Spanish Chant: Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • The Introit, Offertory, and Communion chants for the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Simplex are available in Spanish. You can find them here.

    These chants are also the ones specified in the Simplex for use on January 1.
  • Can this professor express pride in his student's work?!
  • Yes. This is WONDERFUL work. Too many ignore that the spanish-speaking congregations may include many illiterate people, illiterate not by choice but because of no chance to learn, but also will include highly educated, articulate and lovers of the arts, many of them professionals from all over the world.

    A Catholic musician who wants to be effective can view the Spanish Masses as opportunities. The Simplex is great music.

    Thank you Father and Paul.
  • Benedict Gal and others are in the throes of last minute music preparation, otherwise they would be posting as well and will, I am sure!
  • Paul Ford, if you hadn't given me that Graduale Simplex in my seminary years I wouldn't be sitting here writing this! :-D
  • rgarcia
    Posts: 3
    Any chance the alme pater in spanish will come out?
    I use that mass as our base. But I would like the gloria in spanish though (for pastoral reasons)
    Fons bonitatis would be great too!
  • ryandryand
    Posts: 1,640
    I created an organ accompaniment for the Ave Maria. It is missing the verses, I hope to add them later - just don't have time right now.

  • Are these still available? Simplex in Spanish would be wonderful.
  • I have a blog with portuguese chant. I made some adaptations from graduale simplex: