Fr. Weber on Sacred Music
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,596
    I'm very impressed with this Zenit interview: Part I and Part II.
  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    Excellent interview with Fr. Weber! Kudos to the St. Louis Archbishop Burke and the formation of the Institute on Sacred Music. I particularly appreciate Fr. Weber's supportive encouragement that Gregorian chant implementation on the parish level is not an 'overwhelming task'. This is certainly in striking contrast to the articles in the NPM Pastoral Music June - July 2008 issue on Gregorian Chant. Rather than emphasizing obstacles & difficulties, Fr. Weber suggests we have lived through times where there has been much miscommunication and lack of education.
    Instead of tossing out the term 'sacred music' as Fr. Ruff who redefines sacred liturgical music as 'worship music' (see the book: 'Sacred Music and Liturgical Reform: Treasures and Transformations' by Fr. Anthony Ruff, pp 24-30), Fr. Weber quietly makes the distinction that not all 'sacred music' is appropriate for the liturgy. Easy enough. That is certainly not all he had to say! Read the interviews. What a 'breath of fresh air.' Thanks for this post Jeffrey!
  • Jan
    Posts: 242
    Jeffrey: Thanks for the very informative review of Fr. Anthony Ruff's book 'Sacred Music and Liturigical Reform. (The review can be
    found of the blog The New Liturgical I hope you plan to start of new thread with that review.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be principled not polemical.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,596
    oh ok. Well, it is a work in progress. I think there is a thread for it somewhere anyway.
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    Well, I put up Fr. Weber's interview on my blog and I do hope people read it. It's so clear (and yet, so charitable). His emphasis on the Communion of the Saints is definitely worth remembering when engaging those who believe that religion and history began on their personal birthday. Likewise, the point about practicing to acquire a valued skill.

    I think I'll save the review of Fr. Ruff's book for tomorrow.
  • You, my friends, will likely hogtie and roast me, but it's a moral responsibility to invite you to consider my somewhat more detailed reflections on the interview. But please don't ban me from the treehouse, Arlene and Jeffrey!
  • mjballoumjballou
    Posts: 994
    I did read Charles in CenCA's comments. I agreed with some points and disagreed with others. However, one of the problems I always have with the Benedictines when they are promoting chant is their assumption that with just a little "elbow grease and goodwill" it will happen. Just like that. Easier said than done for most of us.
  • You're too kind, MJB, and thank you. Please, please let me know where we depart POV's via here, there (combox) or everywhere. Oops, Beatles' quote alert!