The Triduum 2022
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Well we have begun with Tenebrae,
    All sung in full from the Festa Majora, 1925 / Liber Usualis 1945
    We had two cantors, and 4 men singing the Lamentations, Lessons, Antiphons, Responsories and Psalms. This took 2½ hours this evening.
    We will be back to sing Mass tomorrow...

    Happy Feast!

    EDIT 7pm BST = evening
  • How does one sing Tenebrae in the evening, Tom?
  • davido
    Posts: 973
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,437
    Anticipating Tenebrae to the evening or even afternoon is normal. Matins may be licitly prayed from 2 PM, solar or civil, whichever is most favorabl, and before the 1960 reform, this offic always could include Lauds, and I believe, but am not certain, that not doing so only began with Divino Afflatu. I know of places doing it anywhere from 6 to 9 pm or even later. The FSSP in Rome begins around 10:30 at the conclusion of the day's major liturgy, which is crazy. We're doing it at 6 am, because our pastor prefers 6 am or pm, and he prefers that things not change times every day, which, well do we have a schedule for him if that's the case…
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    @CGZ Tenebrae before the deformers ran riot was anticipated, just as many of the other Liturgies this week... So we always sing Tenebrae on Wednesday evening (6pm GMT), this year we will also sing the Tenebrae of Holy Saturday on the evening of Good Friday at 7.40pm GMT.

    Commentary here,

    It is rather effective to start singing just before dusk, and as the daylight disappears, the lights in the church become the only light, towards the end the lights in the church are extinguished with each verse of the Benedictus leaving the one candle that disappears behind the altar... The darkness then makes the strepitus rather more effective...
    Thanked by 1a_f_hawkins
  • It's Thursday morning here (PST), and we're just on our way to Tenebrae, but it will be sung recto tono, in part because we've only begun singing Tenebrae during The Lockdown. Give us a few years and we'll sing it completely.
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,437
    We did ours this morning. Hopefully the schola will double in size and be less reliant on just one or two people for the melismatic chants. We did everything except the responsories according to one or the other melodies, including the Lamentations, and one of the readings was sung with the patristic tone. Morning voice prohibited using a more elaborate tone for the Lamentations, but there's interest for such things. I'm simple: give me the Roman tone. (We — I — sang In Monte Oliveti to the chant, and I almost did Seniores Populi, but it's a little trickier, longer, and it starts lower — I keep the dominant on G for Matins and Lauds, A or, if I'm ambitious, B-flat for day/evening offices).

    I struggled to see some of the words. My eyesight is not bad by any means, but things are fuzzier, so I went to go run off a copy of the booklet on the Pre1955HolyWeek website… the copier needed cleaning, and I wasn't messing with it at 5:40.
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    A morning”Office of Darkness” seems so illogical. It amazes me that there are trads still celebrate Tenebrae in the morning. Seems like common sense would dictate that anticipating the office is the only way tenebrae makes sense.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,437
    sigh Yes, obviously it's not as logical, but you have a choice in most places between Tenebrae or the offices which are unfortunately pushed later and later. I wish that I could convince our pastor to anticipate Good Friday and Holy Saturday (there's no real restriction on the former, and the latter need not be moved up to before the mid-to-late afternoon) to fit in Tenebrae and Paschal Matins at a reasonable hour.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    "A morning”Office of Darkness” seems so illogical."
    Yes, and even more illogical to light the new fire and sing "Haec nox est in qua ... Christus ab inferis victor ascendit." on Holy Saturday morning. When anticipating events liturgically we need to be very sure our words are true.
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,189
    I attended Tenebrae this morning at St Peter’s in New Hamburg. Everything according the 1962 Liber, except that the Lamentations were sung on the Mozarabic tone. The lections and responses were (beautifully) sung by three priests and a lay brother: the Psalms and antiphons etc were also sung antiphonally by the faithful in the pews, of which we were perhaps two dozen. During the Benedictus the electric light was turned off as well as the lights extinguished on the stand: not much tenebrae resulted, but it didn't matter. It took about 2½ hours.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Mass of Maundy Thursday, 5.30pm 16 servers, with 4 ladies, 11 men, 3 children in choir

