Attention Colloquium composers! The New Music Reading is scheduled for Saturday, June 21st, at 2:45 in Mundelein Auditorium. Please plan to bring your scores of Mass settings, motets, and other choral music suitable for the Roman rite.
Composers should plan to bring 100 copies of each score; there will be many more singers than that in attendance, but photocopying is expensive, and we’ll share two to a score. Because of the number of composers participating, please limit yourself to two scores (two motets, or two Mass movements), or one longer work. Time is limited, and every composer will be heard, but depending on how many scores we receive, we can’t guarantee that both works will be read.
Please note that there is photocopying available at the Loyola campus, but it’s at the rate of fifteen cents a page. Composers are strongly urged to copy their scores before arriving for the Colloquium!
Should you have any questions, or need further information, please contact David Hughes at music [at] stmarynorwalk [dot] net.
In response to several e-mails I've received regarding the New Music Reading, I thought it would be well to clarify briefly a few points. The session will be in Mundelein Auditorium, where we will have a piano at our disposal. For a cappella pieces, I will play all parts; for pieces for organ & choir, I will play a reduction at sight.
I've received several inquiries about arrangements of chants and hymns; these are fine, but priority will be given to original through-composed works. Additionally, there were many talented composers at last year's Colloquium, and we have every reason to expect even more this year. Given the relatively limited time at our disposal, we will only have time to read pieces by composers present at this year's Colloquium. But there are informal opportunities over the course of the week to air other new music; it is not unusual for enthusiasts to gather around a piano to read through scores.
Finally, several composers have written to ask about the number of copies each should bring. As I posted before, 100 will be sufficient, with one copy for every two singers. If you have more copies (i.e., 200), however, bring them, especially if you would like for everyone to present to be able to keep a copy. (Whether composers collect their scores at the end or allow participants to take them home is up to each composer.)
I have to tell you that this session will rank as a highlight of my life. to hear such an excellent choir read through so beautifully something i wrote is a thrill beyond measure. Kudos to everyone involved and thanks to all who madfe this great experience possible. (theres a certain 9/11 composition (not by me) that MOST CERTAINLY should be published!!!)
Here's a routine reminder: Be grateful for improvements, even if you wish they were bigger.
I must concur, Don Roy, the new music session was one of the highlights of the Colloquium.
(You modestly did not mention your own exemplary efforts...)
And is David some kind of genius?!?@?#?%?^?&??????
I now have the recordings of the new compositions at - down nearer the bottom. If you're one of the composers and would also like the discussion that occurred before and after your composition, let me know and I'll send you the rest.
I am in awe of these compositions - we have some incredible talent in this group!
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