New Schola Cantorum
  • Chris
    Posts: 80
    I'd like to ask for your prayers for the success of our new men's Schola Cantorum at Saint Mary's. We've had two promising rehearsal thus far; we're preparing the Introits and Communios for Advent and Christmas. These chants are really wonderful as most of you already know, and we're quite excited at the prospect of being able to pray them at Mass. Our congregation has very strong feelings on both sides of the chant coin; many are accepting of it and many will vehemently resist. Keep us in your prayers!
  • Chris, count on it. We are fortunate to be outside the walls of a single parish, so we don't get the backlash. BTW my folks are one year in and able to read chants much more quickly now. They are mostly average choir folk, but they are taking to chant very nicely.
  • That's wonderful, Chris. You've got my prayers, such as they are.