    All Chant sung from the Gradual Romanum 1924
    INT.: Nos Autem, Chant
    KYRIE: Byrd 3 part Mass
    GLORIA: Byrd 3 part Mass
    GRAD.: Christus factus est, Anerio
    CREDO: Byrd 3 part Mass
    OFF.: Dextera Domine, Palestrina
    SAN.: Byrd 3 part Mass
    BEN.: Byrd 3 part Mass
    AGN.: Byrd 3 part Mass
    COMM: Dominus Jesus, Chant
    COM. motet: O Sacrum Convivium, Kevin Allen
    COM. motet: Ave Verum, Byrd 4v.
    Pange Lingua gloriosi, Mis. atrib. Palestrina
  • Tom,
    If the Pange lingua is misattributed to Palestrina, to whom is it properly attributed?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    From CPDL page "Pange lingua (opera dubia) (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)": not to be confused with "Pange lingua (1589) (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)".
    The source is ms in the Lateran archives, which gives "Prenestinus" as the author. Baini attributes the the work to an auctor incertus. It appears under Palestrina's name in several pre-1891 anthologies.

    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,437
    "A morning”Office of Darkness” seems so illogical."
    Yes, and even more illogical to light the new fire and sing "Haec nox est in qua ... Christus ab inferis victor ascendit." on Holy Saturday morning. When anticipating events liturgically we need to be very sure our words are true.

    Then we need to not read the Passion before Good Friday. Nobody objects to this practice, but they get in knots over the Easter Vigil. I will say it again: no one who would prefer the traditional rite and its anticipation denies the incongruity, but the 1955 reform created another ahistorical one, and the 1969 reform doubled-down on this in a weird way: you omit so much of the office of Holy Saturday that, because of the requirement to say one hour of the day hours, you might not say the office until None, so you must say Lauds. At least it is supposed to be said on Easter morning; I have no problem with anticipating it, as it happens, but it is better not to skip Vespers only to say Lauds that night; at that point you might as well pick up where you left off, which was a missed opportunity to say the least.

    Worse, I think, is the criticism, because it either comes from an ignorance of the Eastern liturgy or a desire to shape it to the Roman: the Byzantine churches, to this day, anticipate the baptismal liturgy in order to anticipate the liturgy of Easter day during the night. They do not generally repeat anything in the morning.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    There is a major difference between reading from scripture, where we are quoting, and saying 'this is the night' when it is not. Though I am perhaps eccentric in thinking it wrong for the Chief Justice to say 'I, Joseph Robinette Biden', or to state that he (the Chief Justice) will faithfully execute the Office of President ... , but I suppose that "repeat after me" provides the necessary disclaimer.
    Thanked by 1StimsonInRehab
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,437
    No, there's not really, and this argument was made, and often still is, made in entirely bad faith, based on the hermeneutic of fabrication. The vigil was never the only Mass, it never began near dark or after dark, Matins was never omitted. There is no Matins of twelve prophecies read anywhere else in the year, nor any office of twelve readings of any sort: this just disappearing and leaving only Easter wouldn't have likely happened all at once without leaving a trace.

    If they had fixed the problem in 1955, then cool, I guess can live with not anticipating the service to the dawn hours of Saturday morning, though transferring Paschal Matins to the next morning is a pain, and the morning services were very much widely attended; I surmise that in the most prodigious churches such as Westminster Cathedral, Matins was sufficiently well-attended so as to make it public, when they could have sung it at a more inconvenient hour and not publicized it. But no, Matins is gone and appended to the Mass is Lauds, finishing very late. That's the worst solution possible.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • As one eccentric to another, Hawkins, you might be right about that.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    The Westminster Cathedral Triduum timetable in 1939 (wartime, though heavy air raids had not yet started) can be seen here.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CatholicZ09
    Posts: 296
    [My original post belonged in another thread.]
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Good Friday at St Bede's, 16 servers all but two under 20 years old. 5 Ladies, 10 Men, and 3 children in the choir

    Solemn Liturgy 11.30 am
    All as in the G.R. 1924
    Sung Passion, Victoria setting
    Popule Meus, Chant
    Crux Fidelis, Chant verses with polyphonic Crux fideli / Dulce lignum refrain
    Vexilla Regis, Chant
    Com: In monteo livis consito (Sorrowful Mysteries Office Hymn)
    Com. motet, O caput Cruentatum (Hassler setting/ are. Bach)
    Followed by Vespers sung Recto Tono

    We will be back to sing Tenebrae later!

