for me (tasteful polyphony chosen as appropriate), but almost certainly want "Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart" sung at some appropriate time before or after the Mass. All three verses in full. Winkworth translation with historic pronouns.
  • I think “There’s Crap on the Door” would be great for vigil.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Now I've heard everything LOL.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I have no problem with "The Lost Chord." Sullivan was a master of melody who doesn't get the credit he deserves. It would be a great improvement over 90% of the music heard at U.S. Catholic funerals.
  • It would be a great improvement over 90% of the music heard at U.S. Catholic funerals.

    In fairness, Charles, this isn't exactly a 3 minute mile.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    No 3-minute miles yet. So far, 3:43.13 in 1999 is the record. If Pope Francis continues to squelch the Trad mass, I suspect the music is going to get even worse. No miles, but the old give them an inch routine. It won't be pretty.
    Thanked by 1LauraKaz
  • GambaGamba
    Posts: 551
    Just the chant. I have made my living specifically as an organist; my friends and family have heard more than enough organ music just by being related to me. I have greatly enjoyed playing and singing hymns, but none are as good as the chant. So all I want is the propers and ordinary chanted in their entirety, appending psalm verses at communion as needed. Something simple and beautiful, and a real chance for my loved ones to pray for my soul, instead of sitting and wondering why I liked this hymn and that anthem and that postlude.
  • I change my list every so many months, but here’s the most recent:

    Processional: O Jesus, Joy of Loving Hearts (WAREHAM)
    Psalm: “The Lord is my Shepherd” by Dale Wood
    Gospel: Alleluia Solennelle by Joseph Gelineau or Peter Latona’s Lenten acclamation
    Offertory: We Walk by Faith (DUNLAP’S CREEK)
    Holy: People’s Mass by Jan Vermulst
    Mystery of Faith: “When we eat…” by David Kraehenbuel
    Great Amen: Danish Amen Mass by David Kraehenbuel
    Lamb of God: Written by Lucien Deiss
    Communion: All You Nations by Lucien Deiss or, if during Lent, Grant to Us, O Lord, by Lucien Deiss
    Final Commendation: chant
    Recessional: Christ is the World’s Light (CHRISTE SANCTORUM) with a nice final verse reharmonization for “Give God the glory…”!
    Thanked by 1mmeladirectress
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    a real chance for my loved ones to pray for my soul, instead of sitting and wondering why I liked this hymn and that anthem and that postlude.

    Yes, the funeral Mass is (or should be) about praying for the soul of the deceased. (I know I'll need all the prayers I can get!)

    It's difficult for me to understand all the personal choices for a funeral Mass - as if the Mass is a celebration of the person's life? - when the Church has already chosen some of the most beautiful texts and chants in the repertory to guide us in prayer.
    Thanked by 1WGS
  • CGM
    Posts: 709
    I need to start planning now, to sock away a bunch of money so that whoever has the delightful(?) duty of handling my funeral Mass can hire a sextet to sing Richafort's Requiem a6, which must be one of the most astonishingly beautiful things ever written. (It doesn't hurt that it's based on a Josquin chanson.) I've had the chance to program some of its movements at All Souls Masses, and record a bit of it. It's absolutely spellbinding.