I am actually going to be using the "Neume Song" again in a week or two on a new crop of freshmen. And wow, genius? Not quite! It's just a desperate attempt to get the boys having some fun with chant. But thanks anyway!
Well, I need to have some fun with the K-7 kids as I open the curricular year, mein Freund. So, between reviving the MR3 Glory XV we learned last year for Friday's Sts. Cornelius/Cyprian, we can have fun with your invention! I've also crafted a method of "virtual chant" in the music classroom: all questions, statements and verbal exchanges ad libitum must be chanted between me and the kids. Good for interval training, I'm a-thinkin'. Can you imagine a kid in the third grade having to improvise a chant, "Mr. C, may I use the rest-room (minor third)?" "Wait for the bell!" (3-2-1-2!)
We should all be praying for one another as we begin a new choir year, don'tcha think?
Careful! Sal-iiiiii-cus!
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
I know I know...heh...I don't sing the salicuses that way when really chanting but in order to do the rhythm with the class we did. Plus, let's face it there are some directors that treat the vertical episema like an emergency brake...so they probably ought to know.
Charles, I have toyed with the idea of making them ask questions in different psalm tones. But haven't tried it yet.
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