Mystic Modern: the music of Charles Tournemire
When will there be a new Catholic Lectionary? How long are NAB Psalms allowed to be used at Mass?
  • Thanks to James O'Leary ( ), we know that the "Revised Grail" Psalms will not be inserted into the Lectionary until said Lectionary is revised, according to the Secretariat:

    Date: Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 9:24 AM
    There is no plan to do a major revision of the Lectionary at this time. There are some minor adjustments that will be made to the Lectionary texts, but those will not result in anything more than a reprint of the current edition, and parishes will only need to purchase them when they are ready to replace worn-out volumes, which happens with all liturgical books at some time.
    Msgr. Rick Hilgartner, Executive Director, Secretariat of Divine Worship

    I wanted further clarification, so I wrote (Monday, March 12, 2012 at 12:31PM)

    Dear Monsignor,
    When the new revised Grail begins to be printed in Catholic Lectionaries (whenever that may be), will the musical settings with the NAB still be allowed, or does their approval "expire" ?

    Response was received (Friday, March 16, 2012 at 9:10AM)

    This will be a “gray area” until all ritual books are revised to include the Grail. As long as there are any approved books with the NAB Psalter, it will be an approved text. That could be 20 more years…

    Msgr. Rick Hilgartner
    Executive Director
    Secretariat of Divine Worship
    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
    3211 4th St. NE
    Washington, DC 20017
    voice: (202) 541-3060
    fax: (202) 541-3088

    Tags: New Catholic Lectionary, New Translation of the Lectionary, Catholic Mass, NAB, Revised Grail Translation, Psalter, Psalms
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Thanks. This is similar to what I have heard from different sources.

    This is TREMENDOUS news from the USCCB Secretariat of Divine worship (SEE ABOVE) for the Vatican II Hymnal.
  • Is the Revised Grail approved for use now?
    Doesn't GIA hold the copyright?
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,122
    Yes, it's approved.
    GIA administers the copyright, but Conception Abbey/The Grail is the actual copyright holder.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Although one is allowed to SING the Revised Grail Psalms at Mass, these text will not be printed in official Lectionaries for (perhaps) another 11 years. There are currently NO plans to revise the Lectionary, according to the USCCB, except to make a few minor (tiny) changes here and there.
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    * bump *