anthem or motet for alll saints
  • Can anyone give me some ideas for anthems or motets for all saints? thanks, Dale
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    Gosh- so many. English Cathedral type-- 'Give us the wings of Faith' Sir Ernest Bullock, 'And I saw a new heaven" Edward Bainton, Vittoria-O quam Gloriosum, Palestrina 'Salvator mundi,' Gibbons, "This is the record of John" 'Holy is thetrue light ' William Harris, "O Thou the central Orb' Charles Wood

    I'll think of more.

  • Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem (Stanford) comes to mind.

    From CanticaNova (credit to Gary Penkala):
    Choral Music:
    "Choral Fanfare for Christ the King" (R.E. Smith) [GIA Publications]
    "From All That Dwell" (Colin Brumby) CNP Catalog #5037
    "Gloria in excelsis Deo" from Gloria in D Major (Antonio Vivaldi)
    "King of All Heavens" (J.S. Bach)
    "O Jesus, King Most Wonderful" (Christopher Tye)
    "O quam suavis est" (Calvert Shenk) CNP Catalog #5127
    "Prayer of Saint Francis" (Gary Penkala) CNP Catalog #5090
    "Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love" (Ned Rorem)
    "Since By Man Came Death" from Messiah (G.F. Handel)
    "Te Deum laudamus" (Calvert Shenk) CNP Catalog #5107
    "Worthy Is the Lamb" from Messiah (G.F. Handel)
    "Ye Servants of God" (arr. Henry Coleman)

    Couldn't find any choral polyphonic Propers appropriate to CtK at Aristotle's spreadsheet, but I didn't do a comprehensive look see.

    from CPDL:
    Christus vincit-CPDL #10221: Finale 2004
    Editor: Andris Solims
    Christus vincit (arr. Abel Di Marco Traditional)
  • Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    Lots of settings of "Blessed are the dead... Herbert Howells, altho that's for double chorus I think. I have a nice setting by Carl Schalk which I use every other year or so. Also a sort-of schmaltzy setting of 'The Souls of the Righteous' by T. Tertius Noble, which I have a sneaking liking for. There's an arr. of 'VW For all the Saints by Henry Ley. Also a very easy anthem setting of 'Ye watchers and ye Holy ones' in the Oxford Easy Anthem Book. (Can you tell I'm an Episcopalian?) LOL
  • After the Offertory chant: any "Justorum animae" ... Palestrina, di Lasso, Byrd
    or Charles V. Stanford. Also look at Stanford's "And I Saw Another Angel." (The
    text is the Second Reading- from Rev.) Also de Victoria's "O Quam Gloriosum."
    Check Guerrero's "Simile est regnum." All from Also Byrd has a very
    accessible "Beati mundo corde" for the Communio- also CPDL.
  • Lo Round the Throne A Glorious Band by Henry Ley is in the Church Anthem Book. It is easy and sounds impressive - but very Anglican.
  • Thank you all very much. We will go with the Ernest Bullock and T. Tertius Noble plus the appropriate propers. I really do enjoy the forum very much and find the comments very helpful. Dale
  • Here's a routine reminder: Please stay on the original topic of the thread.
  • I do not understand some of the suggestions posted.

    Why would "This is the Record of John" (Suitable for Advent 2 or 3, or for St. John Baptist Day) be suitable for All Saints' Day? "Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love" (A general hymn) ? "O quam suavis est (a Corpus Christi/Blessed Sacrament antiphon)"? "O Thou the Central Orb" (a non-liturgical general anthem, corny, and likely to provoke adolescent giggling)?

    Also, if you are going to import music of the English cathedral school, you can certainly do better than T. Tertius Noble.

    The Victoria "O quam gloriosum" is perfectly appropriate and very familiar to many congregations.
  • Donnaswan
    Posts: 585
    OK, I DID say I have a 'sneaking' liking for the T Tertius Noble setting, and that it was rather schmaltzy. As for 'This is the Record of John' it is listed under suitable for Saints Days in the New Church Anthem book edited by Lionel Dakers. I've never sung it. I was just listing anthems off the top of my head,until I looked in the Dakers book. I've been gone to a music workshop (worthless) and haven't had time to think of others. I'm sure I'm leaving out something I love.

  • JSC
    Posts: 5
    For next year (if you have a good organist) Basil Harwood: O how glorious is the Kingdom.

    @BE Ford I can't imagine why "Eternal light in this our wintry world" should provoke adolescent giggles. This has not so much to do with age as intellectual maturity and social responsability. It is surely for the choirmaster to explain texts and even shed theological light on what he asks his choir to sing.
  • Healey Willan's O how glorious is a gem, but it's quite short.

    "O thou the central orb" corny?! What's corny is its modern-language version, "Hey, you, the middle ball."
  • Tonight we sang the Luca Marenzio "O Quam Gloriosum" after the Communio. It's a
    very nice setting of the Magnificat Antiphon for Second Vespers. It makes quite a nice
    alternative to the Victoria and other settings of the same text. Another gem from CPDL.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,836
    In place of the Victoria, we did the 7th mvmt of Ein Deutsches Requiem "Selig ind die Toten" this year.

    A number of works are listed at but if you check the textpage links as well you'll find more: The Stanford setting, which I read for fun at a late evening rehearsal, is quite nice.
  • I didn't get to do a Motet since most of my singers were sick, but I would have probable used Viadana's "Exultate Justi in Domino" partly because it is the Psalm verse from the Introit and partly because it is a jubilant piece of music, appropriate for the celebration of All Saints.

    As much as possible I try to use the propers as the inspiration for the choices of music, though it isn't always possible.