    Tenebrae @ 7.45pm GMT
    All sung in full from the Festa Majora, 1925 / Liber Usualis 1945
    We had 3 sets of cantors, and 5 men singing the Lamentations, Lessons, Antiphons, Responsories and Psalms. This took 1¾ hours this evening. We are exhausted!

    The Vigil and Easter Sunday are up next!
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Salieri
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Good Friday - novus ordo

    Psalm: Sam Schmitt
    Gospel Verse: Ignatius Pew Missal
    Adoration: Weber Antiphon, Victoria Popule Meus (English), Crux Fidelis ICEL chant
    Communion: Psalm 22 - mode ii alternatim with viadana mag. tone.
    Thanked by 2tomjaw RedPop4
  • davido
    Posts: 973
    Pax, would you be willing to post your psalm 22 score?
    Thanked by 1PaxTecum
  • St. James, Madison GA

    Holy Thursday
    Ordinaries: Mass VIII
    Prelude: Couperin Pange Lingua (verset w/ C.F. in pedal)
    INT.: Nos Autem, Graduale Parvum
    GRAD.: Oculi Omnium, Chants Abreges
    OFF.: Ubi Caritas, GR
    COMM: Hoc Corpus w/ verses, GR
    COM. motet: Panis Angelicus, Lambillotte (sic?)
    Procession: Pange Lingua, chant

    Everything after the Gloria was sung a capella.

    Good Friday:
    Tract: Latin, psalm-toned
    GRAD.: Christus Factus Est, Chants Abreges
    Passion: Spoken (sadly)
    Sung Solemn Intercessions and collects
    Adoration of the Cross: Popule Meus, Graduale Simplex (small parish, not enough time to do all of the music permitted here)
    Communion: Psalm 22 with antiphon, Lumen Christi propers
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen tomjaw Salieri
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
    Montgomery, Texas
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

    Good Friday

    Tract - from The Saint Peter Gradual
    Gradual - Christus Factus Est, Graduale Romanum
    Passion - said
    Solemn Intercessions and Collects - said

    Adoration of the Cross -
    O Crux Ave (Dubra)
    The Reproaches, Victoria, with Palmer-Burgess chant interpolation
    Crux Fidelis, Mode I, with refrain on PICARDY
    Adoramus Te, Christe (Dubois)

    Communion - Miserere Mei, Z 109, Henry Purcell, in alternatim with Psalm 22, Tonus Peregrinus
    Post-Communion - O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded (PASSION CHORALE)
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen tomjaw Salieri
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Easter Vigil 3 ladies, 9 men and 3 children in choir. (15 altar servers including a 15 year old M.C.)

    All Chant from the Graduale Romanum (1924) / Fest Majora (1923/25)
    12 prophecies 1st, 8th, 10th and 12th sung to special tones, all other to prophecy tone.
    TRACT: Cantemus Domino (Chant)
    TRACT: Vinea facta (Chant)
    TRACT: Attende caelum (Chant) (female cantors)
    TRACT: Sicut cervus / Sitivit (Palestina setting)
    Litany of the Saints (Chant)
    KYRIE : I ad lib
    GLORIA: Missa Brevis (Palestrina)
    ALL: (Chant)
    TRACT: Laudate (Chant)
    OFF: Christus Resurgens (Chant)
    SAN: Missa Brevis (Palestrina)
    BEN: Missa Brevis (Palestrina)
    COM: Hymn Jesu Rex admirabilis / Jesu decus angelicum (Dominican melody)
    VESPERS: (Chant)
    Marian Anthem: Regina Caeli (Witt)

    This all took 3h40m! a record! We are exhausted, but we are told the singing was excellent.

    Happy Easter...
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,492
    Very pared down, since our 82 year old priest runs two parishes, and the other got the 8:30 slot, so 1hr 3min for the Vigil,
    but from the Isle of Man - Caisht sonney dhyt
    (how the p of pascha becomes c in Gaelic/Gaelg is a mystery to me)
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen tomjaw RedPop4
  • DL
    Posts: 81
    Suburban UK, volunteer parish choir.
    Thursday -
    I Nos autem (Graduale)
    KGSBA de Angelis
    Psalm mode 2, in full, alternating cantors/people
    Acclamation, Praise to you, O Christ, with tonus peregrinus verse
    Mandatum - Graduale antiphons
    O Duruflé, Ubi caritas
    C Hoc corpus (Graduale)
    Setting of the Beatitudes in English to Kievan 4-part chant
    Transfer Pange lingua, alternate chant and “Palestrina” choir verses

    Psalm, responsorial, nice Geoffrey Beaumont setting
    Tract, Christus factus est
    Read Passion, three clergy Chronista/Christus/Synagoga, people’s turba; illicit bit of planctus tone slipped in at the end
    Ecce lignum, English, missal chant
    Crucem tuam (Graduale)
    Victoria, Improperia
    Crux fidelis, English (Neale/Dearmer translation, because “rely on” and “scion” are not rhymes, and “native gruffness” is just not on) to Pange lingua tone, verses split men/women/full
    Communion: Allegri, Miserere

    7 read prophecies, with simple mode 8 psalms sung in full, alternating cantors/people
    Baptism & confirmations, sung litany, sung font blessing, etc.
    Sicut cervus (Palestrina)
    Vidi aquam (Graduale)
    GSBA Haydn, Missa Brevis in F (Jugendmesse)
    Mozart, Alleluia (Offertory)
    Comm. Pascha nostrum (Graduale)
    Monteverdi, Cantate Domino
    Hymn: Jesus Christ is risen today
    Regina Caeli (simple tone)
    Britten Missa Brevis, chant introit, gradual, alleluia, communio, and rousing hymns tomorrow morning.
    Sung propers and Mass I for the old rite later on.
    Happy Easter!
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    @davido I don't think I can post it here as I used the new translation from the Abbey Psalms and Canticles... but maybe I can share privately?
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    Holy Saturday
    4 OT readings & Psalms by Sam Schmitt
    Gloria VIII
    Threefold Alleuia w/ verse "Confitemini Domino" from vatican & chanted other verses in english
    Litany in english
    "Springs of water bless the lord..." english roman missal chant
    Vidi Aquam (Montani) St. Gregory Hymnal
    Offertory: This Joyful Eastertide SATB
    Sanctus: Heritage Mass (men on melody, ladies on descant)
    Mysterium Fidei: ICEL
    Amen: ICEL (simple)
    Agnus: Isele (D major - supplement to Holy Cross Mass)
    Communion Chant: Weber
    Communion: In Thee Is Gladness (IN DIR IST FREUDE)
    Communion: My Master from a Garden Rose (G. Young)
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today w. Descant on last verse

    Easter Sunday
    Processional: Christ The Lord is Risen Today (LLANFAIR)
    Kyrie/Gloria: Heritage Mass
    Psalm/Alleluia: Ignatius Pew Missal
    Offertory: The Day of Resurrection (ELLACOMBE)
    Sanctus: Heritage Mass
    Mysterium/Amen: ICEL Chant
    Agnus: Isele (as above)
    Communion Chant: Weber
    Communion: The Strife is O'er
    Communion: Be Joyful Mary, Heav'nly Queen
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Thanked by 3tomjaw CHGiffen Salieri
  • Holy Thursday - "Guitarish" Mass, lots of Taize, Crown Him with Many Crowns, Panis Angelicus - Franck (a cap, which made no sense and sounded terrible - one of the servers leaned over to me and said "I miss your choir"), Pange Lingua in English (James Quinn translation - I have preferences for other translations but it isn't too bad)

    Good Friday - pro choir, sopranos were pretty bad but were all I could find since people were pulling out on me for various reasons.
    Full chanted Tract
    Christus Factus Est - Bruckner (as the Gradual before the Gospel - very effective)
    St John Passion - Victoria, in English
    Reproaches - Victoria
    We were supposed to sing the Crux Fidelis but I found out that individual veneration was moved to after the service.
    When I survey the wondrous Cross
    My Song is Love Unknown (all 7 verses)
    O Vos Omnes - Victoria

