• DH - Do you want an English translation in the style of the Anglican Use Gradual that you could have your choirmaster set to psalm tones as in the AUG, or do you want the English set to the chants that are in the Graduale Romanum? I can satisfy you on either account. Also, you mention the Gradual & Alleluya only: do you want the full set of propers as well? Please clarify. (It sounds as though you are going to have a glorious wedding!) - MJO
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,021
    DH - I heartily commend to you MJO's offer. Jackson taught me much of what I know about Anglican Chant. (The rest I learned by listening to King's College recordings of "Psalms of David" with Sir David Willcocks.) And, if you would like any of the Gregorian Proper melodies WITH organ accompaniment, I have the entire set of the old Graduale Romanum with modal accompaniment already scanned from "Nova Organi Harmonia".
  • Many Many thanks
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,021
    Send me a private email so I can have your email address. Mine is listed here on the site, yours isn't.
  • DH - If you wish to send me your address I can put these propers in the mail for you: Anglican Use English nuptial propers set to 1) Psalm tones, 2) Chant of the Graduale Romanum, 3) Anglican chant.
  • M. Jackson Osborne
  • Here's a routine reminder: Write with future readers in mind.
  • Dear M.Jackson Osborne,

    I was just wondering if you put those scores in the post for me.

    I don't wantt o push the envelope, but the Cantor would like to get his voice around it.

    Many Many Thanks

  • Dear Daniel -

    Sorry for the delay. We had a hurricane here and have been without electricity for a week; so I was unable to access your address. I haven't forgotten you. The propers will be posted Monday or Tuesday. I really hope this is not too late for you. Also, I just saw your querry about the choir ruffs - another source, one of the best, is J. Wippell & Co. Ltd, head office in Exeter. E-mail: wippell@btinternet.com, tel. 01392 254234.

    Best regards -

  • Dear Daniel -
    Your propers were sent over a week ago. I hope you have, by now, received them in good order. A word here about doing the Gregorian music in English. This may seem a little strange at first for your cantor if he is accustomed to the Latin. But, if one is careful, as in Latin, in producing steady vowels in an artful manner one will find that the results are quite musical and pleasing. Good luck with all your music. I shall be thinking of you and your bride on the 11th. If you wish to send your e-mail we could keep in touch on this.
    Best wishes -