but, surprisingly, the longer I attend the EF, the more courage I feel and the stronger need I have to defend my faith, and the clearer perception I have of my Catholic identity.
All you're doing is poisoning your reputation with roughly half of the broader professional world.
. . . and to think that come this October, Catholic bishops and cardinals will be discussing and apparently voting on matters of established Church doctrine and dogma with the same relativistic mindset.
There is absolutley no reason to expect that thia won't happen to anyone involved in proving any service to wedding couples.
It is no surprise the younger generations support same-sex marriage. They have been indoctrinated with political correctness from kindergarten on. PC is in public schools and Catholic schools are not much, if any better. The teacher colleges and teacher education programs are PC to max. The teachers are educated using the same texts, the same materials, and learn to teach to the same tests. There is little difference. It is not just the teachers. Parents sock the kids in school and often don't pay much attention to how they are being indoctrinated. The younger folks are not to blame. Who didn't see all this coming?
Going further, if the material cooperation involves some form of compulsion, say in the form of a contract and/or a civil anti-discrimination law, the individual would be free of moral culpability and would not be committing a sin. While it is certainly understandable that a catholic musician would not want to provide music for a same sex wedding ceremony, the individual refusing, depending on the particular circumstances, could be doing more than the Chuch requires of him or her
Very disturbing to see at least one faculty member for the upcoming colloquium celebrating the decision quite openly.
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