Lætáre Sunday - what did you see/hear?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Rose vestments?
    Particularly stunning organ music?
    The Introit?

    Share your wonderful liturgical experiences.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Got to see two fabulous rose chausables at my two Masses this morning.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Shades of pink - yech!!! Other than that I played a Reger chorale prelude, sang and played the hymn Attende Domine, directed and played a Handel anthem, and used a Latin chant mass Ordinary at the choir mass. The other three masses did not have an anthem, but a soloist sang the Faure Pie Jesu at one mass.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    I wore my pink tie, and the vestments were an ensemble of rose, lilac & grape.

    To my mild surprise there were no voluntaries, but for the Offertory we sang to accompaniment Dvorak's 24. Psalm (in Czech), one of my pastoral/social engineering concerns being that everyone in choir learn a piece they could sing solo if the occasion arose. A new tenor who has been attending rehearsals sang his first Sunday Mass as a chorister, and the unison choir was unusually full for the time of year, 4-5-3-3. There's plenty of polyphony to look forward to, but I half wish I'd gone for BWV 112 today instead!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,489
    Nothing Stunning here. Amazing Grace. However we did have two good Acapella Anthems sung beautifully by our schola: Glory to God On High By Andrew Hayluk and an Anon. Orthodox hymn; Trisagion hymn.
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    I'll be curious to hear if anyone has a great metrical hymn to reflect the "rejoice!" theme of the proper Introit. I know of Kathy's paraphrase, but she only has the antiphon set, not the verses. Tietze has antiphon and verses, but there are copyright concerns. Anything else?
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    Someone should write a fantastic and epic paraphrase to the tune of DARWALL'S 148th that captures the text to the same degree Rejoice, The Lord is King does for Gaudete.

    I nominate Wood. And Pluth. And Fr. Krisman. And everyone else.
    Thanked by 1Ben
  • A dramatic reading of the gospel. Celebrant glad handing down the aisle at the entrance. Eternal announcements.
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,202
    Rose fiddleback: really lovely. Adagio from the TAF in C of Bach. Always play it for Laetare the last couple of years. Proper communion and offertory/ Also, Virgil Thomson's My Shepherd Will Supply My Need.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,232
    Strolling homilist. Congratulations to the reader on his college acceptance. Advice to the reader to be on guard against losing his faith at said college (not a Catholic institution).
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    We had fantastic rose vestments as well. A priest once told the that it was a treat to celebrate Mass at our parish because our Pastor has accumulated such beautiful vestments.
  • David AndrewDavid Andrew
    Posts: 1,206
    Rose vestments, an excellent (as always) homily from Fr. Robert Sirico . . . a rather lackluster slate of hymns for the OF (I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, The King of Love, I Received the Living God and These Forty Days of Lent, O Lord . . . this is my first year and I'm saddled with a horrifically limited music resource in the pews), but the Introit and Communion were chanted from the SEP and I played "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" for the prelude and "Christus der uns selig macht" from Das Orgelbuchlein for the postlude.

    The EF was a missa cantata, peppered with interludes (in the appropriate modes) drawn from Boyvin's Livre d'Orgue and the music after the elevation was taken from Benoit's "Elevations" (second set) based on the Sanctus from Mass XVII. Postlude was the Bach once more.
  • Not to throw cold water on this thread... but I have never understood WHY the so-called Laetare and Gaudete Sundays can be celebrated differently than the other Sundays of Lent & Advent. I asked this same question on another liturgy blog and received little response. I would be grateful if anyone here can add to the discussion.

    I do realize the titles Laetare and Gaudete are used due to the first words of the entrance antiphon. But why is there the option to celebrate these Sundays in a more festive way (flowers on the altar, rose-colored vestments, a fuller use of music)?

    I’ve heard some people explain that we should celebrate Laetare because Lent is half over. But does that rationale cast Lent in a negative light? Others say that it is a Sunday to anticipate Easter. Liturgically, wouldn’t that reason be more appropriate for the Second Sunday of Lent, when the Gospel of the Transfiguration is read?

    We know that the entrance antiphons sometimes but not always reflect the Scripture readings of the day. The concept of rejoicing on the Fourth Sunday of Lent only seems directly apparent to me in the Gospel of Cycle C, the story of the Prodigal Son. (“But we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again”) and not in Cycles A or B.

    In Advent, the Gospels for all three cycles of the Third Sunday deal with John the Baptist. However, in each cycle, there are direct references to rejoicing in the first reading, responsorial psalm, or second reading, depending on the Sunday. It almost seems that those who arranged the post-Conciliar Lectionary tried in some way to coordinate the readings with the “gaude” of the entrance antiphon. Or perhaps this is just a coincidence. But the same thing doesn’t seem to have happened on the Fourth Sunday of Lent.

    Of course, anything “extra” done for Gaudete or Laetare Sundays is optional (including the actual use of the entrance antiphon itself!). But does the very concept of these two named Sundays reflect some kind of compromise with pre-Conciliar practices, of which I’m too young to remember, or are there more profound reasons of which I am unaware?
  • Deep/dark rose vestments (fantastic fabric from Ukraine), metrical introit with chanted psalm, communion antiphon (Motyka), Sanctus and Agnus Dei from Mass of St. Michael (O'Connor) and hymns at offertory and after Mass. Somewhat of a "compromise", but seems to work.
  • Bobby Bolin
    Posts: 423
    Only violet here...

    Litany of the Saints for the Entrance
    Chanted Kyrie in English by the priest (he's very good at it)
    Alstott psalm and acclamation
    Deacon stumbled through the gospel
    Only a Shadow
    Danish Mass (with "Lord, by your Cross and Resurrection"... I was too shocked to say anything)
    Agnus Dei chanted with accompaniment
    Christ, be Our Light
    Exit in silence

  • In Germanic lands Laetare Sunday is/was known as Rosensontag because at one time the pope gave a golden rose to his favourites on that day. (Just imAgine what Holy Father Francis would have to say about THAT!)

    In England Laetare is commonly known as 'mothering Sunday' because employers would give their maids the day off to visit their mothers, and would donate the ingredients for baking a simnel cake, which is/was a rather heavy and sturdy cake that the maids could actually sit on while resting by the road-side.

    At Walsingham our 'rose' vestments, like many I've seen, are really more salmon coloured - at least they aren't pink! We had motets by Tye and Batten. We, too, sang 'I heard the voice of Jesus say' - to Tallis' mode III melody as a communion hymn. Actually, it was quite appropriate to the gospels for both this Sunday and last. Our ordinary for Lent is the English adaptation of the Cum Jubilo mass, known to Anglicans in the US as The Fourth Communion Service in the back of the 1940 hymnal. If Some People could hear a congregation of three hundred people singing the Cum Jubilo Kyrie they would stop carrying on that 'people' can't sing those chants. (It all boils down to attitude.) For festive seasons we sing the Willan. For the Trinity (Ordinary Time, to you) season we sing the Merbecke.
  • (Just imAgine what Holy Father Francis would have to say about THAT!)

    Here is your answer.

  • BruceL
    Posts: 1,072
    Fr. Chepponis, I'd never have expected you to lobby for the suspension of the 3-year lectionary (unintendedly or not!) :)

    We did:

    Introit: Laetare Ierusalem (non-choir Masses, Kelly shortened refrain; Gregorian at choir)
    Kyrie: Mass XVII; Byrd a 4 at choir
    Psalm 23 (Weber)
    Bartlett "Glory to you..."
    Offertory: Hymn: WONDROUS LOVE; Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
    Mass XVIII S & A
    Communion: Bartlett (I think this is one of his best ever communios...beautiful ant.)
    Voluntary: O Lamm Gottes, BWV 656 (Bach)
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Fr. Chepponis:

    I have recently been pondering something seemingly unconnected but which perhaps is relevant here.

    It seems (correct me if I'm wrong) that yoy are speaking from a point of view which holds (more or less) that theological positions (ideas, beliefs, etc) are or should be the basis of liturgical practices.

    We believe xyz, and so we do abc at liturgy.

    I think this may be all backwards, and might also be the core philosophy which reaked so much havoc on the 20th century.

    Rather than seeking a thelogical precursor to the PINK SUNDAYS, which would then either validate or invalidate their existence, it seems to me that the better approach may be to tske their existence as a given, and then explore what theological implications their existence suggests.

    (Perhaps that was your intention already. My apologies if my current preoccupation is irrelevant to your question.)
    Thanked by 1rich_enough
  • Introit
    Men accompanied women on drone, joined in octaves after the Gloria Patri. It was so much fun.

    Women sang, two lovely cantors on verse. One was overjoyed to sing, as she was celebrating her 15th bday.

    Men sang, and teen cantor did a fine job.

    Sang a motet new to the choir, though basic "top 40": Berchem's "O Jesu Christe".

    Attende Domine, with organ accomp, which is new for choir. Inspired me to ask our organist, who has a comp degree, to compose original accompaniments to 5-6 standard chant hymns.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Good father, I am told by those even older than I, that Lent was once a rather dark season with heavy fasting. Many considered the whole thing unpleasant and looked forward to that "rose" point when the end of it was in sight. Could be, I suppose, although we do fasting in the east and it isn't considered so unpleasant. There is little left of fasting and denial for Lent in the west so it would seem looking forward to the end of Lent is a holdover from the past.
  • Ignoto
    Posts: 126
    Fr. Chepponis,

    I wonder if Meagher's history might help?

    On the third Sunday of Advent the Church celebrates the third coming of the Lord, when he will come to each of us at the moment of our death. Although the hour when we leave this world may be a time of sorrow for our friends, the Church looks upon it as the moment of gladness, when we enter the everlasting happiness of heaven. For that reason on the third Sunday the tones of the organ, hushed since Advent began, are heard again...the Church rejoices, for she is celebrating the taking of her children from this exile of sorrow to the world of bliss beyond the skies.

    For that reason, from the most ancient times the sorrow and the gloom of Advent is broken by the joyful services of this Sunday. From the first word with which the Mass begins "Gaudete," rejoice, to-day is called Gaudete Sunday, for the Church rejoices at the ending of the trials of her children here below. In the same way the fourth Sunday of Lent is called Laetare Sunday, from the first word of the services, "Laetare," rejoice. Thus it shows the spirit of the Church, that the soul of man may not be exposed to the sin of despair during the two great seasons of fasting and of penance, of Advent and of Lent, and for that reason she relaxes somewhat in the rigors of penance on the third Sunday of Advent, and on the fourth Sunday of Lent.

  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    My hypothesis about Laetare (Lent IV) is that it is a little respite before Passiontide (Lent V, formerly "Passion Sunday", until the Triduum) when people tend to step up their Lenten penances and devotional practices before Easter. In my experience that little bit of restrained festivity on Laetare makes Passiontide, with its veiled images and increased rigor really stand out from the rest of Lent, and vice versa: that Passion-tide makes the little bit of festivity on Laetare seem that much more festive. Of course, it's far less festive than Easter.

    As far as Advent is concerned, it is a late addition to the Calendar, and was devised so as to mimic Lent; So if Lent had that little bit of rest before the 'big push' then Advent had to have it, too.

    Dom Gueranger has this to say about Lent IV:

    This Sunday, called, from the first word of the Introit, Laetare Sunday, is one of the most solemn of the year. The Chuch interrupts her lenten mournfulness; the chants of the Mass speak of nothing but joy and consolation; the organ, which has been silent during the preceding three Sundays, now gives forth its melodious voice; the deacon resumes his dalmatic, and the subdeacon his tunic; and instead of purple, rose-coloured vestments are allowed to be used. These same rites were practiced in Advent, on the third Sunday, called Gaudete. The Church's motive for introducing this expression of joy into to-day's liturgy is to encourage her children to persevere fervently to the end of this holy season. The real mid-Lent was last Thursday, as we have already observed; but the Church, fearing lest the joy might lead to some infringement on the spirit of penance, has deferred her own notice of it to this Sunday, when she not only permits, but even bids, her children to rejoice!

    Gueranger, The Liturgical Year, Volume 5: Lent, Pg. 313-14.
  • PaixGioiaAmorPaixGioiaAmor
    Posts: 1,473
    Danish Mass (with "Lord, by your Cross and Resurrection"... I was too shocked to say anything)

    Oh, please do name names. I'd love to know. After all, this was presumably a public mass, at which at least 100 (or lots more) people would have witnessed this alongside you, right? So it's not like you'd be repeating something said privately or that sort of thing.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    New pastor!
    Walked into sacristy, he 'n' deacon adorned in violet. I greet them, say "C'mon guys, it's Laetare Sunday."
    At Introit they processed in rose/pink.
    Great homily. "Blind spots....within us...who's us?.....not man born blind....blind=us and particularly ostentatious religious folks....like luxury cars all optioned out and shiny, no gas in the tank (no spirit)....that car goes nowhere!.....mentioned Origen!....."See as Christ saw"......
    Cantique de Jean Racine (English), many references to "light within."
    A capella Parce with Latin verses from PBC at recessional. A very Laetare Sunday.
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Should the discussion further the debate regarding hues of "rose," one might gain perspective before posting by going here:

    Thanked by 2ryand chonak
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA Laetare Sunday 10:00AM Missa Cantata (OF)
    Full proper from Graduale, Mass XVII, lessons chanted & Fr. Keyes chanted the Gospel, motet after the Offertorium: "Laudate Dominum" ... Palestrina, motet after the Communio & Psalm: "Laetatus sum" ... Alessandro Scarlatti, for the Retiring Procession: "Ave Regina Caelorum" ... Orlando di Lasso. After that the Choir had lunch together and rehearsed for 2 1/2 hours for Good Friday & Easter Day!
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    Richard Clark has a 3 verse metrical paraphrase of the introit set to DARWALL'S 148TH.
    Thanked by 2Heath CHGiffen
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    That is an oddly specific coincidence.
    Thanked by 2Heath Kathy
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,142
    Well, I participated in the coincidence from the pew yesterday...
  • My "paraphrase" is mingled with the Charles Wesley text to DARWALL'S 148TH. I am no Kathleen Pluth. I am no Adam Wood. I am no Christoph Tietze. When in doubt, use a text by one of them!

    This is also just the antiphon w/o verses, but I will share in case it is of any interest. Any improvements/suggestions are welcome (and needed)!!
    Rejoice, Jerusalem.pdf
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I am no Adam Wood.

    I usually rhyme.

    (On the other hand, my harmonization skills look like kiddie stuff next to your awesomeness. Which reminds me, we have a project we should be working on....)
    Thanked by 1Richard J Clark
  • Adam,
    Rhyme? Now why ruin perfectly awkward phrasing?

    I think we're off topic now...yes, there's a project I must be harmonizing.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    I like verse 2.
    Thanked by 1Richard J Clark
  • mloucks
    Posts: 7
    Wonderful "Laetare Sunday" celebrations this weekend! Our viola da gamba consort was stellar accompanying our Women's Schola for the first time; Men's Schola sang from Graduale Simplex and SCG; Chamber Choir offered an arresting rendition of Elgar's "Ave Verum" & Latin Mass; and our Choristers proved yet again that children are capable of loving, appreciating AND singing the Propers and Latin Mass parts. We have been singing choral recessionals (in lieu of organ recessionals) at each Mass for the season of Lent. First time we have chosen choral recessionals weekly...no one leaves the Sanctuary until the piece is finished!
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,825
    Just home from a Laetare Monday reading of Bertolusi's motet a 8. Highly recommended!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    mloucks- welcome! About this:
    We have been singing choral recessionals (in lieu of organ recessionals) at each Mass for the season of Lent. First time we have chosen choral recessionals weekly...no one leaves the Sanctuary until the piece is finished!

    That's definitely a counter-cultural solution to a perceived "problem." But in stark truth, the problem is one of courtesy and not liturgy. The inconvenient truth about the moments after "Ita misse est. Deo gratias" is that not a single soul within the church's walls is obliged to remain fixed, not even for the customs of the celebrant reverencing the altar and then leaving the sanctuary via his exit of choice.
    Now this is not to say that the manners of remaining respectful of the movement of the processional cross, ministers and celebrant is not to be extolled, but the point of the dismissal is to mark the moment when worship ceases and our commissioned duties begin. (Would that RC's would rush out and burst through the doors of the nearest Assembly of God exhorting all to swim the Tiber.)
    And I think it laudable that your congregants respect your fine choir (if they weren't fine, would they still stay?). So, enjoy that privilege they provide you, it is in my experience a very rare occurance by comparison to the organ postlude. (We simply chant "Parce Domine" and Latin verses) as they exit. We're gratified the folks do so quietly.)
  • Hello,

    My name is Douglas Spangler and this is my first post to this forum. Heath's question intrigued the composer in me:

    I'll be curious to hear if anyone has a great metrical hymn to reflect the "rejoice!" theme of the proper Introit. I know of Kathy's paraphrase, but she only has the antiphon set, not the verses. Tietze has antiphon and verses, but there are copyright concerns. Anything else?

    Later, Matthew Meloche wrote:
    Someone should write a fantastic and epic paraphrase to the tune of DARWALL'S 148th that captures the text to the same degree Rejoice, The Lord is King does for Gaudete.

    Since DARWALL'S 148TH has a decidedly Christ the King/Advent feel for me, I thought that perhaps using the hymn tune ST. FLAVIAN ("These Forty Days of Lent" or "Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days") might still be joyful enough, yet Lenten in feeling.

    According to the 2012 Gregorian Missal, the antiphon text and accompanying verse are:

    Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her.
    Be joyful, all who were in mourning;
    exult and be satisfied at her consoling breast.

    V. I rejoiced when it was said unto me: "Let us go to the house of the Lord."

    Here is what I came up with today to "set" the antiphon, verse, and Gloria Patri to the hymn tune ST. FLAVIAN. Any thoughts? I am curious to know whether you think the lyrics should include more exact phrases/words from the antiphon or if you think it is okay to convey the general concepts of the antiphon.

    Rejoice, rejoice, Jerusalem,
    And all who love her name;
    For she consoles her weeping child,
    With joy let us acclaim.

    How we rejoice to hear the call
    To come before the Lord!
    We enter in with joyful hearts,
    And sing with one accord:

    All glory be to God above,
    The Father and the Son,
    And Holy Spirit, Lord of Love,
    Three Persons, God-in-One.

    Proposed Text: Douglas Spangler © 2014 Douglas R. Spangler
    Tune: ST. FLAVIAN CM The Whole Booke of Psalmes, London, 1562
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    Love it.
    Thanked by 1Douglas_Spangler
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,503
    Wow. Spirit led!
    Thanked by 1Douglas_Spangler
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Doug, wonderful! Thanks for stepping up to the plate!

    Thanked by 1Douglas_Spangler
  • rob
    Posts: 148
    Agreed, definitely a keeper.

    Yet somehow, for me, it's not quite "Laetare" without "uberibus".
    Thanked by 1Heath
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    You're obviously an awesome writer...

    But... You still have more work ahead of you,

    Kindly fit it and put it to the right tune.
    Thanked by 1Douglas_Spangler
  • Kindly fit it and put it to the right tune.

    Matthew, is this text, "set" to DARWALL'S 148TH, more to your liking?
    I am curious to see which version the other forum members tend to prefer.

    Jerusalem, rejoice!
    And all who love her name;
    For she consoles her weeping child,
    Let us proclaim:

    Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again, I say, rejoice!

    Rejoice to hear the call
    To come before the Lord!
    Sing joyfully and raise your voice
    With one accord:

    Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again, I say, rejoice!

    All glory be to God:
    The Father and the Son
    And Holy Spirit, Lord of Love,
    The Three-in-One.

    Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again, I say, rejoice!

    Proposed Text: Douglas Spangler, based on that of Charles Wesley, 1707-1788, alt.
    © 2014 Douglas R. Spangler
    Tune: DARWALL'S 148TH 66 66 88; John Darwall, 1731-1789
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
  • JPike1028
    Posts: 95
    Asperges me - Victoria
    Missa Veni Sponsa Christi - Palestrina
    Accepit Jesus Panes - Guerrero
    Popule Meus - Victoria

    Everything else was from the Romanum.
  • As good as both your literary offerings are, I tend to think (actually, I don't 'tend to', I Really do) that Darwall's is far too festive a tune for Lent, even Laetare. It's rather like setting a Lenten Laetare text to, say, 'Easter Hymn', or 'Mendelssohn'. Still, your hymn paraphrases are quite fine!
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    Douglas, you have a good sense of rhyme and meter, and I wonder if I might challenge you to try another draft that avoids a few of the more cliched expressions, "let us proclaim" and "in one accord." If these somewhat familiar expressions were not available, what might one do instead?
  • Kathy,

    You seem to be referring to the text set to DARWALL's 148TH--is that the version you would like to see revised? Also, do you have any thoughts regarding which of the two hymn tunes might be more appropriate for this text?

  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,519
    Douglas, I'm just talking about the craft of writing hymn texts. I believe it is much better to say things in a fresh way.

    (And I think you can do it.)
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,700
    If you look at the incipits of the Introits of Laetare and Gaudete Sundays, Laetare's is far more triumphant and joyful. In my opinion Darwall is a perfect tune for Laetare.

    Crucifer, a modern hymn used regularly by both traditionalish and not so traditionalish Catholic Churches during Lent, is a far more joyful tune.
    Thanked by 1ronkrisman