Please note that some issues of Sacred Music went out with old envelopes that are addressed to our old address in Richmond, VA. That address is still valid, but it'll help us if you can send your renewal to our new office address at
Church Music Association of America PO Box 4344 Roswell, NM 88202
I received my winter issue, but no renewal notice. While I did sign up at the Colloquium last year, I believe that membership still ended with the coming of the new year, correct? If that's the case, I suppose I have to renew via the internet.
Lacking that, you can check with the CMAA office about your membership ( I expect that it probably runs into 2015, if you were not sent a renewal envelope with the journal.
Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
I mean darn, I got an envelope! Dah-nya-beet, I'm too old to know if my contributions are past due. And I have to slog through two articles about Viennese Masses? Are you kidding me? Thank God Mahrt's first article has some quotes I can sneek into the pastor's gestalt.
Folks... sorry to have to say it, but somehow the shipping contractor seems to have missed enclosing envelopes in some of those for whom membership renewals were due. Most people who were not on auto-renew (paypal auto-renewal) should have renewals due now. If you aren't sure, shoot me an email and I'll let you know the status of your account...
As time is drawing close to the issuance of the spring edition of Sacred Music, I am surprised by the number of memberships which have expired and have not yet been renewed. LOTS! I'm going to be digging into it this coming week to double-check, but I'm thinking the missing envelope problem may have been greater than I feared.
If you are wondering about the status of your membership, please contact me asap so that I can give you details. gm at musicasacra dot com.
Janet, I emailed you this morning, but indeed, no envelope in my issue and evidently I'm one that should have received one. Will take care of this next week.
I think the little green men should definitely be baptized... will let you know about that...
Thanks BruceL. I think the mailer company must have missed quite a lot of renewal envelopes this time. I have had so few renewals relative to the number there should be that I have resorted to sending out personal reminders to the entire unrenewed list. It has been tedious, but I see no other alternative...
I've finished the U.S. list, but haven't yet begun work on the international list...
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