Assumption Schola - Our Lady of Martyrs Anglican Use Solemn Evensong & Benediction - Nashville, TN
  • On Thursday evening forum member Justin Adams led this schola in Solemn Vespers and Bendiction in the Anglican Use form, a schola that already sings weekly OF Masses as well as preparing and singing a monthly EF Mass with use of the Graduale Romanum as part of the music plan.

    After driving 3+ hours to get there and being in a slight road-weary daze, I went to the choir loft and asked if I, a fellow musician, might observe. Justin Adams was gracious and we realized (he before me) that we have been in touch in the past and this was the group were were talking about!

    Solemn Vespers requires a lot of chanting and Justin and these singers were definitely up for it. This is a hard-working schola that is eager about singing both in Latin and English without prejudice. At least one bow-tie was seen in the loft, always a good sign. The congregation sang as well assisted by a very clear bulletin with everything needed in it to know what was going on and who was doing it. This schola rehearses weekly and also in between Sunday Masses.

    Able and tasteful accompaniment of the chant by talented organist Albennia Wright Ladieu on the 19 rank pipe organ (originally in an Indiana protestant church, it had been relocated here and now is nicely maintained by the Milnar Organ Company) was very effective. Rather than being ever-present, responding with the entire schola gave nice support without covering and let the singing of the first half of each verse be sung unaccompanied. Nice alternate hymn accompaniments from the 1940 and 1982 were a nice touch!

    At the reception following, among among other things our Adam Bartlett's simple propers came up in discussion. It's really amazing how fast the renovation of the music in the Church is occurring due to the internet, something we also spoke about.

    This first event of this Anglican Use group was under the Coordinating Priest, Fr. Prentice C. Dean, whose comments have just appeared online about this event:



  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    What a pleasant surprise it was to meet Noel in the flesh, and what a lovely write-up of our Evensong service. You're very kind.

    And I should mention that in addition to the gift of his presence, Noel gave me a copy of his A Beginner's Guide To Reading Gregorian Chant Notation, which I wish I had had two and a half years ago and which I'm going to use to bring future newbies up to speed.

    Speaking of Adam Bartlett's propers: I'm printing the ones for the 29th Sunday out now, for practice tomorrow. It is a good time to be alive and chanting.
  • WJA, it was a pleasant surprise to me as well. Amazing meeting virtual people in the flesh! And what a well-organized group you have there, a pleasure not to see waves last minute panic on people's faces.

    The entire group had clearly printed and organized books in front of them on nice, tall music stands.

    The Beginner's Guides and others are available at 25% off at my site under BULK SALES...don't worry, use the code even if you are only buying one.

    It's sort of funny, every so often I will carry one along to show to somebody, as I did here, and then find myself meeting someone else to give it to. Neat experience.