    Easter Vigil (NO, 7 readings), same choir as Friday
    Deacon sang the Exsultet - he's been ordained 12 years but this was his first time doing it
    Tracts 1, 2, 4, 7 chanted
    Tracts 3, 5, 6 choral settings by T. B. Armstrong and Jerzy Cichocki
    Gloria from Missa de la Batalla Escoutez - Guerrero, with fanfare
    Sung Epistle
    Solemn Alleluia chanted with verse from the GR, we also did the other two verses in English (I know, not kosher, but we wanted all of the verses, so that's what we did)
    Litany in English (I almost did Latin but changed my mind while doing the program)
    Spoken blessing of Baptismal Water until the dunking of the candle when he started singing (apparently he turned to the MC at the beginning and said "I'm not singing all that", to be fair, it was late and we were all tired especially since this was his first Easter at this parish)
    Vidi Aquam - Victoria
    Offertory: Light's Glittering Morn bedecks the Sky - Horatio Parker (this was an absolute blast)
    Sanctus, Agnus I, sung Lord's Prayer and Embolism in English
    Communion: Pascha Nostrum - GR
    Dum Transisset - Taverner
    O Filii et Filiae (congregational)
    Concluding: That Eastertide with Joy was bright (Lasst uns Erfreuen) with descant
    Lanquetuit Toccata

    Easter Sunday - skeleton crew, three of us (including myself) in the loft. It was a pretty nice program though - it was two of my best singers and even though it was simple it was quite nice.
    Prelude: Gigue Fugue BWV 577
    Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Introit from the GR
    Gloria VIII (with 15 second fanfare - it's Easter, I know it's not kosher but I figured there was no reason I couldn't do it...)
    Vidi Aquam - chant
    Be joyful Mary, heavenly Queen
    Sanctus, Agnus from A Community Mass - Proulx (I thought I'd give the congregation this one... but we'll be back doing Mass I full time next weekend)
    Pascha Nostrum - GR
    Hail thee, festival day
    That Eastertide
    No postlude, as the next choir for the next Mass was coming in and there was no time for it... but the pastor and I are trying to find a way to eventually move everything to tradition, get rid of the praise bands, etc

    All things considered it was a pretty good Easter.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Salieri
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,797
    Easter Sunday with 3 ladies, 9 men and 2 children in choir

    Processional Hymn: Salve festa Dies
    Vidi Aquam: Chant from Graduale Romanum 1924
    INT: Resurrexi
    KYR: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    GLO: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    GRAD: Haec Dies. Chant from Graduale Romanum 1924
    ALL: Pascha nostrum. Chant from Graduale Romanum 1924
    SEQ: Victimae paschal Laudes. Chant from Graduale Romanum 1924 (the women sang the holy women's part)
    CRD: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    OFF: Terra tremuit. Chant from Graduale Romanum 1924
    OFF motet: O Fillii et Filliae (Polyphonic chorus with chant verses)
    SAN: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    BEN: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    AGN: Missa O Quam Gloriosum, Victoria
    COM: Pascha nostrum. Chant from Graduale Romanum 1924
    COM motet: Hic est dies, Easter Hymn
    Domine Salvum fac: chant
    Regina Caeli: Lehmann setting
  • RedPop4
    Posts: 50
    Mine is not a very participatory parish, when it comes to singers. Right now, without Seminarians, I have one regular singer. He caught the flu, or something flu-like, and missed Veneration of the Cross on Friday and the Vigil.

    SO, Saint Rita of Cascia in New Orleans (Novus Ordo) had three singers: our paid cantrice (who is WONDERFUL) my one male singer (who is actually Jewish) and me. Let me see if I can get it all from memory, I'm tired.

