Polyphonic propers for 24th week in OT
  • For a Mass to be celebrated on Saturday September 19, 2020, I'm looking for polyphonic settings of the proper chants:

    IN Da pacem ... sustinebitus
    OF Sanctificavit Moyses
    CO Tollite hostias

    Preferably, I would like to use modern settings, but at least the settings should be from the same time period or of a similar style. The list on CPDL is quite limited in this regard.

    Has anyone good suggestions?
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • SMVanRoode

    Given that you want modern settings, why not commission them?
  • I would have to research, but these may be in Byrd's Gradualia.
    For 'to use modern settings', you could commission them from some of the excellent composers on our Forum.
    Perhaps a competition would be in order.
    Do you want a cappella? Or with organ? Other?
    What personnel resources do (will) you have?
    English, or Latin?
    OF, EF, or Ordinariate Use?

    (What is the occasion of this special mass?)
    Thanked by 1smvanroode
  • Given that you want modern settings, why not commission them?

    Simple: budget. But if anyone of the excellent composers on the forum would like to set the texts to music, I'm all for!

    Do you want a cappella? Or with organ? Other?
    What personnel resources do (will) you have?
    English, or Latin?
    OF, EF, or Ordinariate Use?

    OF Mass in Latin. Ordinary, gradual and Alleluia will be sung in Gregorian chant. SATB a capella is preferred.
  • Your odds of finding a set of modern propers are slim to say the least. Composers of the early 20th century focused on Masses and Motets because of Pius X’s renewal of plainchant (ie. plainchant propers).

    For a set of aesthetically unified propers, I think pairing Isaac’s Introit and Communio with Palestrina’s Offertorium should be close enough,
    Thanked by 2smvanroode tomjaw
  • For a set of aesthetically unified propers, I think pairing Isaac’s Introit and Communio with Palestrina’s Offertorium should be close enough.

    This is a great suggestion. I found all sheet music online, wonderful!
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    We are EF, but we have been singing the Isaac Introit, Alleluia and Communion, with the Palestrina Offertory a few times a year so far 3 Sundays. I think it works well.

    With the Introit you may find this to be a bit long, Our priests are o.k. with sitting down for a couple of minutes, but to save time you could chant the repeat of the Introit. Also some of the versions online do not have the Gloria Partri written out in full, we always sing this to the setting used for the psalm verse. I suspect that being OF you will omit it.

    For the Communion we alternate with psalm verses, and sometime the chant setting.
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410

    Here’s an English setting I did of Moyses sanctificavit; translation is mine. Feel free to use; just let me know.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzva3k7k1xuf26y/Offertory 24 OT.pdf?dl=0

    Or were you looking for Latin only? EDIT: ah, Latin only I see.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • tomjaw - I presume you’re doing an Asperges on Sundays?

    I wonder whether the Isaac Introits were composed for Solemn Mass that did not begin with the Asperges. I would have thought they were of just about the right length if started while the sacred ministers were processing from the sacristy.

    Just a thought!!
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,764
    Yes we are doing the Asperges... And yes they would be the right length if we had long processions! I suspect they were not written for use in smaller parish churches!
  • Heath
    Posts: 966
    Kevin Allen set the Sanctificavit Moyses: http://www.ccwatershed.org/cantiones-sacrae-ii/
    Thanked by 1smvanroode