What will the Triduum sound like at your parish?
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    Thursday of the Lord's Supper
    Processional Hymn: Lift High The Cross
    Kyrie: XVI
    Gloria: Mode VIII by Adam Bartlett (Lumen Christi Missal)
    Psalm: Lumen Christi
    Washing of Feet:
    -Antiphon 3 (LCM)
    -Servant Song
    -Antiphon 6 (LCM)
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas (Hurd)
    -Hoc Corpus (Simple English Propers)
    -What Wondrous Love Is This
    Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament: Pange Lingua (English), Tantum Ergo (Latin) to ST THOMAS (WADE)

    Friday of the Passion of the Lord
    (enter in silence)
    Psalm: LCM
    Showing of the Holy Cross: Missal Chant (Behold the Wood of the Cross... melismatic version)
    Adoration of the Holy Cross:
    -We adore... (chant)
    -Reproaches by T.L. de Victoria
    -Crux Fidelis (English)
    -Stabat Mater (English)
    -Psalm 22 (LCM setting from Palm Sunday, with "forsaken" substituted for "abandoned")
    -What Wondrous Love Is This
    (depart in silence)

    The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night
    Exsultet: Lay cantor (me), English
    1 - Psalm 104 Lord, send out your Spirit (LCM)
    2 - Psalm 16 You are my inheritance (LCM)
    3 - Exodus 15 Let us sing to the Lord (Respond & Acclaim)
    4 - Psalm 30 I Will Praise You Lord (LCM)
    5 - Isaiah 12 You will draw water (Parish Book of Psalms)
    6 - Psalm 19 Lord, you have the words (Chabanel)
    7 - Psalm 42 Like a deer (Parish Book of Psalms)
    Gloria: Mode VIII by Adam Bartlett (Lumen Christi Missal)
    Alleluia: O filii et filiae (intoned by priest 3x, rising each time, as per rubrics)
    Litany of the Saints: Chant
    Blessing of Water: Springs of Water (chant)
    Sprinkling Rite: I Saw Water Flowing (Vidi Aquam in English)
    Offertory: Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (HYFRYDOL)
    Communion Antiphon: LCM
    Hymn: Alleluia (HYMN TO JOY)
    Motet: I Am The True Vine (Palestrina / Morber) - SAB trio
    Hymn After Mass: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
  • bkenney27bkenney27
    Posts: 444

    PROCESSIONAL: Lift High the Cross
    GLORIA: Roman Missal
    PSALM: Royce Nickel
    ACCLAMATION: Praise to you (based on ICEL Save Us, Savior)
    MANDATUM: Ignatius Pew Missal Antiphons
    OFFERTORY: Ubi Caritas (Gregorian Chant)
    MYSTERIUM: Roman Missal, Form C
    COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Fr. Weber or Lumen Christi
    COMMUNION HYMN: Godhead Here In Hiding (Chant)
    TRANSFER PROCESSION: Pange, lingua/Tantum ergo (Gregorian Chant)


    PSALM: Royce Nickel
    ACCLAMATION: Same as Thursday
    ADORATION: Crucem Tuam (Gregorian Chant), Reproaches (Fr. Weber), Faithful Cross (ICEL)
    COLLECTION: Parce, Domine (Latin Antiphon, English Verses)
    COMMUNION PROPER: Psalm 22 (Alstott - 4-part Verses)
    COMMUNION MOTET: Adoramus Te (Dubois)

    Parish Choir, Brass Quartet, Organ

    EXSULTET: Roman Missal
    PSALMS: Ignatius Pew Missal
    GLORIA: Roman Missal
    ALLELUIA: Respond & Acclaim (from 'O filii et filiae')
    LITANY: Roman Missal
    BLESSING OF WATER: Roman Missal
    SPRINKLING RITE: Roman Missal
    CONFIRMATION: Veni, Creator Spiritus
    OFFERTORY: Three Days (Holst/Ridge/Honore)
    MYSTERIUM: Roman Missal, Form A
    COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Fr. Weber or Lumen Christi
    COMMUNION MOTET: Cantate Domino (Pitoni)
    COMMUNION HYMN: God's Right Hand and Holy Arm (Scott)
    POSTCOMMUNION: Regina caeli (Gregorian Chant)
    HYMN AFTER MASS: Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today
    POSTLUDE: Easter Carillon (Powell)

  • Jani
    Posts: 441
    What will the Triduum sound like at your parish?

    Hmmm, not that good.
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032

    Introitus: Nos Autem (Englished by me)
    Processional: Lift High the Cross
    Gloria: J.A. Korman, Mass in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament (1905) (choir & organ)
    Psalm: My own
    Acclamation: Janco
    Mandatum: Ubi Caritas et Amor
    Offertory: Where Charity and Love Prevail (Benoit)
    Eucharistic Acclamations: Mine
    Communio: Englished Gregorian
    Communion Hymn: Come to the Banquet (Chepponis)
    At That First Eucharist
    Communion Motet: Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
    Procession: Pange Lingua


    (sung unaccompanied)

    Psalm: My own
    Acclamation: Christus Factus Est (Chanted in Latin)
    Veneration: Behold the Wood
    Crux Fidelis (trans. Knox, PICARDY)
    Procession from Altar of Repose: Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (trans. Neale, chant) OR
    Verbum Supernum Prodiens (my setting, to FREUEN WIR UNS)
    Communion: Were You There
    O Sacred Head
    Adoramus Te, Christe (Dubois)


    Exsultet: Roman Missal
    Responsorial Psalms: Michel Guimont
    Gloria: J.A. Korman, Mass in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament (1905) (choir & organ)
    Great Alleluia: Chanted
    Baptism: Litany of the Saints
    Alleluia from "O Filii et Filiae"
    Offertory: Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today
    Communio: Chanted in Latin, GR
    Communion Procession: Alleluia, Mode 6, vss. Psalm 150
    The Strife is O'er
    Recessional: Alleluia, Alleluia, Let the Holy Anthem Rise

  • Holy Thursday (NO/OF)
    Ordinary: Missa Iubilate Deo; Gloria from Mass of the Resurrection (DeBruyn)
    Introit: SEP
    Responsorial Psalm, Gospel Acclamation: Esguerra
    Communion: Gregorian, SEP, polyphonic setting by Robledo

    Holy Thursday (TLM/EF)
    Ordinary: Mass XVIII; Gloria TBD
    Proper: Gregorian

    Good Friday (NO/OF)
    Responsorial Psalm: Esguerra
    Verse before Gospel: Philippians 2:8–9 (Anerio)
    Veneration of Cross: Improperia (Victoria, English verses)
    Communion: Sacred Heart Communion (SEP); Velum templi (Pacchioni); O Sacred Head

    Good Friday (TLM/EF)
    Proper: Gregorian

    Easter Vigil (NO/OF)
    Exsultet: Roman Missal Third Edition
    Psalms: Esguerra
    Gloria: Mass of the Resurrection (DeBruyn)
    Alleluia: Graduale Simplex
    Offertory, Communion: SEP
    Communion Motet: Surrexit pastor bonus (Asola)
    Recessional: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

    Easter Vigil (TLM/EF)
    Ordinary: Mass I
    Proper: Gregorian
    Thanked by 1MariaRist
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,935
    Maundy Thursday will be a Low Mass. *shudder*

    Good Friday will more than likely be taken entirely from the Liber.

    Easter Vigil will be held at the local boys' academy.

    Easter Morning will look something like this:
    PROCESSIONAL: Tell Us Now, O Death
    INTROIT: Gregorian
    ALLELUIA: Willan's "Haec Dies" with amended verse
    SEQUENCE: Gregorian
    OFFERTORY: Gregorian
    1ST MOTET: Salve Festa Dies
    COMMUNION: Gregorian
    2ND MOTET: Lotti "Regina Caeli"
    RECESSIONAL: Jesus Christ is Risen Today

    Of course I may be overruled on a lot of Sunday's stuff . . .
    Thanked by 1MariaRist
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Easter Morning EF Missa Cantata, Bishop James Massa, Celebrant
    St John's Cemetery Chapel, Queens, NY

    PROCESSIONAL: All Creatures of Our God and King
    Gregorian Propers
    KYRIE: Palestrina's Missa Brevis
    OFFERTORY MOTET: Regina Caeli (Palestrina)
    SANCTUS and BENEDICTUS: Missa Brevis
    AGNUS DEI: Missa Brevis
    COMMUNION MOTET: O Sacrum Convivium (Michael Haller)
    CLOSING: Jesus Christ is Risen Today with descant

    We will have violins and a harp accompanying our opening and closing hymns. Can't wait to hear the glissando at the end. : )

  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    St Mary Moorfields, Eldon Street, London EC2M 7LS.

    ALL EF
    21.00 Tenebrae
    Tenebrae Responseries Anerio
    Benedictus primi toni Palestrina
    Christus factus est Anerio

    18.30 Solemn Mass
    Mass for Four Voices (G, S, A) Byrd
    Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes Garcia
    Dextera Domini Martini
    Ave verum Byrd
    Pange lingua (plainsong Mode 3 alternatim falsobordone) Palestrina
    Kyrie IV
    21.00 Tenebrae
    Tenebrae Responseries Anerio
    Benedictus primi toni à 3 Asola
    Christus factus est Anerio

    17.30 Solemn Liturgy
    Passio secundum Joannem Byrd
    Improperia Victoria
    Caligaverunt oculi mei Anerio
    21.00 Tenebrae
    Tenebrae Responseries Anerio
    Benedictus primi toni Anerio
    Christus factus est Anerio

    16.00 Solemn Vigil
    Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo (G, S, A) Haydn
    Exsultate Jubilate (Alleluia) Mozart
    Ave verum Elgar
    Kyrie I
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    Since you referred to it as EF, I assume this will be the Pacellian reformed liturgy but with the historic times for Tenebrae?
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    Yes the above will be 1962, meanwhile at St. Bedes, Clapham Park,

    Spy Wednesday, March 23rd, at 7.00pm
    Tenebrae - Matins and Lauds of Holy Thursday
    Lamentations, Victoria
    Responsories, Malcolm (1-3) Victoria (4-9)
    Benedictus, Handl
    Christus factus est, Anerio

    Maunday Thursday
    6pm Mass
    INT.: Nos Autem
    Kyriale Mass IX
    GRAD.: Christus factus est
    Credo: I
    OFF.: Dextera Domine
    Off. hymn: Hymnum Canamus (Ambrosian Vespers Hymn)
    COMM: Dominus Jesus
    Comm. motet: Ave Verum Byrd
    Pange Lingua gloriosi atrib. Palastrina?

    Good Friday
    Solemn Liturgy 5.30
    All as in the G.R. 1924
    Sung Passion, Palestrina
    Crux fiddles, (polyphonic setting of the refrain)
    Comm motet, O caput Cruentatum (Hassler setting)

    Holy Saturday
    Vigil 3pm
    All as in the G.R. 1924
    Kyrie: I ad lib, Gloria etc Mass I
    Special tone for the 1st and last Prophecy
    Sicut Cervus + Sitivit anima mea, Palestrina
    OFF Motet, Christus Resurgens, Roman chant
    Comm motet, Jesus rex admirabilis, with Easter doxology, Dominican chant melody.
  • Palm Sunday at Walsingham -

    All the Palmer-Burgess psalms, antiphons, and propers
    The adaptation of the Cum jubilo mass as found in the 1940
    At the Entrance into the Cathedral - 'All Glory, Laud, and Honour' - St Theodulph
    Tract - Psalm XXII, Deus, Deus meus - Chant, Sir John Goss
    Offertory anthem - 'O Saviour of the World' - Sir John Goss
    Communions - Trisagion (which we traditionally sing throughout Lent)
    Communion anthem - 'God so Loved the World' - Sir John Stainer
    Hymn at the Dismissal - 'Ah, Holy Jesus' - Herzliebster Jesu

    (As one can see, anthem-wise we had a rather Victorian day.)
    (You should hear three hundred people singing Kyrie cum jubilo.
    Oh dear, I forgot: Catholics aren't supposed to be able to do that.
    Oh well, try it! Catholics can do that.)
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    and more...

    Missa Brevis - Palestrina
    Christus Factus Est – Anerio
    Ubi Caritas – Plainchant alternatim Dalitz
    Ave Verum – Byrd
    Pange Lingua Plainchant alternatim – Palestrina
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
    Posts: 175
    Palm Sunday
    Gos Acc-Christus factus est - adapted to English
    Adoramus te, Christe - Lassus
    Communio - Father, if this cup… MBW
    Christus factus est - Villanueva
    Herzlich tut mich verlangen - Brahms

    Holy Thursday
    Nos autem gloriari - Palestrina
    Psalm - Marier arr.
    Gos verse - MBW
    Ubi caritas - Gjeilo
    I Received the Living God - arr Proulx
    Ave verum corpus - des Pres
    Tantum Ergo - Duruflé

    Good Friday
    Psalm - Nestor
    Gos Acc-Christus factus est - adapted to English
    Tenebrae Responsories - Hillert
    O vos omnes - Victoria

    Easter Vigil and Easter Morning
    I Saw Water - Nestor
    Easter Fanfare - Fetler
    Christo resurgente - Couperin
    Joy is Come - Carter

    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    We do victorian too; see Friday. This has been our most in-organic Lent yet, with only post-com & recessional hymns (and of course accompaniment for Sullivan's Prodigal on Laetare).

    Palm Sunday:
    Schubert - Hosanna folio with Anglican chant verses
    All Glory Laud & Honor (desc. Ann Callaway)
    Resp. Ps. Parish Book of Psalms
    Passion according to Luke - Lassus (englished RM)
    Off. & Com. American Gradual
    Sanctus & Agnus XVIII
    Com. hymn O Sacred Head

    Maundy Thursday:
    At that First Eucharist
    Gloria from Deutsche Messe (Schubert-Mix)
    Resp. Ps. Parish Book of Psalms
    Mantdatum ants., Com. American Gradual
    Ubi caritas in English
    Sanctus & Agnus XVIII
    Pange lingua alternating Engl. Lat.

    Good Friday 1:00
    Resp. Ps. Parish Book of Psalms
    Passion According to John - Victoria (englished Bud Clark)
    Reproaches - Victoria (englished RM)
    Sanctus & Agnus XVIII
    Off. & Com. American Gradual

    Easter Vigil:
    Praise the Lord O my Soul - George Jeffries
    Dominus pars hereditatis (from Richard Crocker's responsorial Gradual Psalms)
    Miriam's Song - Anglican chant by Ann Callaway
    Exaltabo te a 4, A. Scarlatti
    "O come everyone that thirsteth" from Mendelssohn's Elijah.
    Lege Dom. (Crocker)
    Sicut Cervus - Palestrina
    Schubert/RM Deutsche Messe
    Vidi aqu. (Cardoso, or maybe Burgess&Palmer)
    back to Guimont RP's (sigh)
    Dextera Dom. - Lassus
    Regina/O Queen of Heaven
  • TeresaH
    Posts: 53
    Holy Thursday:
    Lift High The Cross
    Kyrie & Gloria-- Jacob Bancks (then organ goes off)
    Gospel verse--Bartlett
    Washing of Feet Antiphons--Rice (revised)
    Offertory--Where Charity And Love Prevail
    Sanctus--ICEL Chant Mass
    Communion Antiphon--Rice (revised)
    Pange Lingua--English then Tantum in Ergo Latin

    Good Friday:
    Gospel Verse--Bartlett
    We Adore Your Cross--Esguerra
    Faithful Cross
    Communion Antiphon--Giffen

    a guitarist and a pop singer
  • SarahJ
    Posts: 54
    Palm Sunday
    Mass XVII
    Hosanna Filio David
    Procession: All Glory Laud and Honor
    Responsorial & Gospel Acclamation: Lumen Christi Missal
    Offertory antiphon: Simple English Propers
    Communion antiphon:SEP
    Communion hymn: My Song is Love Unknown
    Ave Regina Caelorum

    Holy Thursday
    Missa de Angelis
    Introit: SEP
    Responsorial & Gospel Acclamation: LCM
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas, chanted in English, then Latin
    Communion antiphon: SEP
    Communion hymns: Lord Who at Thy First Eucharist, Godhead Here in Hiding
    Pange Lingua, Tantum Ergo, Latin chant