    Mass of the Lord's Supper
    Introit: Galatians 6:14 by Michael Lantowski
    Gloria: Holy Angels Mass by Brian Michael Page
    Psalm 116 by Marcy Weckler Barr--subject to change next year.
    Gospel Acclamation by Adam Bartlett
    Washing of Feet:
    1. Antiphon #3 Richard Rice-Choral Missal
    2. Antiphon #4 Richard Rice-Simple Choral Gradual
    3. Antiphon #5 Samuel Weber-Ignatius Pew Missal This one was not used as Father was done by the time we finished the second antiphon.
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas chant mode VI --verses in English.
    Ordinary: Mass XVIII/ICEL chants--Latin
    Communio: I Corinthians 11:24-25 from Psalm 151 Brian Michael Page
    Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament : Pange Lingua (PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI 87 87 87; Thomas Aquinas; Chant Mode III) Verses 1-4 in English from Ignatius Pew Missal

    Good Friday
    Psalm 131: Howard Hughes (accompanied by the organ using 1 8' stop)
    Gospel Acclamation: Adam Bartlett (a cappella)
    Reproaches: Richard Rice Simple Choral Gradual
    Restoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoramus te Christe by Charles Giffen.
    I sang the cantus, Sarah sang the alto--her choice.

    Easter Vigil
    Exsultet from the ambo - me
    Liturgy of the Word
    Readings 1, 3, 5
    Psalms: Fr. Weber, Ignatius Pew Missal
    Gloria: Holy Angels Mass Brian Michael Page
    Alleluia: Ye Sons and Daughters for the refrain--tripartite NEXT year--with chant verses

    Litany of the Saints led by Sarah my cantrice
    Response to the Blessing of the Water and Baptismal Acclamation--chant from Ignatius Pew Missal
    Wash us with Fresh Water from Mass of Redemption Steven Janco. Me singing the ostinato, Sarah playing the flute.
    Offertory: Psalm 118 Simple Choral Gradual (Richard Rice)
    Mass Ordinary: Holy Angels Mass
    Communio: I Corinthians 5:7-8
    1. page 172 Christ Our Passover (Aristotle Esguerra)
    2. #82 Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven ( HYMN TO JOY 87 87 D; Wordsworth; Beethoven)

    .At the retiringChrist the Lord is Risen Today (LLANFAIR) to change things up this year

    Easter Sunday
    Ye Sons and Daughters
    Gloria: Holy Angels Mass
    Psalm 118: Alan Hommerding
    Victimae Paschali Laudes verse 1 in Latin, balance in English.
    Gospel Acclamation: In Honor of Father Martin Jenco Jon Naples

    7:00 a.m. (Me alone) Simple Choral Gradual Richard Rice
    9:00 and 10:30 (With Sarah and Hank) Janco
    Offertory: Psalm 76 Simple Choral Gradual (Rice)
    Ordinary: Holy Angels Mass
    1. page 172 Christ Our Passover (Aristotle Esguerra)
    2. #82 Alleluia! Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven ( HYMN TO JOY 87 87 D; Wordsworth; Beethoven)
    3. (10:30 only) Ave Verum Corpus chant

    At the retiringChrist the Lord is Risen Today (LLANFAIR) to change things up this year
    Thanked by 3tomjaw CHGiffen Salieri
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Our Lady of Czestochowa, Turners Falls. A Polish parish which has retained ancient pious customs to which the people are attached.

    Holy Thursday
    Prelude: Fantasia on Tantum Ergo: mvts. I & II (Jordan Alexander Key)
    Introit: Nos autem gloriari (Graduale Simplex) with Organ
    Kyrie: Byrd for Three with Organ (colla parte)
    Gloria: Mass VIII with Organ (from henceforth the organ is silent until the Gloria of the Vigil)
    Responsorial Psalm: Ps. 22(23): R/: In loco pascuae ibi me collocavit (Graduale Simplex)
    Tract: Fron the rising of the sung (Psalm tone V)
    Offertory: Ubi caritas -- refrain sung by all with choir in harmony from Adoremus Hymnal
    Sanctus & Agnus: Mass VIII
    Communion: This is the Body (Weber, setting iv, with verses)
    Hymn: Cierniami uwienczona
    Motet: O Salulatiris (la Rue)
    Hymn of Praise: O thou, who at thy Eucharist
    Procession to Altar of Repose: Badzze pozdrowiona
    Adoration: Tantum ergo (mode III chant)
    Stripping of the Altar: They part my garments among them; with Ps. 21(22)

