In Acts 2:4-6, when the apostles spoke in tongues, they were speaking so every one in the crowd could understand them. Not gibberish.
In 1 Cor 12:10 many gifts are given for the common good. "to one is given .... the utterance of Wisdom, ... knowledge ,,, faith ... healing ... working of miracles ... prophecy ... distinguishing between spirits . various kinds of tongues, ... interpretation of tongues. these are all apportioned as the spirit wills.
I have been to a number of these services and the only gifts they all claim is healing (by laying on of hands and prayer) and speaking in tongues. All of the other gifts are no where to be seen, especially the one you would think that would be present is the interpretation of tongues. No one there has any idea what is being said by anyone else. Now why do you suppose the Holy Spirit would have people talking in a language that no one understands and no one can interpret. It all sounds a little weird to me.
Pentecostalism, as in "Church of God" in its various incarnations, places too much emphasis on the individual and his/her/its relationship with "The Spirit," whatever that spirit may be. There is no teaching, doctrinally authoritative church which determines truth or fiction.
take up the serpent
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