If you direct or are a member of a chant schola in Florida, I'd love to hear from you. Michael O'Connor, down in South Florida, and I, up in Northeast Florida, are beginning to hatch ideas for a workshop, symposium, all-Florida Solemn Vespers and Barbeque, or something that will help advance the singing of chant. (In other words, the ideas are gestating right now.)
I direct a small women's schola in St. Augustine. And I hope there are others of us out there. Let's begin some informal network building through email and take it from there. Even if you're not a "pure schola," if you've got a choir singing substantial amounts of chant (or you wish they would), we'd love to hear from you. This is missionary territory down here for chant.
Yes, please do contact Mary Jane or myself. We would love to hear from you, even if you don't currently chant where you are but would really to like have at least one opportunity next year!
Mark Husey and I are thinking about cooking up a chant & polyphony event at his church in Columbia SC somewhere around MLK weekend. Maybe we should put our heads together...
Here's a routine reminder: Be principled not polemical.
Sorry, I thought they were close enough together to merit some sort of collaboration. Everything south of Staten Island sort of blends together to my old Yankee brain...!
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