Whatever you say, Chris. The USSC is addressing civil marriage. Has any organist ever been forced to play for a divorced person's wedding against their will?I'm not being inflammatory. Please address yourselves to the question at hand.
I read a statement by a Greek Orthodox priest in, I believe, Michigan. He stated he would no longer represent or be an agent of the state to perform legal marriages. He intends to do church marriages and let the couple separately perform whatever is necessary to satisfy the secular authorities. I think we may see more of similar actions with the church removing itself from the legal marriage business.
Quite. I'm with Dearest on this one.Very disturbing to see at least one faculty member for the upcoming colloquium celebrating the decision quite openly.
What are the chances of these 'marriages' taking place in a Catholic church? (Nihil.)
I haven't fleshed this out, so take it as you see fit, but perhaps musicians should take advantage of the Hosanna-Tabor ruling and have their positions officially declared by the parish or diocese to be "ministerial" positions.
Any Catholic in a paid position at a non-Catholic church would surely be able to exercise their religious freedom and abstain from participating in the SSM ceremony. Consequences will no doubt vary, and there will be some suffering. Steel yourselves.
Sounds like a no-brainer to me. Love of sacred music can make for odd bedfellows, much as defense of 'traditional marriage' (historically as one man, one or more women) has allied bishops with the Church of Latter Day Saints....whether CMAA is bound primarily to support musicians
States rights used to be invoked in defense of miscegenation laws too, by people who didn't want to understand some part of "Supreme Court". But I'm not trying to be inflammatory either, and that's hardly the question at hand. If you happen work for one of the churches that marries same sex couples it really doesn't matter what the Supreme Court does.
If you would like to serve at "such a wedding"
I don't see same sex weddings in Catholic churches during our lifetimes
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