    Good Friday
    Responsorial & Gospel Acclamation: LCM
    Veneration of the Cross: "My People", Esguerra.
    Communion: O Sacred Head Surrounded

    Easter Vigil
    Missa de Angelis
    Responsorials and Alleluia: LCM
    Offertory antiphon: SEP
    Offertory hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Communion antiphon: SEP
    Communion: God So Loved the World, Alleluia Alleluia
    Regina Caeli

    Easter morning basically the same, but with the sequence, in Latin.
    Thanked by 1NihilNominis
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Holy Thursday
    Organ: Pange Lingua (R. Vierne)
    Chant: Nos Autem, Gloria VIII, Sanctus/Agnus XVIII, Hoc Corpus, Mandatum Novum, Pange Lingua, Keyes Psalm, LCM Acclamation
    Choral: Kyrie (Morales), Ubi Caritas (Garau), If Ye Love Me (Tallis), Jesu Dulcis Memoria (Victoria), Tristis Est (Padilla), Tantum Ergo (Victoria)

    Good Friday
    Chant: Esguerra Psalm, Christus Factus Est, Weber We Adore Your Cross, Bartlett Psalm 22
    Choral: Reproaches (Sanders), Stabat Mater (Padilla), Thou Knowest Lord (Purcell), Lamb of God (Brace), Call to Remembrance (Farrant), Lord For Thy Tender Mercy (Farrant), Lord Make Me to Know (Byrd), Christus Factus Est (Bruckner)

    Easter Vigil
    Chant: the stuff called for by the books, Mode VI Alleluia Communion, Mass VIII
    Choral: Regina Caeli (Villalar), Sicut Cervus (Palestrina), Verily Verily (Tallis), Alleluia (Boyce/Sprinkle), Vidi Aquam (Gruber)
    Organ/Trumpet instrumental music

    Easter Sunday
    Chant: Resurrexi, Victimae Paschali Laudes, LCM Propers, Mass VIII
    Choral: Maria Magdalene (Gabrieli), Regina Caeli (Villalar), Vidi Aquam (Gruber)
    Organ/Trumpet instrumental music
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Holy Week 2016: Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish
    Turners Falls, MA
    St. Cecilia Choir
    * = a cappella

    Fundamentally unchanged from Last year

    HOLY THURSDAY: 7:00 pm

    Introit: Then Let us glory - Christoph Tietze
    Kyrie: Mass VIII (de Angelis)
    Gloria: Mass VIII (de Angelis)
    Tract: From the rising of the sun - Psalm-tone V *
    Offertory: Ubi caritas (refrain SATB) *
    Sanctus: Mass VIII *
    Acclamation: Roman Missal, from C *
    Agnus: Mass VIII *
    Communion: This is the body - Lumen Christi *
    ---Anthem: 'Twas on that dark ("Brookfield") - William Billings *
    ---Motet: O Salutaris Hostia - Pierre de La Rue *
    ---Hymn: Ach moj Jezu *
    ---Motet: Panis Angelicus (attrb. Casciolini) *
    ---Hymn: Cierniami uwienczona (if needed) *
    Procession: Badzze pozdrowiona *
    ---Tantum Ergo (Pange Lingua, mode III) *
    Stripping of Altar: Jezu Chryste panie mily *

    GOOD FRIDAY: 7:00 pm

    Gradual: Christus factus est - Grad. Rom. *
    Veneration of the Cross I: Antiphon: Crucem tuam - Grad. Rom. *
    Veneration of the Cross II: Trisiagon: Sw. Bozy - Mszal Rzymski *
    Veneration of the Cross III: Hymn: Ludu, moj ludu - Mszal Rzymski *
    Veneration of the Cross IV: Hymn: Faithful Cross - Lumen Christi *
    Distribution of Communion:
    ---Antiphon: My God, my God - Lumen Christi *
    ---Anthem: Miserere mei Deus - Peter Kwasniewski *
    ---Anthem: When Jesus wept - William Billings *
    ---Hymn: Rozmyslajmy dzis *
    Recessional: Wisi na krzyzu *

    EASTER VIGIL: 7:30 pm

    Exultet: Roman Missal *
    Gloria: Mass VIII (de Angelis)
    Alleluia: Confitemini - Grad. Rom. *
    Litany of Ss - Roman Missal *
    Antiphon: Springs of water - Fr. Samuel Weber *
    Vidi Aquam: I saw water - adapt Fr. S. Weber *
    Offertory: The Right hand of the Lord - Fr. Weber *
    ---Hymn: Zwyciecza smierci
    Sanctus: More Ambrosiano, with intonazione, Secundi Toni - Gabrielli
    Acclamation: Missal, form C
    Amen: Mass of St. Therese - Calvert Shenk
    Agnus: Mass of St Teresa - Healey Willan
    Communion: Christ our Passover - Fr. Weber
    ---Anthem: Awake thou wintry earth - J.S. Bach
    ---Hymn: Wstal Pan Chrystus
    ---Hymn: Zlozcie troski
    Vespers: Psalm: Alleluia & Psalm 116/17 - Ant. Rom. & Grad. Cist.
    ---Magnificat: In the end of the Sabbath & Mag. VIII - Monastic Diurnal Noted & Weber Vespers
    Interlude: Sabbato Sancto, IV - L'Orgue Mystique - Charles Tournemire
    Recessional: Ye watchers and ye holy ones (LASST UNS ERFREUEN) - arr. George Oldroyd
    Postlude: Fanfare - Kenneth Leighton

    EASTER SUNDAY: 10:30 am

    Prelude: Offertoire pour le Jour de Paques "O filii et filiae" - Jean-Francois Dandrieu
    Introit: Lo, I have risen - Kathleen Pluth
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: Mass VIII
    Sequence: Christians to the paschal victim - Lumen Christi
    ---Alleluia: Christ our Passover - Healey Willan
    Vidi aquam: I saw water - adapt Fr. Weber *
    Offertory: The earth trembled - Fr. Weber *
    ---Hymn: Christ the Lord is risen today (LLANFAIR), prelude & verse 2 - Noel Jones, last verse - Noel Rawsthorne
    Sanctus: More Ambrosiano, with Gabrielli Intonazione
    Acclamation: Rom. Missal, form C
    Amen: Mass of St. Therese - C. Shenk
    Agnus: Mass of St. Teresa - H. Willan
    Communion: Christ our Passover - Fr. Weber
    ---Anthem: The Call - R. V. W.
    ---Hymn: Zlocie troski
    ---Hymn: Zwyciesza Smierci
    Interlude: Dominica Resurrectionis, IV - L'Orgue Mystique - Charles Tournemire
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is ris'n today (EASTER HYMN); V2 - Noel Rawsthorne; V4 - David Willcocks
    Postlude: Processional - William Mathias
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,794
    I would post the music list for the London Oratory or Westminster Cathedral, but they are easy to look up...

    So for a change some news from Ireland...

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Good Friday at Walsingham -

    All the Good Friday chants as adapted by Palmer-Burgess
    The Gospel - Felice Anerio

    Hymn after the Solemn Collects - 'O Sacred head' - Passion Chorale

    The Reproaches - T.L. de Victoria
    Crux fidelis - Plainchant
    Pange lingua - Plainchant

    Communion anthems -
    Ave verum corpus - Wllm. Byrd
    Crucifixus - A. Lotti
    O vos omnes - P. Casals

    Vesture - Black
    All was a capella, without so much as a pitch from the organ.
    Not one single non-ritual word was so much as thought of by anyone.

  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,410
    We had Anerio for the Gospel acclamation: Christus factus est, at Franciscan. It was glorious. They sang an Anglican chant psalm by Paul Weber and one of his students, John Brodeur. The Gospel was the Dom Columba Kelly adaptation with the tonus planctus conclusion. They sang the Crucem tuam, the Cox adaptation of the Reproaches, and the ICEL Crux fidelis at the Adoration and “O Sacred Head Surrounded” for Communion.

    At St. Peter’s in Steubenville where I was MC they sang the plainchant in Latin at the Adoration. I cannot remember anything else more specifically...
  • NihilNominisNihilNominis
    Posts: 1,032
    An update, what Holy Saturday did sound like at my parish:

    After an entirely unaccompanied Good Friday, was astonished to find that massive meteorological changes had thrown everything out of tune with my reeds. Both I and the congregation were treated to some very French sonorities, which I exploited with some very French improvisations.

    These, incidentally (and I was quite surprised) were very well received. Particularly my improvisation during the incensation at the Offertory on Holy Saturday.

    The only hiccup in the whole weekend was at the last Mass on Easter Sunday, when a stray smell of burning components made its way from heaven knows where to the gallery, and succeeded in convincing both me and the choir that the organ was about to catch fire again, unjustly foreshortening the Offertory hymn, and depriving it of an improvisation. Alas.
  • Easter Day at Walsingham -
    Solemn pontifical mass
    celebrated by the Most Reverend Steven J. Lopes.

    All the propers as adapted by Palmer-Burgess
    Lectionary psalm - Anglican chant, Barnby
    Vidi aquam - Anglican chant, Norris
    Ordinary - Willan
    All three readings sung

    Voluntary - Improvisation on Victimae paschali laudes
    Hymn at the Entrance - 'Jesus Christ is Risen Today' - Easter Hymn
    Offertory Anthem - 'Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem' - C.V. Stanford
    Communion Anthem - 'Rise up, My Love, My Fair One' - H. Willan
    Communion Hymn - 'The Strife is O'er, the Vict'ry Won' - Victory
    Hymn at the Dismissal - 'The Day of Resurrection' - Ellacombe
    Voluntary - J.S. Bach

  • We omitted the Alleluia chant (so dissapointed!) and did Jesus Christ is Risen Today 2 semitones down... My organist likes the transposer just a bit too much...
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    We omitted the Alleluia chant (so dissapointed!) and did Jesus Christ is Risen Today 2 semitones down... My organist likes the transposer just a bit too much...

    The devil is in the details with those transposers. After the console rebuild on the mighty Schantz last summer, I now have a transposer. Yes, it can be convenient. Unfortunately, I have some aging singers who think they can rely on it rather than do the vocal exercises necessary to maintain their ranges.
    Thanked by 1Casavant Organist
  • My director used to bring things down -6 for some pieces, that was so horrible. But even worse, there is a choir in my church who transposes literally everything -4 or -5. I can't sing with them and its all because there is one singer who wants to do some harmony so they need it down so far... I can only sing so low as a tenor...
  • and the ubiquitous ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA set to Beethoven’s Ode to Joy from his 9th Symphony are all to be considered great moments among the Easter repertoire.
    Is this like that Ave Maria, in which the only words sung are Alleluia?
    ? Here it is, all 4 verses:

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alle-luia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alle-luia, Alle-luia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alle-luia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alle-luia, Alle-luia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Thanked by 1Casavant Organist
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    And, if done right with the original rhythm, it should be (one stanza only):

    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!
    Alleluia, Alle-luia, Alle-luia, Al-lelu! Al-
    -leluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Al-lelu!

    Thanked by 1MarkThompson
  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    I'm too lazy to type all this out!!! Hope everyone had a good Easter!

  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Thanked by 1BruceL
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    St. Norbert's Parish, Roxbury, Wisconsin
    Noon, Easter Sunday
    Women's Choir

    Procession: Organ (Improv on introit)
    Vidi Aquam: Ravanello (SSA)
    Introit: Resurréx
    Kyrie, Gloria: Mass VIII, De Angeli
    Gradual: Haec díes
    Alleluia: Pascha nóstrum
    Sequence: Victimae Pascháli Láudes
    Credo: Credo III
    Offertorium: Terra trémuit
    Offertory: Motet O Filii et Filiae
    Sanctus, Agnus: Mass VIII, De Angelis
    Communio: Pascha nóstrum (with verses)
    Communion Motet: Concordi Laetitia
    Ite Missa Est Mass I, Lux et Origo
    Recession: Regina Coeli (simple tone, all)
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    It sounds like it is over for another year - Thanks be to God.

    Christ is risen and I'm dead or nearly so. An exhausting week.
    Thanked by 1tomjaw