Huh? "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death."
Do any real hymns of the Roman liturgy (i.e., office hymns) contain anything that sounds so Victorian/Romantic, so self-dramatizing?
None of the Office hymns are devotional acts, like the Anima Christi or O Deus, ego amo te. This part of the hymn is not a "look at all the wonderful things I am doing" litany, but an act of consecration, albeit a very simple one. Simple does not mean un-Catholic or uneducated in the Faith, as we can all learn from the Doctor of the Little Way. This is a wholly orthodox, popular devotional hymn. This hymn is not my personal favorite, but undoubtedly suitable where pastorally appropriate, e.g. when there is no choir, or when children are singing.
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