A Cornucopia of SAB Motets
  • I doubt very much that I'm the only one who runs into the situation of having plenty of women in the choir but very few men. (Here at the College, we have a fair number of men who come to practice, but they may not show up at the early Sunday morning High Mass!) It is often difficult to do an SATB motet because neither the few tenors nor the few basses are able to pull off their part, and as the director I feel torn between helping the one group or the other. So, my solution has very often been to teach the choir well-written SAB motets. The results are often just as satisfying.

    I thought it would be helpful to other choir directors out there if I share my favorite SAB motets. Nearly all of these were originally written for 3 equal voices (SSA or TTB) and have been arranged for S-A-Baritone.

    You will find pieces here for Advent/Christmas, Lent, and Easter, as well as Marian and general texts. First I'll attach the PDFs, and in a separate post, MIDI files for all.
    Anon., Et Misericordia Ejus (SAB).pdf
    Asola, Decantabat Populus (SAB).pdf
    Asola, Gustate et Videte (SAB).pdf
    Carissimi, O Felix Anima (SAB).pdf
    Crüger, Cantate Domino (SAB).pdf
    Garau, Parce Domine II (SAB).pdf
    Grancini, O Bone Jesu (SAB).pdf
    Herman, Let all together praise our God (SAB).pdf
    Lassus, Adoramus te (SAB).pdf
    Palestrina, Bonus est Dominus (SAB).pdf
    Ravanello, Benedictus sit Deus (SAB).pdf
    Ravanello, Improperium (SAB).pdf
    Ravanello, O Gloriosa Virginum (SAB).pdf
    Ravanello, Vexilla regis (SAB).pdf
    Remondi, O Sacrum Convivium (SAB).pdf
    Vinci, Surrexit Pastor bonus (SAB).pdf
  • The MIDI files.
    Anon., Et Misericordia Ejus (SAB).mid
    Asola, Decantabat Populus (SAB).mid
    Asola, Gustate et Videte (SAB).mid
    Carissimi, O Felix Anima (SAB).mid
    Crüger, Cantate Domino (SAB).mid
    Garau, Parce Domine II (SAB).mp3
    Grancini, O Bone Jesu (SAB).mid
    Herman, Let all together praise our God (SAB).mid
    Lassus, Adoramus te (SAB).mid
    Palestrina, Bonus est Dominus (SAB).mid
    Ravanello, Benedictus sit Deus (SAB).mid
    Ravanello, Improperium (SAB).mid
    Ravanello, O Gloriosa Virginum (SAB).mid
    Ravanello, Vexilla regis (SAB).mid
    Remondi, O Sacrum Convivium (SAB).mid
    Vinci, Surrexit Pastor bonus (SAB).mid
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Darn you, Peter, I just spent my own money getting Kevin Allen's 3 part motet books for my schola!;-) Honestly, you are such a mensch to share your wonderful stuff. I know I haven't reviewed any of the book lately, but trust me, we sang two of your Christmas pieces (Silent Night/Huron Carol) in the season, and have gone through almost half of the book. But we are so greying out here in CenCA, schola's been together for 21 years and losing folks to retirement, moving, etc. It's definitely a difficult era when so few of the two adult generations below us show little inclination to commit to keeping a good thing going beyond a twenty year span. So, downsizing to SAB is "the" alternative. Thanks (and to Chuck Giffen) for providing solid literature.
    Thanked by 1RedPop4
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    Bless you Father! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
    Thanked by 1RedPop4
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    That's "Professor". Peter doesn't wear black. :-)
    Thanked by 1RedPop4
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    I dunno, RC, PK could be like the Doc Holiday of Wyoming, or Johnny Cash. But his pic suggests a more Perry Como-ish sartorial affect.
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    Thanked by 1bhcordova
  • CGM
    Posts: 710
    While we're in the giving mood - on my website is a cornucopia of around 80 free motets, alas, mostly not SAB, but lots of Byrd, Lassus, Gesualdo, et al., sorted by title, composer, and liturgical use. Help yourself!
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Peter, thanks for sharing! Some of these may be perfect for my Tuesday Schola . . . a plethora of gals and only 3 gents!
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Peter and CGM, you should add these to CDPL if you are so inclined.
  • I gave up once trying to grasp how in the world to post something at CPDL.

    That said, here are a few more nice pieces for SAB choir, including my setting of the Requiem introit, and a new motet for Lent.
    Casciolini Mass - SAB.pdf
    Casciolini, Kyrie (SAB).pdf
    Casciolini, Kyrie.mid
    Clemens, Benedicite Domino.mid
    Clemens, Benedicite Domino.pdf
    136 Requiem aeternam.pdf
    Filiae Jerusalem.pdf
    Filiae Jerusalem.mid
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Bless you again, Peter.
    I also have to share that we got our copies of Kevin Allen's 3 equal anthology and it seems we're now swimming in clear blue waters of SAB abundance.
    I would generally share that it would always be a courtesy for composers of polyphony to include score reductions for organ/rehearsal purposes.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,213
    I gave up once trying to grasp how in the world to post something at CPDL.
    Peter, I sent you a PM about that.
  • Ladies and gents,

    Someone pointed out to me that there's an error in the Palestrina "Bonus est Dominus" score -- it says "Incline" instead of "Inclina" at the verse.

    So here's the corrected score.
    Palestrina, Bonus est Dominus.pdf
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 209
    Actually I'm not sure what I did wrong but I tried in early November to post 2 editions to CPDL and I obviously failed.
  • Wow, thanks so much for this selection of wonderful music. Men are always a premium in our choir. These simple motets are just the thing!
    Thanked by 1RedPop4
  • RedPop4
    Posts: 50
    Thank you so much. I am finally getting around to TRYING to sing these, just this Lent. I have a "fluid" ensemble of five souls, one cantor who sings with them, and one organist who tries to help out the men (that would be me.) They should be able to tackle most of this IF I can keep them together for a couple years.
  • RedPop4
    Posts: 50
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand we have a worldwide pandemic and no rehearsal or choir for six weeks, now. :(
  • Please join me in praying the Regina Caeli every day for an end to the shuttering of Catholic churches and for an end to the present pestilence by means of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.