2 A service or combination of services from the publications listed in condition (d) below, or extracts from them, may be reproduced for its own use by a parish, team or group ministry, cathedral or institution without application to the Archbishops’ Council for copyright permission and without payment of a fee, provided the following conditions are complied with:
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(b)The name of the parish, team or group ministry, cathedral or institution is to be shown on the front cover (or first page, if there is no cover). In the case of a single occasionuse, the date of the service must also be included.
(c)In the case of reproduction for repeated use the number of copies made from the same original is not to exceed 500.
(d)The following copyright acknowledgement is to be included (include only the relevant title or titles): ....
Here's ICEL's permissions policy: http://icelweb.org/copyright.htm
Publications for More than One-Time Use
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