    Good Friday
    Psalm: In manus tuas Domine, R/: Commendo spiritum meum (Graduale Simplex)
    Gradual: Christus factus est (Graduale Romanum)
    Adoration of the Cross I: Ant. Crucem tuam w/ verse (Graduale Romanum)
    Adoration of the Cross II: Popule meus (Palestrina a 8, w/ Sistine abbellimenti)
    Adoration of the Cross III: Popule meus (Graduale Simplex) & vv. I scourged Egypt, etc. (Weber)
    Procession from Altar of Repose: The Royal banners (Vexilla Regis) (mode I chant)
    Communion, Hymn: Ludu moj ludu
    Hymn: Sing my tongue the glorious battle
    Procession to second Altar of Repose, & Exposition in the Veiled Monstrance: Wisi na krzyzu
    Stripping of the Altar: Dobranoc, glowo swieta

    Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil
    Exultet: from Missal
    Psalm I: R/: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord (from Lectionary for Mass, English, using tone E1 from the Graduale Simplex)
    Psalm II: R/: Protege me, Dios mio (from Lectionary, Spanish, using tone C2g from the Simplex)
    Psalm III: R/: Cantemus Domino gloriose (Graduale Simplex)
    Gloria: Mass VIII (with Organ)
    Alleluia: Easter Vigil alleluia, from Graduale Romanum, three times, each repeated, followed by V/: Confitemini; follwed by Alleluia Psalm from Lectionary (as has been done in the Vatican in years past).
    Litany of Saints: From Missal
    Sprinkling: I saw water (tonus alter, mode VII)
    Offertory Hymn: Zwyciencza smierci (I realized, too late, that I forgot to do the Antiphon)
    Sanctus & Agnus: Mass VIII
    Communion: Christ our Passover (Weber, setting ii)
    Hymn: Wstal Pan Chrystus
    Anthem: The Strife is O'er (Henry G. Ley)
    Lauds (after Communion): Psalm: A/: Alleluia, iij, Ps. 150 (mode VI chant)
    Canticle: Benedictus & Antiphon (mode VIII chant)
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is risen today

    Easter Day "High Mass"
    Prelude: Introit: Resurrexi (Graduale Romanum)
    Entrance Chant: Alleluia, this is the Day (By Flowing Waters)
    Kyrie & Gloria: Mass VIII
    Gradual: This is the day (adaptation of full chant by Columba Kelly)
    Alleluia: mode VI "de Angelis" chant from Byrt's "Anglican Use Gradual", verse from Lectionary for Mass
    Sprinking: I saw water (same as at the Vigil)
    Offertory Chant: The earth trembled (Weber, setting ii)
    Hymn: Wstal Pan Chrystus
    Sanctus: Mass VIII
    Agnus: Mass in F (W.A. Leonard)
    Communion Chant: Christ our Passover (Weber, setting ii)
    Hymn: Zlozcie troski
    Hymn of Praise: The day of resurrection (ELLACOMBE)
    Recessional Hymn: Jesus Christ is risen today
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Also: Tenebrae (Matins and Lauds, LotH) was sung on the Mornings of Good Friday and Holy Saturday.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,103
    No Triduum for my group; the main parish choir gets the church. I helped James Flood out on an English Tenebrae, 8 voices, mostly psalm-tone chant but we did the "Palestrina" Christus factus est and an abbreviated Allegri/Rockstro Miserere.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    St David of Wales, Richmond California

    Good Friday 4:00
    Father, into thy hands I commend (Parish Book of Psalms)
    Christ became obedient (American Gradual)
    Passion according to John (Victoria)
    Reproaches (Victoria)
    O Sacred Head (at distribution, a cappella)

    Saturday: 2-5 White's Tenebrae & other Eton choirbook sight-reading with friends in a resonant parking garage, followed by a quick meal and 7:00 rehearsal in church for:

    Easter Vigil 8:00
    7 lessons as described elsewhere, but with Guimont for the Alleluia/Confiteor
    Schubert Deutsche Messe
    Yo vi un agua/I saw
    César Franck Dextera Domini
    Hoc corpus (American Gradual), That Easter Day with joy was bright PUER NOBIS, Regina caeli (simplex)
    Jesus Christ is ris'n LYRA DAVIDICA

    A question: does anyone get through 7 Lessons in less than 3 hours? We had 4 singers left by the end of the service.
    I suppose I wasn't the only one thinking "Pharaoh's officers submerged in the Black Sea" while singing "Red".

