Lent Novus Ordo Chant
  • I direct a schola that sings the propers in Latin for a Novus Ordo Mass on Saturdays. During Lent, on weekdays, it seems that, in the Graduale Romanum, there's a Gradual but no Tract. What is my schola technically supposed to do? Should we just sing the gradual and have the priest go straight into the Gospel? Should I sing the Latin Gospel acclamation (Laus tibi, Domine, rex aeterne gloriae) with the Gospel acclamation verse from the Latin Lectionary set to a psalm tone? Should I just use one of the tracts from the Graduale Simplex? Is there some tract in the Graduale Romanum that I'm supposed to use?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    I may be wrong, but I recall hearing that the tract is the same for the entire week (ie, use the one from the previous Sunday)
  • The Tract is not sung at weekday Masses in Lent celebrated in accordance with the Missal of Paul VI (usus recentior). The General Instruction (n. 62) provides the option of singing the Verse before the Gospel from the Lectionary or another Psalm or Tract as found in the Graduale. But n. 63 states that when there is only one reading before the Gospel and during the season when Alleluia is not sung, the Psalm and Verse before the Gospel, or the Psalm alone may be sung. Also noted is the fact that the Verse may be omitted if not sung.

    The Ordo cantus missae, however, appoints the Alleluia, or in Lent, the Tract, as the chant following the Second Reading (n. 7). But when there is only reading the Gradual or the Alleluia is sung (n. 9). Nothing is said about the Tract. From the evidence given, then, it seems reasonable to conclude that a) the Gradual alone may be sung or b) the Verse before the Gospel from the Lectionary may be sung in addition to or in place of the Gradual (but this seems inopportune if the idea is to sing the propers from the Graduale Romanum. Furthermore, the OCM doesn't appoint Tracts for any of the Lenten weekdays save Ash Wednesday and the Chrism Mass, presumably because the propers of those Masses have two readings before the Gospel.

    The practice in the usus antiquior is to sing the Tract of Ash Wednesday, Domine, non secundum, on the Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent through Wednesday of Holy Week inclusive, excepting Ember Wednesday.
    Thanked by 1Aristotle Esguerra
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    By the way, Johnny Domer, congratulations on the work you are doing.
  • Thanks, gregp!

    Mr. d'Aquino, would it be permissible, in your opinion, to employ the seasonal tracts listed in the Graduale Simplex?
  • Johnny,

    It would certainly be permissible to use a Tract from the Graduale simplex that best corresponds to the reading that precedes it. If there is only one reading before the Gospel, however, only one chant (Gradual or Responsorial Psalm, Acclamation or Tract) is needed and you could select the form most appropriate to the circumstances. Note also that when the Tract is sung from the Graduale simplex at least five verses of the psalm must be chosen, even if more are offered. The Gloria Patri is not sung as part of the chants between the readings. On Sundays in Lent an Antiphona acclamationis may be sung with one or more verses of one of the preceding psalms in the Graduale simplex. If you are already singing the Gradual from the Graduale romanum you don't really need to add another chant. But if the Mass is being celebrated with greater solemnity (e.g. a Gospel procession with incense and lights) you might want to add the Tract or Acclamation to cover the procession.
  • I have never thought that the Lenten Gospel acclamation really made me feel like I was "doing without" when it came to the Alleluia on Sundays; its absence is far from conspicuous. Am wondering whether anyone uses either responsorial psalm ii or the tract from the Graduale Simplex or By Flowing Waters, and whether doing so has helped to underscore the absence of the Alleluia or had any unforeseen consequences positive or negative. There is such a stark difference between alleluia and tract in the GR, but we're not anywhere close to tackling a tract from the GR. Thanks in advance. Also, if there is another thread somewhere that discusses this, please let me know.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    We do the Tract on Sundays at the "High Mass" during Lent. We sing them to Tonus Peregrinus--not ideal, but a compromise. One of the benefits, however, of singing them to a psalm-tone is that we can sing them in Alternatim between the choir and the people. I, too, have never really found that the Lenten Gospel Acclamation was a good substitute for Alleluia--considering most of them are simply "Hallelujah" translated and troped.

    For our Sung weekday Masses, I'm still trying to figure out what to do to replace the Acclamation.
    Thanked by 1Ioannes Andreades
  • We do the Tract from the GS (occasionally the GR). I can’t say I’ve heard anything from the PiP’s, though the schola has told me they like it better than the Gospel Acclamation.
    Thanked by 1Ioannes Andreades
  • We did the same: GS tract (actually BFW, since vernacular OF Mass), by the schola only, without the faithful singing anything. This is possibly one of the reasons why our schola was told last summer that its services were no longer welcome.
    Thanked by 1Ioannes Andreades