Unfortunately, I'm unable to make it to the Colloquium this year. So I'd like to solicit attendees who have MP3 recorders to help me out with gathering recordings of Masses, concerts, lectures, and other sessions. As in the past 6 years, I'd be glad to process the recordings and post them with others in the Colloquium Archive.
Please contact me if you're interested to help out.
I will be attending this year and will bring my Zoom H4n. I'm thinking about buying a gorillapod to give me a little more flexibility in where to place the recorder - it was a bit difficult for me to find suitable places to put the recorder without fear of it getting knocked over when I used it at the 2012 Colloquium.
Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
Last chance for people to volunteer: If you'll be attending the Colloquium and would like to help supply recordings for the archive, please send me a note.
The break-outs have been extraordinary, Fridays abundance makes for a particularly difficult choice. Anyone recording Cecilia's choral, or David's Mind the Gap?
I saw a couple of people recording my presentation, and I was wondering, if any of them read this, if they would send me a message. I tried to record it myself, but completely failed in my use of my own equipment.
Now with this one, you're not actually over most of our heads, I think. I'm only 19, and I remember playing with tape recorders. But 8 track or something? That's way over my head.
I remember 78s, 45s, 33+1/3s, reel-to-reel, 8-track and cassette. But my earliest remembrance of recorders is that of a wire recorder (the recording was impressed magnetically onto a moving wire).
I looked at some of the updates on the Chant Café, something I rarely read. But I did learn how to pronounce Ben's last name - Yon-kee, not yankee nor yank.
8 tracks were awful and the tapes often mistracked and wouldn't play. I was glad to see them go. I still use cassettes from time to time.
The recordings are starting to appear at the Colloquium recording archive. As always, let me know if you see errors or can help to fill in the missing information.
Somehow now I have images in my mind of Motyka fiddling around with one of those clunky cassette recorders and cassette tape flying through the air.
Not exactly, but definitely in the same level of incompetence. I pressed record, which puts it into "standby" mode, and never pressed play to start the actual recording.
Of course, I found this out the next day, when I went to record the Requiem and found that I had nothing else on the recorder. I think I got a good take of the Victoria, though. I just have to break it up into individual tracks and I'll send it to Carl D.
(Unless someone here is better at that kind of thing, which they almost definitely are).
Carl, is it useful for us to break up a raw recording into tracks, or does that duplicate your work?
So far I've only edited one session recording, to take out a few minutes of talk in which students introduced themselves (largely inaudible and not of general interest).
Carl, I have the Requiem up to the tract. I didn't use a large megabyte setting, imagine my disappointment. But if you don't have something decent for that window, I'll be back at the office Tuesday,
Interestingly, if anyone wants a really good recording of Victoria a 4, Ensemble Plus Ultra has a great one on Archiv (not sure if it's on iTunes/etc.) A forum member recommended it a couple years ago. That sacred works box set was one of the most solid recs I've ever received. Highly recommended and a good picture of what Victoria sounds like with 2 on a part.
THAT SAID, the Victoria on Friday was a lot of fun. Just such serene music. A reminder that I need to program more!
Hey Bruce, did you mean the motet on Friday or the Requiem on Saturday? I have the Requiem through the Graduale. I mis-assigned the form from mp196 to a wav. I hate it when that happens. But it sounds awesome.
Melo, I meant the Requiem ordinary and propers. Sorry: forgot about Melanie's. It's on there, too, as the Archiv recordings come as a box set. Great to see you, by the way, and hope your health is whole now that you're back in CA!
I'm not in CA, still in the lobby with DBPage and Wm. Mahrt shooting bulls (not from Pamplona) I don't leave until 7EST, Bill and Daniel at 8! Yes, it was great to meet so many forum buds like you and Rich S. Too bad I didn't catch Clerget!
No need to worry about splitting into tracks - that's the primary thing I'm doing with these. And there are occasions where someone will want a recording NOT split into each individual song - like to listen to a homily or sung reading or whatever. So I make sure I save (on my own PC) the original recording just in case.
As you've discovered, it's a lot of work to cut into individual songs! But I've found some tricks which make it a little easier.
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