    Easter Sunday
    The strife is O're VICTORY
    Schubert Deutsche Messe (sprinkling occurred during Gloria)
    Guimont This is the day
    3fold alleluia mode VI
    Terra tremuit (American Gradual)
    Christ our Passover (ibid)That Easter Day with joy was bright PUER NOBIS, Regina caeli (simplex)
    Jesus Christ is ris'n LYRA DAVIDICA

    11:00 as above, but at Off. César Franck: Dextera Domini
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Salieri
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 435
    St. Mary's, Tampa

    Holy Thursday
    Prelude: organ improv on Ubi caritas
    Introit: Glory in the Cross (Janco)
    Kyrie: Litany of the Saints
    Gloria: Congregational Mass
    Responsorial Psalm (116): (Batastini/Gelineau)
    Gospel Acclamation: (Alstott/chant VI)
    Mandatum: Mandatum (Latona)
    Offertory:Where True Charity and Love Dwell (Saunders) + Ubi caritas (Taizé)
    Sanctus and Mysterium: RM chant
    Amen: Danish
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Hoc corpus (chant) + Eat This Bread (Taizé) + Ave verum corpus (Byrd)
    Eucharistic Procession: Hail Our Savior's Glorious Body/Tantum ergo

    Good Friday
    Responsorial Psalm (31): (Guimont)
    Gospel Acclamation: (Alstott/chant VI)
    Solemn Intercessions: RM chant by deacon and priest
    Showing of the Holy Cross: RM chant by priest
    Adoration of the Holy Cross: Crucem tuam (Taizé) + O My People (Lundy) + Faithful Cross (Latona)
    Communion: Jesus, Remember Me (Taizé) + Were You There

    Easter Vigil
    Lumen Christi: RM chant in Latin by deacon
    Exsultet: long form by deacon (was in my choir before diaconate formation)
    Responsorial Psalm 1 (104): (Proulx)
    Responsorial Psalm 3 (Ex. 15): (Alstott)
    Responsorial Psalm 7 (42-43): (Bridge)
    Gloria: Mass of Redemption (Janco)
    Alleluia/Psalm 118: RM chant + Let Us Rejoice (Haugen - don't kill me, please!)
    Litany of the Saints: RM chant
    Blessing of Baptismal Water: RM chant w/ Springs of water... acclamation
    Baptisms (7): refrain from I Saw Water (Nestor) after each
    Confirmation: organ Veni Creator Spiritus (Lachenauer)
    Vidi Aquam: I Saw Water (Nestor)
    Offertory: O Sons and Daughters Let Us Sing (arr. Durham)
    Sanctus/Mysterium/Amen/Agnus: Mass of Redemption
    Communion: Pascha nostrum (chant) + At the Lamb's High Feast (Salzburg)
    Dismissal: RM chant
    Recessional: Celtic Alleluia: Sending Forth with Easter stanzas

    Easter Sunday
    Prelude: bell choir
    Introit: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
    Kyrie/Gloria: Mass of Redemption
    Responsorial Psalm (118): Let Us Rejoice (Haugen)
    Sequence: Victimae paschali laudes (chant)
    Alleluia: Mass of Redemption
    Rest of Mass from Vidi Aquam down same as Vigil with additional bell choir piece during Communion between antiphon and hymn
    Thanked by 3CHGiffen tomjaw Salieri
  • A question: does anyone get through 7 Lessons in less than 3 hours?

    We did all seven and we're done in about 2.5. We did have baptism and confirmations too. We are a smaller church building, so the communion line wasn't very long though.
    Thanked by 2Richard Mix LauraKaz
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 315
    We did 4 lessons with baptisms and confirmations, and it took about 2 hours even. Just discussed that next year we will do all 7 and sing all the proper canticles instead of responsorial psalms.
    Thanked by 1Richard Mix
  • We did seven readings and were done in just under 2.5 hours. Two confirmations (my convert grandparents!), no baptisms.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw