I'm looking for organ accompaniments to chant mass settings, particularly the new English setting that was published in 2010. I've been using it in plainchant since it was published, but unfortunately I lack the musical ability to figure out a suitable accompaniment for it.
The main reason that I am after accompaniment is that I arrange music for masses which fall on feasts which do not co-incide with my college's regular Tuesday sung mass. I feel particularly awkward about doing polyphonic Kyrie and Agnus Dei but then going into a plainchant Gloria, which I feel should always be a grander piece of music.
I'm out there, pedalling the SEP and often borrowing from the Anglican Gradual in the hopes of reviving a tradition in plainchant, both in Latin and in English. I'm also using a fair bit of early English organ music (Stanley and Alcock's Voluntaries) as well as some Spanish Organ music on our tiny antique 3-rank chapel organ in the hopes that I will attract people to organ music.
All at the same time I'm learning what I can from my Cathedral Choirmaster and what I can find online!
Jeff O's accompaniment to the ICEL Gloria chant is OUTSTANDING. Even people who claim to dislike this chant change their opinion when they hear Jeff's subtle, but dramatic, harmonies.
You might also check this out for the sanctus and agnus dei.
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Thanks to Chonak's assistance, I was able to correct the link to the accompaniments.
Our friends in the UK have been rather disrespectful of our efforts over here doing this, mine were the most distressing to them since I ignored at least one mode they said and that my tempos were WAY to slow....
I can't wait until they look at the guitar chord/simple organ part versions!
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