Hymn text on the four Marian dogmas: "Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin"
  • Grace and peace, everyone! It is the ex-Anglican newbie again.

    Here is a Marian text I wrote, meter I rather like it with GRAFTON; it also works with ST. THOMAS (Wade) and PANGE LINGUA, though the latter may well be what I call a "married tune"---something with which a text-writer does not mess. See what you think.

    1. Blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
    Rose of Israel in full bloom,
    Mother to a world of sinners,
    Theotokos, in Your womb
    Christ of all the starry heavens
    Came to make His earthly home.

    2. Sinless one at Your conception,
    Born to Joachim and Anne,
    Never has a sweeter maiden
    Lived on earth since time began;
    Who else could have borne our Jesus,
    Very God and very Man?

    3. Virgin when betrothed to Joseph,
    Virgin still in cattle-stall,
    Virgin as Our Lord grew daily,
    Virgin when He raised His call,
    Virgin witness to His Passion,
    Virgin Mother of us all:

    4. When Your earthly life was ended,
    Soul and body pure as light
    Were assumed by God to Heaven;
    O what splendor! O what might!
    How the angels bade You welcome,
    How the saints sang their delight!

    5. Now you reign as Queen of Heaven,
    Light of Brother Sun Your gown,
    Sister Moon Your path illumines
    And twelve stars adorn Your crown;
    Whirling planets pause in greeting,
    Countless galaxies bow down.

    6. Blessed Mary ever-Virgin,
    Theotokos, grant this grace:
    May our souls give birth to Jesus;
    Make our lives His dwelling-place
    Till like stars we rise to meet Him
    And behold Him face to face.

    (c) 2020 Anna Bendiksen (1969-)
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 732
    May I ask what source did you use for the basis of the verses?
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Anna, this is a stunning text. I was particularly arrested by verse 5, although I quite love verse 3 as well. Really drives home Her perpetual virginity quite well.
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Gorgeous!

    This is certainly just a matter of stylistic preference but I wonder if your second line could be instead: "Israel's Rose in fullest bloom" - which would keep the accented syllable "full" on beat 1.

    Not sure why I don't like this but "Manifesting loving might" seemed a little awkward.

    "And twelve stars" - how about "twelve bright stars"?

    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • May I ask what source did you use for the basis of the verses?

    How horribly inadequate is the answer, "an RCIA video"...

    Anna, this is a stunning text. I was particularly arrested by verse 5, although I quite love verse 3 as well. Really drives home Her perpetual virginity quite well.

    ServiamScores, thank you so much; you are very kind.


    This is certainly just a matter of stylistic preference but I wonder if your second line could be instead: "Israel's Rose in fullest bloom" - which would keep the accented syllable "full" on beat 1.

    Not sure why I don't like this but "Manifesting loving might" seemed a little awkward.

    "And twelve stars" - how about "twelve bright stars"?

    Thank you so much, m_r_taylor. Nice catch on the "manifesting" line, and I also appreciate your picking up on the other two examples. I would not amend this to "twelve bright stars" because I think that "bright" in such an instance is a bit redundant. (Perhaps one would have to make such a distinction in the presence of Darth Vader, but here...) I'm going to have to ponder this further.
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 732

    How horribly inadequate is the answer, "an RCIA video"...

    Might I suggest the following PDF as a resource Popular Marian Hymn in Devotion and Liturgy Its from the University of Dayton's Marian Collection, you may already have this. It provides a study of Marian hymnody from the 19th and early 20th centuries and resources for composers/ authors interested in writing Marian hymns for todays Liturgy.
  • Don9of11, thank you so much!! I certainly had no idea that that existed. I am indebted to you.

    One of the most interesting aspects of all of this is learning how to discern what to do with each idea that comes to me. For example, I am working right now on a Marian text to a very well-known tune that has been used in congregational singing, but in my opinion should not be because of its comparatively wide range. The whole Catholic singer-songwriter thing being so.not.me., I will have a piece best suited to performance in my own living room. And this too is good and true and beautiful. The power of the domestic church must not be underestimated.
    Thanked by 1Don9of11
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,218
    My original 87. 87. 87 tune BEAUDRY was recently revised with expanded metre 87. 87. D (and used for NihilNominis' "The Beatific Vision"). I just adapted the revision back to 87. 87. 87 metre, now called BEAUDRY NEW.

    Here it is, set with Anna's lovely Marian text "Blessed Mary ever-Virgin" -enjoy!
    Giffen-Blessed Mary ever-Virgin (Beaudry New).pdf
    Giffen-Blessed Mary ever-Virgin-sound.mp3
  • CHGiffen, as my Methodist relatives used to say:

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,218
    Anna, as one who was raised a Methodist, before finding my way to the Catholic church via a (high) Episcopal church ages ago, I understand what your Methodist relatives used to say! Thank you, so much.
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • TCJ
    Posts: 993
    At the current rate, there will be a new CMAA Hymnal out in about three months.
  • At the current rate, there will be a new CMAA Hymnal out in about three months.

    Willt thou forgive that hymn, where I begun,
    which is my hymn, though it were sung before?
    Wilt thou forgive those hymns through which I run,
    and do run still, though still I do deplore?
    When thou hast done,
    thou hast not done,
    For I have more.
  • Your hymnody (and that of NIhilNominus) is superb. Both should find a prominent place in Catholic hymnals. Have you considered sending your work to any of them?
  • Your hymnody (and that of NIhilNominus) is superb. Both should find a prominent place in Catholic hymnals. Have you considered sending your work to any of them?

    How kind of you! Thank you!

    I have considered this and would be interested to hear recommendations by message or email.
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 732
    The following Marian tune would work if there was a refrain. Daughter of a Mighty Father. Daily, Daily Sing to Mary might work but not quite.
  • Here is a version with Thee/Thou set to ST. THOMAS, just in time for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
    Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin.pdf
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Heath
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    Your text is so well crafted! How long did you work to make each syllable so powerful?
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Anna, beautiful!

    Two quick things, if I may:

    1) It makes everyone's life easier when it's just one page rather than 1+...any chance you could make it a tad smaller so it all fits on one page?

    2) Is that a variant ending on ST THOMAS? I was surprised when I got to those last couple measures. Might I suggest changing to the more common ending so folks in the pews won't get left behind?

    Again, so lovely, well done!
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Thanks so much, Carol and Heath.

    Carol, the truth is that I don't remember exactly. I do remember that I wanted a stanza for each dogma plus an intro and conclusion. Things tend to come to me all at once, then get tweaked for a few weeks afterward, and I'm thinking that's probably what occurred with this.

    Heath---I think this variant came from the 1940 Episcopal Hymnal. I do not have a harmonized version of the variant most Catholics know. I could give it a shot on my own, or perhaps someone here can help. I'll see if I can shrink it, too.
    Thanked by 1Heath
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    I don't have much opportunity to talk about newly created sacred music. I do hear a LOT of secular singer-wongwriter stuff and the obvious lack of time spent crafting those lyrics is my pet peeve. Inspiration is only a fraction of the job.

    Be sure to get an ironclad copyright on this piece.
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Anna, hymnary.org will have LOTS of harmonizations of that last phrase if you'd like to peruse! :)
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Anna, this is a wonderful text! Thank you so much.

    As a convert from Anglicanism who grew up memorizing The Hymnal 1940, I sailed right through the ending and did not even notice the version of the final phrase until Heath pointed it out--and we sing Tantum ergo to St. Thomas about once a month and I am apparently *finally* comfortable with the non-1940 ending!
  • Anna, I just wanted to thank you again for this gem of a text. We are singing it to St. Thomas this coming Friday. I'm looking forward to it. (I almost paired it with Alleluia Dulce Carmen, but decided to restrain myself, lol.)
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • Hooray!! You are very welcome! If you get a recording, I'd love to link to it on my website (actually I'd love to link to your church on my website if you perform this, with or without a recording).
  • Oh yes, go for it! (I doubt we will end up with a good recording; I rarely use my own equipment to make a recording, and our livestreams present rather poorly, if I'm being honest.) Regardless, there's no doubt we are singing it; I have 200 worship aids printing as I type. The church is St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Goshen, IN.
    Thanked by 1Anna_Bendiksen
  • @Heath and others, here is a redacted version on one page. I am sorry it's taken me a bit. Although I am not a music director, I have had a crazy week!
    Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin.mp3
    Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen