Gospel Acclamation - Easter Season
  • Do we still use the Solemn Gospel Acclamation throughout the whole Easter season, or just for the Vigil?
  • SkirpRSkirpR
    Posts: 854
    What do you mean by Solemn Gospel Acclamation?

    For Eastertide, the options for the Alleluia before the Gospel are the same as the rest of the year (save Lent).

    Basically, you may sing a simple, three-fold Alleluia, with the verse from the Lectionary, or the Alleluia as given in the Graduale Romanum.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,109
    Do you mean the solemn tone of the dialogs? You are free to use those any time (personally, I'd use them for all Masses on Sunday, use the simple for weekdays). I'm not sure what you are referring to.
  • Um... let me see... It's in the CBW III (our "Official" -and very outdated- Canadian hymnal) and all it says is:


    Then it gives the three verses.
    Who the heck is GAB?

  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,507
    GAB is George A. Black. If you go to the index at the back of the book there is a list of all the composers.

    You can use any Alleluia you like. That one is very nice. Just chant the verse of the day instead of the three verses for Easter.
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • henry
    Posts: 244
    I'm using the one I always call "Alleluia 8G", in some books it says Chant Mode VI. It's number 237 in Worship III. I've recently learned (correctly I hope) that it's the Alleluia for the Easter Season.
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • While the Eastertide Alleluia is the preferred, I am using the OCP Responsorial Psalms and Alleluias. They only use the 3-fold Alleluia for the Easter Vigil. Our priest is fine with it and he is very conservative.
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    I like Melchior Vulpius's jaunty threefold alleluia as a refrain, and I've set the verse-texts from the Gregorian Missal to the remainder of the hymn each week.

    Here are I. & II. Easter (which, yes, I know, have already gone by).
    There will be more - I just haven't set them yet...
    Vulpius Alleluia.mus.pdf
    Vulpius Alleluia 2East.mus.pdf
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • Wow! Those are really pretty. I'd have to transpose them down a bit.... 9000000000000000000000999999999999i...
    Whoops, sorry. Cat walked on the keyboard...
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    Here's III. Easter - glad you like 'em!

    In all the hymnals I've seen, the tune is given in C-major. I moved it up a whole-step to give the sopranos a fighting chance...
    Vulpius Alleluia 3East.mus.pdf
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    IV. Easter...
    Vulpius Alleluia 4East.pdf
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    V. Easter...
    Vulpius Alleluia 5East.pdf
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    Also, see the way luminary Ted Marier did it, using the hymn "The Strife is O'er" during Eastertide. Pages 15-16 of this file:

    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    Here's VI. Easter, Year B
    Vulpius Alleluia 6EastB.pdf
  • Also check out the Graduale Simplex there are some very useful alternatives to the
    Mode 6 Alleluia (which is really a refrain for Psalm 150 at the Easter Vigil communion procession).
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    Last but not least, here's VII. Easter, Years B&C.

    (Wonder what I'll be doing the week after that...)
    Vulpius Alleluia 7EastBC.pdf
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    Also, see pp. 84-85 of the Parish Book of Chant:

  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,021
    The melody used for the Alleluia or its verse doesn't matter. You just need to stick to the text that is different for each Mass.
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,021
    We're using an Anglican single chant for the verse with the Vulpius Alleuia.
    Alleluia-Vulpius-Easter 6-CorpusChristi.pdf
    Thanked by 1PurpleSquirrel
  • CGM
    Posts: 716
    Aaaaaaand here's Pentecost Sunday (not Vigil). It ends the Easter season, after all...
    Vulpius Alleluia PentecostDay.pdf
  • Thanks for all these great ideas!